I'm a 25 yr. old male that has been dealing with hairloss since the age of 18. Initially my hairloss did not bother me, though I was very young. It began at my temples, and I steadily developed a very typical M shaped MPB over the years btwn. 18-22. I could hang with the way I looked, and it didn't seem to matter - but over the last couple years my hairloss increased to the point where it just didn't look very good, and I didn't look my age. Moreover, I received various comments from family members and close friends that I should consider doing something about my hairloss - this confirmed my feelings. This also began to have a real effect on my self-perception, self-confidence and overall outlook on life.
I began to develop a serious case of anxiety and depression, which seemed to be a constant, in regards to my appearance and how my hairloss was affecting my life. Being a young person dealing with hairloss has been really intense - and not to sound superficial/shallow, but it's actually been one of harder issues that I've had to deal with.
I decided to deal with my hairloss head-on (no pun intended), and went for a HT, coupled w/ a prescription for Propecia. After careful deliberation, which lasted a few months, and consisted of a lot of thought and fair amount of research, I settled on a doctor, whom I thought was legit, caring, and skilled. I went in for a 1,500 graft HT, but actually received closer to 2,000, according to my doctor. It has been six and a half months since my procedure and though I have had growth, it is not nearly as dense or apparent as I would've hoped for. I still feel self-conscious about my appearance, and now, even moreso because of the results of my operation. The hair that has grown in isn't dense enough, and it's fairly whispy, thin, and colorless (I know that this is characteristic of the initial stages). But, I really thought that by 6.5 months I would look decent - all I can see in the mirror is someone who has had a HT, with really thin looking hair, that doesn't do much to cover the baldness underneath. I know I'm supposed to be patient, and I don't think that I'm being too neurotically subjective, but given the fact that I've taken various pics in different lighting and environments, I can honestly say that my hair don't look good - still.
Does anyone have any thoughts about my current position? I guess I'm just concerned whether the doctor that I chose was the right one, or whether the results of my procedure are going to turn out well. Plus, I'm really tired of feeling anxious and sort of depressed about my hairloss, now coupled with the anxiety of the expectations of my HT, I'm sick of dealing with this alone, and want to know what someone out there thinks. Thanks for any thoughts or comments!
I'm a 25 yr. old male that has been dealing with hairloss since the age of 18. Initially my hairloss did not bother me, though I was very young. It began at my temples, and I steadily developed a very typical M shaped MPB over the years btwn. 18-22. I could hang with the way I looked, and it didn't seem to matter - but over the last couple years my hairloss increased to the point where it just didn't look very good, and I didn't look my age. Moreover, I received various comments from family members and close friends that I should consider doing something about my hairloss - this confirmed my feelings. This also began to have a real effect on my self-perception, self-confidence and overall outlook on life.
I began to develop a serious case of anxiety and depression, which seemed to be a constant, in regards to my appearance and how my hairloss was affecting my life. Being a young person dealing with hairloss has been really intense - and not to sound superficial/shallow, but it's actually been one of harder issues that I've had to deal with.
I decided to deal with my hairloss head-on (no pun intended), and went for a HT, coupled w/ a prescription for Propecia. After careful deliberation, which lasted a few months, and consisted of a lot of thought and fair amount of research, I settled on a doctor, whom I thought was legit, caring, and skilled. I went in for a 1,500 graft HT, but actually received closer to 2,000, according to my doctor. It has been six and a half months since my procedure and though I have had growth, it is not nearly as dense or apparent as I would've hoped for. I still feel self-conscious about my appearance, and now, even moreso because of the results of my operation. The hair that has grown in isn't dense enough, and it's fairly whispy, thin, and colorless (I know that this is characteristic of the initial stages). But, I really thought that by 6.5 months I would look decent - all I can see in the mirror is someone who has had a HT, with really thin looking hair, that doesn't do much to cover the baldness underneath. I know I'm supposed to be patient, and I don't think that I'm being too neurotically subjective, but given the fact that I've taken various pics in different lighting and environments, I can honestly say that my hair don't look good - still.
Does anyone have any thoughts about my current position? I guess I'm just concerned whether the doctor that I chose was the right one, or whether the results of my procedure are going to turn out well. Plus, I'm really tired of feeling anxious and sort of depressed about my hairloss, now coupled with the anxiety of the expectations of my HT, I'm sick of dealing with this alone, and want to know what someone out there thinks. Thanks for any thoughts or comments!