I am losing my hair at 23 already I've admitted/posted about that, however for now I can style my hair in such a way that it isn't as apparent how bad my hair is (my hair is thinning in the crown such that if the sides are short and the top is basically a glorified comb over it looks pretty natural to me ), however I had tried to cut my hair myself and had to shave my head. As its growing back it is so apparent how bad my hair is. I can't tell exactly but it seems like my hair is thinner than last year at this time...
I've read a bunch of posts here and Spencer David Kobren did one of those awesome audio responses to my introduction post, but I'm having a super hard time the past few weeks. I can't help but feeling that being so obsessed and bothered by my hairloss is incredibly superficial. I find myself looking up celebrities who are bald or looking at everyone I know's crown area...Its starting to cut into my work at times. Is it possible to be clinically depressed from this? That seems really absurd, and even after reading how many people on the forum feel the same way I can't help but feel that its absurd. Sometimes I don't want to leave the house or see anyone, because even if it might make me feel better or be something that would be beneficial to me because I might be under really bright light or someone will make some crack about me. Its so strange because normally I don't give a crap what people think..but this I am incredibly sensitive about...Let's not even talk about trying to talk to ladies...I was super nervous about that stuff before now its ridiculous how bad it is.
How do you guys deal with this stuff or at least put it out of your head? Sometimes its not too bad but then some days I can't do ANYTHING.
I've read a bunch of posts here and Spencer David Kobren did one of those awesome audio responses to my introduction post, but I'm having a super hard time the past few weeks. I can't help but feeling that being so obsessed and bothered by my hairloss is incredibly superficial. I find myself looking up celebrities who are bald or looking at everyone I know's crown area...Its starting to cut into my work at times. Is it possible to be clinically depressed from this? That seems really absurd, and even after reading how many people on the forum feel the same way I can't help but feel that its absurd. Sometimes I don't want to leave the house or see anyone, because even if it might make me feel better or be something that would be beneficial to me because I might be under really bright light or someone will make some crack about me. Its so strange because normally I don't give a crap what people think..but this I am incredibly sensitive about...Let's not even talk about trying to talk to ladies...I was super nervous about that stuff before now its ridiculous how bad it is.
How do you guys deal with this stuff or at least put it out of your head? Sometimes its not too bad but then some days I can't do ANYTHING.