Hello everyone, this is my first post so bear with me. I am eight years old and have sending her and receding headline. I absolutely have no problem whatsoever. It's going bald, but ....... and this is a big but, 13 years ago, I had an operation on the top of my head that removed a round area of my scalp measures about 5 cm diameter. I had a skin graft on this area and there is no hair on it. What's the weather is shiny as a plate. As my hair is getting thinner - obviously, I am becoming increasingly conscious of showing this round shiny area that make matters worse as a dip in the middle. I have scan the Internet and found a 2”X 2" full skin base human hair cover-up hair patches look like they will do the trick i.e. provide temporary cover my circular hole. I do not want this to be on permanently, literally just for several days at a time. Has anyone any experience of these please?