Truth Talk??!

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  • myheads2thewall
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2009
    • 1

    Truth Talk??!

    I’m not too sure where to start. My dad has a bald head, top of the head, still has thick hair around the edges, good looking man, has his own heath problems, all of my family have health problems & I have always been lucky in that I haven’t. I thought of hair loss; if hereditary would be a slow process, or at least “thinning” but no such luck. My hair in the past 4 weeks has started falling out in such volume that I now have a large area of my scalp that is missing hair. I can’t take a shower or run my fingers through my hair, go to sleep, or sleep around someone’s house without waking in the morning with about 50 hairs on the pillow or strands in my hands; I am not far in the future from full hair loss... not in a normal slow progressive way but in a weird shaped patch on one side of the top of my head that gets bigger everyday. This is as far as I can work out IS extreme hair loss (or at least pretty damn close) I have tried researching it online & read about some severe cases. If I am honest I thought I had cancer (though through blood test proved otherwise – lucky? I am not sure, at least there would be a reason) I thought this was a case of being too full on for too much in my life & this was something that was a backwards present for the way I have acted & over indulgence. Alopecia Areata is what my doctor has diagnosed it as (taking a 2 second glimpse at the relatively ((small at the time)) bald patch on my scalp) The place I am right now is something worse than I have experienced before. I know I cannot go on with myself, my life & my work being bald. My face does not suit it. I will look like I have leukemia because of the way I look, also I have a horrible birth mark on the side of my face, ok it’s not so bad (compared to severe red birth marks) but my hair kind of covers it. When I meet people I always make sure they see it so they know I am not hiding anything from them, I wear my hair back or behind my ears. It is my choice to have long hair, its not to hide anything facial, its just the way I look better & to fit in with my social scene, honestly, it does help me cover it in some situations & it makes me feel a lot more secure knowing when people glance at me they see someone, rather than someone with a birthmark. I’m suicidal as I know that this hair loss process has started now & I can’t do anything about it. Since before my doctor told me about alopecia & I have felt the tingle on my head I didn’t know what to meant even though I knew what damage it did. Now he explained & I know what it does it makes me cry every time I feel it & I have started to feel it all the time, I am going crazy, I don’t want to be bald, I cant do it, it will take the last little thing I have that keeps me together & it is ruining my every waking moment. I always said that (albeit rather blasé) that I would rather die than be bald. Even as I write this I have occasional hair falling onto my arm. Now it’s a reality I cannot stop thinking bad thoughts, this is not the first time I have felt like this - & it won’t be the last time. I cannot face work or anything being bald. I am single now & if I picture myself with no hair I know I will be forever single. I have been researching treatments online & all I can say is I am NOT ****ING STUPID!! I know by looking at some website names the thought process that is behind their vision of making money, there is no 100% cure & I know that. A herbal remedy that’s 100% effective & gives your money back if you are not satisfied before the recommended period in which they tell you to take it? BULL. BULL!!!! Do you think I am stupid enough to visit your click paying website that inparticially rate fake hair loss products just to earn money off others peoples fear? They are the ones that can afford to put a percentage of their profit into paying pay per click programs because they have a dud product that they can make easy money from expensive to buy “herbal” remedies that cost sweet FA to make & can palm off as anything they wish, do you think it’s a coincidence that these companies provide for every type of naturally occurring ailment in the human body that does not have a scientific answer?? Give me modified genes anyday of the week! Please I’m being serious. I now know about more endearing, more scientific but still not accurate “reasons” for hair loss. Example; lack of certain vitamins, stress or fatigue? Thanks for letting me know what I’m pretty sure I already know. I could have told you that!!!!! What are you trying to sign me up to? A balloon implanted in under my scalp to stretch the skin & cover balding areas?? Do I look stupid??!!!
    No. I am going to basically look bald & ugly. I am going to be continually depressed about the way I look & until medical science comes up with an answer I will always be like this. Its such a supid thing, especially when there are people dieing for lack of water (& trust me I am trying to work on inventions that will stop this) but I would rather give my life to someone who needs it than to be this leaper seen through others eyes.
    WAB ~ Mark
  • Lee
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2009
    • 8

    Suicide? A leper? Mark, it's just ****ing hair....

    To be honest, I wish I had let nature just take it's course back in the 70s. I would love to be just bald now without the scars from transplantation surgery, believe me! But despite the balding (I hate the word) and the subsequent scarring, believe it or not I still got laid, found love, raised a family, raced motorcycles, vacationed on the beach (without a hat), and enjoyed my life like the "hairy" people out there. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have hair like Bon Jovi, but that wasn't in the cards for me even though I spent plenty of money trying to remedy the situation. Be happy Mark, life is good........ I work in a children's hospital and I've seen many little ones that will never enjoy the life that you do now. Some of these kids will never walk, eat (except through a G-tube), speak, or find romantic love. Hell, some don't even see their first birthday.

    Take care and if people don't like the way you look......**** 'em



    • Mr. 4000
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2009
      • 288

      Originally posted by Lee
      Suicide? A leper? Mark, it's just ****ing hair....

      To be honest, I wish I had let nature just take it's course back in the 70s. I would love to be just bald now without the scars from transplantation surgery, believe me! But despite the balding (I hate the word) and the subsequent scarring, believe it or not I still got laid, found love, raised a family, raced motorcycles, vacationed on the beach (without a hat), and enjoyed my life like the "hairy" people out there. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have hair like Bon Jovi, but that wasn't in the cards for me even though I spent plenty of money trying to remedy the situation. Be happy Mark, life is good........ I work in a children's hospital and I've seen many little ones that will never enjoy the life that you do now. Some of these kids will never walk, eat (except through a G-tube), speak, or find romantic love. Hell, some don't even see their first birthday.

      Take care and if people don't like the way you look......**** 'em

      great post, well said


      • waltp61
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 2

        I went through the same thing when my hair started to thin and fall out. My dad is not bald so it must have come from my mother's side. The process was slow for me and I started using both Rogaine and Propecia. Some guys do not care about hair loss but others like myself became obsessed with my overall looks. The Propecia seemed to have stopped the hair loss but my hair was still thin and the bald areas were very noticeable.

        After about a year of research and meetings with different Doctors and clinics, I decided to have a hair transplant procedure with Dr Hasson in Vancouver, B.C. To say that I am overjoyed with the results would be an understatement. Just after 3 months the hair is coming out and looks fuller and natural. If you should decide to go the route of a H.T., make sure that you research each doctor and/or clinic fully, the costs involved, and the fact that it is surgery.

