Supplements to take with Propecia for side protection??

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  • g k
    • Aug 2009
    • 55

    Supplements to take with Propecia for side protection??

    I am wondering if there are any supplements people take to prevent/ease sides from Propecia?

    The big sides being sexual and mental dysfunction.

    I have been taking maca because it aides both sexual and hormone functions.

    Any advice?
  • Dr. Glenn Charles
    IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
    • Nov 2008
    • 2419

    Keep doing what you are doing. Most of the patients who complain of side effects from Propecia are those who focus on the potential side effects before they even start taking the medication. Remember the side effects are temporary and in some patients subside over time while still taking medication or can be eliminated by simply altering the dosage. Give it a shot. Take it everyday with your other supplements, and focus on other things in your life that are more important.
    Dr. Glenn Charles
    Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
    View my IAHRS Profile


    • g k
      • Aug 2009
      • 55

      Solid advice. I'll Stay positive and stop fussing about it.

      Thanks Dr. Charles

