Off topic, but are you planning on upgrading your vbulletin forum to version 4?

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  • blowmeup
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 142

    Off topic, but are you planning on upgrading your vbulletin forum to version 4?

    Hi spencer, I sent this in an email but I'm not sure it was ever received. I participate and help moderate another forum that also uses vbulletin (non hair related) and they recently upgraded the software to the new version 4. I was curious if you are planning on doing that as well? If you are I would wait a few months because we ran into some issues. Just a heads up.
  • tbtadmin
    • Sep 2008
    • 988

    Yes, But Not at This Time

    Originally posted by blowmeup
    Hi spencer, I sent this in an email but I'm not sure it was ever received. I participate and help moderate another forum that also uses vbulletin (non hair related) and they recently upgraded the software to the new version 4. I was curious if you are planning on doing that as well? If you are I would wait a few months because we ran into some issues. Just a heads up.
    Thanks for the heads up... as far as your question, yes we do intend to upgrade the software to the latest version available. We've been following the release closely via the company's website and forum. We made the decision in December to wait until a few more releases have been made to the latest version (v4) that was just recently released, prior to doing a full upgrade. This is for several reasons, one is that the software still has some bugs in it, and several site owners that have proceeded with the upgrades have indicated they wished they waited a little longer, and secondly we run several modules on this site, modules that as of yet have not be upgraded to work on the latest platform. We want to ensure that our users have a seamless experience and transition from this version to the new one. Site owners are always excited about upgrades, it usually provides a higher end user experience, while we too are excited about the most recent upgrades to this forum software we think it prudent to hold off until we are comfortable that there are no bugs that would affect the running of the site.

    For anyone who is curious, this is what the new version of this forum looks like:

    Attached Files


    • Winston
      • Mar 2009
      • 943

      Please take your time upgrading the site since I actually like the look of this one much better then the new version.

