Introducing Myself - TeeJay

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  • TeeJay73
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 238

    Introducing Myself - TeeJay

    Hey Everyone:

    TeeJay here, from Los Angeles. I'm very excited about this site - a safe, real, honest place! I've been listening to Spencer's show since February of 2008, and have loved it and the educational, no nonsense, therapeutic, and empathetic spirit of the show. Not to mention Spencer might hook me up with some seduction trainers so I can become a chick magnet.

    My detailed hair loss story is on, but I'd thought I'd provide a quick snapshot of it here. I started losing my hair in my mid-20s, while I was a graduate student in Boston, MA. It took me a little while to get over the denial phase, but, eventually the reality of my hair loss kicked me in the gut. Clueless and vulnerable, I fell hook, line, and sinker for the typical scams that prey on the emotionally-weakened state of mind of hair loss sufferers. I tried the lotions and potions (mostly Nioxin products), and had a surgery of 800-grafts with one of the big hair transplant clinics whose informercials saturate late-nite TV. Interestingly not one medical professional that I talked to recommended the FDA approved products (Rogaine or Propecia), including the doctors at the hair transplant clinic. In retrospect, the consultation at the hair transplant clinic was clearly a sales pitch. And I fell for it.

    Fast forward a few years ... my hair transplant results were mediocre, at best, and I continued to lose hair. I almost had a second surgery with the same clinic, thinking that was the answer to my less-than-fortunate, pluggy-looking situation. But, when I returned to the clinic, I was told that my original doctor was no longer there, and that he may have changed office locations. With a little research of my own, I learned that my original doctor had actually quit the clinic, on very bad terms. Being very spooked by this, I backed out of a second surgery from the clinic, and simply retreated into my hair loss depression.

    Then, one day, I came across the IAHRS, and through it, I found Doctor Paul McAndrews. I also found The Bald Truth. In February of 2008, I had a hair transplant with Doctor McAndrews, and, now, about 9-months post-op, my results are beginning to show. And they are AWESOME! I can't thank Doctor McAndrews enough.

    Well, friends, I'm looking forward to staying connected on this site and keeping things real and honest.

    All the best -- TeeJay
  • SpencerKobren
    • Oct 2008
    • 398

    Welcome TeeJay!

    Hey TeeJay,
    Welcome to the forum! I know you're going to be a inspiration to many here. You are one dude with a truly positive outlook, and someone who understands the difficulties of dealing with hair loss. I'm glad you'll be contributing to the community!
    Spencer Kobren
    Founder, American Hair Loss Association
    Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

    I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


    • WomensHairLossProject
      • Oct 2008
      • 34

      Hi TeeJay,

      I'm happy to hear of your success with your recent hair transplant with Dr. McAndrews, Congrats!
      I am not a doctor. I am just another 34 year old girl who has been dealing with hair loss for 13 years. Everything I say is only my opinion and should be taken with a grain of salt.


      • davesolazzo
        • Oct 2008
        • 58

        Hey Teejay speaking of the seduction trainers...when are you and Marni going out to work on your game? I'm sure Marni will help you get some chicks


        • M Law
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2008
          • 15

          TeeJay -What type of transplant did you have ? fut or fue?


          • TeeJay73
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2008
            • 238

            Hey M Law, I had FUT method with Doctor McAndrews. So, I do have a thin linear scar, but I tend to wear my hair at about average length, so it is easily covered. I never like to shave my head, so the FUT method works great for me. You considering a transplant?


            • M Law
              Junior Member
              • Oct 2008
              • 15

              Thank you for your response. Yes I am thinking of a transplant, I have quite a bit of recession of my hairline and its only getting worse. I am concerned I am going to end up completely bald like my father, not the best look to try and get a girl. This "look" ain't happening for me. I have used Nixoin, which did nothing. I haven't tried Rogaine or Propecia yet. I don't know if I want to be on medication forever. I was holding out a little hope for hair cloning or something, but nothing seems to be coming of that. This is a very cruel joke of mother nature. Give me everything, then take it away.

              How close of a cut do you think you could have while still camouflaging the scar? It's not like I shave my head anyways, just curious.



              • TeeJay73
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2008
                • 238

                Hey M Law,

                I'm with you, man -- the bald look makes it a little more difficult when it comes to chicks. As it relates to hair cloning, it may be years away from reaching clinicial application, so, why put your life on hold? I agree with you about Nioxin -- it's just a bogus potion in my opinion. And with an FUT surgery, you can cut your hair pretty darn short and still cover the scar completely. Maybe not a military buzz cut, but something a little longer.

                If I were you, I'd definitely get on Propecia as soon as possible. It's the only oral medication available that can slow down, stop, or even reverse hair loss, and it's FDA approved. I've had 2 hair transplants and I'm on Propecia still, and chances are any IAHRS doctor that transplants you will recommend that you get on it, even after a surgery. Start with it and arrest your hair loss progression. See where you are in a year or so, then consider a hair transplant. Like Spencer says, don't jump into surgery. Use it as a last resort.



                • Lefty76
                  Junior Member
                  • Nov 2008
                  • 21

                  Good to read your stories guys.

                  I would also recommend propecia from a very non medical point of view. It's the only proven medication that actually can stop and reverse your hair loss. The other part to that is that if you get a transplant you almost need to go on propecia otherwise the only hair that you'll have is the transplanted hair when the others fall out which is almost inevitable.

                  I want to add that I only started taking propecia 2 months ago and so far so good. I havne't noticed any change but that's a good thing so far. I am looking into getting a 4000 unit strip transplant done asap. I figure once I decided to get it done I might as well do it right away.

                  I also want to add that I was scared to take a medication for the rest of my life and thinking of slicing my head up isn't the best thought either but I have confidence that in the end it'll be worth it. Hopefully.


                  • Spex
                    Dr Representative
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 4217

                    Hi mate - glad to hear things are much better - Good news still is at 9 months you still have a long way to go mate - Grow well!! Full result can take anything between 12-18 months!
                    Visit my website: SPEXHAIR

                    Watch regular segments and interviews on The Bald Truth UK show

                    View Media interviews

                    Subscribe to my YouTube Channel : SpexHair Youtube

                    I am not a doctor or medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own unless stated otherwise. Always consult with your own family doctor prior to embarking on any form of hair loss treatment or surgery.

