24 Yr old receding temple hairline.[Pics]

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  • dondon
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2012
    • 8

    24 Yr old receding temple hairline.[Pics]

    This has been going on since the end of 2010. It's look almost the same maybe a little bit worse.

    My Dad is not bald. He is in his 50's and just has got decent hair. His hair looks like mine now. One of my uncles from dad's side is bald. But, All the folks from mom's sides got some decent hair for their age.

    But, im starting to hate this hair loss. Will look into some transplant after 2-3 years.

  • dex89
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2012
    • 809

    You can still overcome this, try using the big 3.

    Nizoral 1%: twice a week

    Rogaine: am/pm

    Propecia/proscar: everyday

    here are some link inspirational link you might want to look at.

    Before & after photo results of patients who use Propecia and/or Rogaine to treat hair loss. Click to see photos of more than 100 patients.


    • dondon
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2012
      • 8

      That looks good. But, I hear people talking about side effects of using these meds? Is it true?


      • dex89
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2012
        • 809

        Yes, they are side effects with Fin but you might not get affected. The first 3 months while using propecia my penis didn't want to function well during sex but I was able to manage with a dirty mind and pleasing with myself but it went away after that and I'm better then normal. Propecia works but the down fall is that you might be affected by the side.


        • dondon
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2012
          • 8

          Haha! I prefer hair transplant then.


          • dex89
            Senior Member
            • Jul 2012
            • 809

            If you have the money then more power to you but keep in mind that hair transplants doesn't come out like want too. Do some research first and see which doctor is the right one for you. I've never experience a HT and probably will never will but they're knowledgeable people that experience it on this forum, Just don't be afraid to ask. Good luck.


            • Dr. Glenn Charles
              IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
              • Nov 2008
              • 2423

              You are still very young and have a pretty good head of hair. I do see the small amount of thinning/recession in the hairline, but doing some preventative maintanance for while it is not a bad idea. The option to have a hair transplant will still be there later if you decide that is your best option.
              Dr. Glenn Charles
              Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
              View my IAHRS Profile


              • BigThinker
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2012
                • 1507

                Originally posted by dondon
                Haha! I prefer hair transplant then.
                I'm no professional, and hardly an experienced individual, but banking on HT for the future seems like an unnecessarily expensive route to take if you can do preventative things now.

                Have you considered some non-pharmaceutical approaches to prevention?

                I'm worried as hell to have my libido messed with by FIN but goddamn the results and price make it so tempting. Idk man, let me know what you decide, you're in the same position I am


                • BigThinker
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2012
                  • 1507

                  Originally posted by Highlander
                  That's not how hair transplants work. You have a limit amount of donor hair. If you have a HT and continue to lose hair then you're screwed basically.

                  You NEED to stop your hairloss before a HT becomes a serious option otherwise the transplanted hair remains and what's behind all disappears.

                  Side effects on fin are very low, and almost always temporary - resolving themselves with continued consumption of the drug or stopping.
                  Your response is appreciated. Where should I scoop some up from? What taper regime should I do? Seems no one wants to give a straight answer for fear that an individuals would be irresponsible (not a totally unreasonable fear.) I have a heavy science background - I won't ignore biology/chemistry.


                  • BigThinker
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2012
                    • 1507

                    Originally posted by Highlander
                    Because people here basically ride on Kobren's nutsack too hard to give legit advice.

                    Tapering isn't really necessary in my opinion, but some members like Spex claim that tapering on has stopped sides in people that have previously had side effects with finasteride.

                    You need to get finasteride from a derm. There are two kinds, one marketed for hair loss and another for prostate cancer or something. Same drug but they are 1mg and 5mg tablets respectively. The 5mg tablet is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper and can then just be cut into four 1.25mg parts (buy a pill cutter and weekly storage box off Amazon for this).

                    Look at Spex's posts on tapering if you want.

                    Using Minoxidil is apparently also a good idea, as is Nizoral. Personally I don't use Nizoral, but I do use Minox. When my shedding from fin stops I'll consider tapering off Minoxidil to see if Fin alone is effective enough.

                    If you're going to use Minox then get the foam. I used the liquid for ages and HATED IT. Yes the foam is expensive, but Kirkland sell a cheaper foam now too.

                    And ironically every hair loss drug out there will almost always cause you to lose some more hair temporarily for a bit. Most of it should grow back I think. This is called "shedding". It can take over a year to properly know if it's working as you can experience sheds even a year after starting.

                    Another thing that is super important is to be VERY CONSISTENT. Fin has a short half-life so it is important to not miss it - especially when starting off imo. Minox has a 23 hour half-life though, so some even just use it once a day.'

                    Edit: Also know that saving hair in the hairline is the hardest. Meds could be working well and you could probably still lose hair up to a NW3 pattern. For whatever reason hair in the hairline is hard to hold onto and regrow. Just don't give up hope. As long as you're stopping it then you can HT back to NW-whatever at some stage. There's also Dr Gho who does HST and claims to have unlimited donor, just his HT quality isn't that good for a hairline.
                    Yeah, I see a derm in a month and will beg for a fin prescription if I have to. I'm too impatient, so I was going to hit the sketchy sketch market for non-prescription sources (on-line). As for minox, I would have to compromise my daily vices if I invested (at least until I finish grad school this year) - not convinced I'm ok with that.

                    As for consistency, I'll keep a cut pill in my wallet if I think I'll miss. I'm crazy neurotic about this type of thing. At the risk of sounding facetious, I would rather miss a family funeral than miss a fin dose.

                    I hadn't heard about the hairline still receding to NW3 piece until now. Weak....

                    Regardless, this is the first legit response I've gotten, so thanks for not ignoring me. I have a feeling we're in comparable positions right now.


                    • BigThinker
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2012
                      • 1507

                      I meant that it seems expensive.

                      Hairloss treatment is expensive, bottom line - I get it. However, you can get FIN prescriptions from target for like $9, and nizoral cream looks like a pretty cheap endeavor as well, though I'm thinking insurance won't cover it, huh. I don't know, I shouldn't speak with confidence on most of these matters.


                      • rdawg
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2012
                        • 1019

                        Originally posted by BigThinker
                        I meant that it seems expensive.

                        Hairloss treatment is expensive, bottom line - I get it. However, you can get FIN prescriptions from target for like $9, and nizoral cream looks like a pretty cheap endeavor as well, though I'm thinking insurance won't cover it, huh. I don't know, I shouldn't speak with confidence on most of these matters.
                        fin you can get a years supply for about 60-80$, pretty cheap.

                        Min is definitely a bit expensive but I find using it say once a day(as opposed to twice) and using Nizoral one or two days in place of Min helps it last longer. Although stick with twice a day if that's what works for you. This idea makes my min last about 6 months or so with a 3 month supply along with the nizoral.


                        • BigThinker
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2012
                          • 1507

                          Been doing that method for a while? As of today, I'm thinkin 2% keto 2x a week and 0.5 mg fin daily. Your plan sounds comparable, and I been really intrigued by Min. In a year I'll be graduated and making decent money, might incorporate it then.


                          • rdawg
                            Senior Member
                            • Jun 2012
                            • 1019

                            Originally posted by BigThinker
                            Been doing that method for a while? As of today, I'm thinkin 2% keto 2x a week and 0.5 mg fin daily. Your plan sounds comparable, and I been really intrigued by Min. In a year I'll be graduated and making decent money, might incorporate it then.
                            Min I've been using once a day for a couple years now(started at twice, switched to once and saw no difference) Nizoral and Fin I just added about 4 months ago.

                            I like it though, taking a couple days off min with Nizoral and then maybe an extra off day only using fin really makes my hair feel better.

                            so essentially
                            7 days a week-Proscar 1mg
                            2 days a week-niz(might switch to one now that it's been a while)
                            4 days a week-min 5%
                            1 day off min and niz.

                            I need to stay on min because I shed when I get off it, I'm thinking of switching to foam though as the liquid gives me crazy dandruff sometimes.


                            • BigThinker
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2012
                              • 1507

                              Originally posted by rdawg
                              Min I've been using once a day for a couple years now(started at twice, switched to once and saw no difference) Nizoral and Fin I just added about 4 months ago.

                              I like it though, taking a couple days off min with Nizoral and then maybe an extra off day only using fin really makes my hair feel better.

                              so essentially
                              7 days a week-Proscar 1mg
                              2 days a week-niz(might switch to one now that it's been a while)
                              4 days a week-min 5%
                              1 day off min and niz.

                              I need to stay on min because I shed when I get off it, I'm thinking of switching to foam though as the liquid gives me crazy dandruff sometimes.
                              That's my other beef with mix: what happens when you get off it. I'm sure dropping keto or fin would have an affect, but those two are just so easy (even with semi-long hair like I have) and cheap, I have no reason to quit (unless sides occur).

