Hi all, Burnsy here. I've lurked on this site for quite a while now, and I don't mind telling you that Spencer Korben and all the rest of you have been an enormous help to me in finding out the real deal on HT's and hair re-growth treatments. I can't thank Spencer enough for putting this all together - like the rest of you, I felt really alone with my hair loss demons before coming here.
So here's my deal - I'm 37 years old, have been slowly losing my hair in a diffuse manner since I was about 23 or so. It became noticeable around the age of 28. I shaved my head. It looked ok - but more hair fell out. I let it grow back in and started camouflaging it slightly (derma match). I moved away for a year and decided to "start fresh" by shaving it all again. But this time, it looked like crap. I let it grow back in again and then had to camouflage it big time (derma match and toppik combo everyday). I've been on and off propecia and minoxidil.
Although the thought of a HT has been alluring for many years, I've never liked the examples I've seen and frankly, I felt that to spend money to get a HT would be giving in to vanity. But about 6 months ago I realized that I have stopped doing things I like -- swimming, biking, tennis -- because I couldn't be out in public when the sweat brought the whole facade down. I realized I hated going to the doctor, dentist etc. because I knew they would be looking closely at my head. It dawned on me that, for whatever reason, I could not get past wanting hair again, and that if I could get a HT that looked good, it would be the best investment I could make for my personal happiness.
So, I have found an IAHRS doctor in the Portland, Oregon area where I live and am going in for a HT a month from today. In my consultation he told me that he could get around 3500 grafts to repopulate my lonely bald areas. I am looking forward to this like very few things I have looked forward to in my life (if that makes me a vain ass***le then so be it!)
All of you on this site gave me the confidence and education to get to this point! So now I ask you HT vets and informed souls, what are the hair regrowth stages, and when can I get past having to color and dust my head everyday? I realize a picture is very helpful to see where I'm at -- and if anyone could help me with my above question better with a picture, then I'll gladly get one uploaded.
Thanks again to Spencer and the whole Bald Truth nation!
So here's my deal - I'm 37 years old, have been slowly losing my hair in a diffuse manner since I was about 23 or so. It became noticeable around the age of 28. I shaved my head. It looked ok - but more hair fell out. I let it grow back in and started camouflaging it slightly (derma match). I moved away for a year and decided to "start fresh" by shaving it all again. But this time, it looked like crap. I let it grow back in again and then had to camouflage it big time (derma match and toppik combo everyday). I've been on and off propecia and minoxidil.
Although the thought of a HT has been alluring for many years, I've never liked the examples I've seen and frankly, I felt that to spend money to get a HT would be giving in to vanity. But about 6 months ago I realized that I have stopped doing things I like -- swimming, biking, tennis -- because I couldn't be out in public when the sweat brought the whole facade down. I realized I hated going to the doctor, dentist etc. because I knew they would be looking closely at my head. It dawned on me that, for whatever reason, I could not get past wanting hair again, and that if I could get a HT that looked good, it would be the best investment I could make for my personal happiness.
So, I have found an IAHRS doctor in the Portland, Oregon area where I live and am going in for a HT a month from today. In my consultation he told me that he could get around 3500 grafts to repopulate my lonely bald areas. I am looking forward to this like very few things I have looked forward to in my life (if that makes me a vain ass***le then so be it!)
All of you on this site gave me the confidence and education to get to this point! So now I ask you HT vets and informed souls, what are the hair regrowth stages, and when can I get past having to color and dust my head everyday? I realize a picture is very helpful to see where I'm at -- and if anyone could help me with my above question better with a picture, then I'll gladly get one uploaded.
Thanks again to Spencer and the whole Bald Truth nation!