Hi everyone, after reading more of the threads on here,Im getting second thoughts about my surgery in three days.Im a 37 year old guy who has been ignoring my hair loss for a LONG time,but I decided I could no longer put up with the low self esteem it has ben giving me.So Im scheduled for my first session with Dr Pistone in New Jersey this wednesday, Jan 21st at 1:30pm.My concerns have to do with the scarring afterward in both the donor area(strip method) and the transplant area.Also,How much additional hair(from shock)will I lose during surgery for the first year?The doctor told me that any additional hair lost would be just weak hair anyway and subject to eventually falling out on its own.Im so glad my wife is supportive of me doing this because it will not be easy on our budget.I must have a thousand negative reasons running through my mind why this is a bad idea at this point in my life,but I know It will get better once I commit to this.I am someone who tends to analyze everything and I trust NO ONE because Ive been ripped off financially and emotionally in the past.The other reason Im doing this now is for my kids,since they are only three and five years old, they wont remember me when I was Bald, except for old photos and Im really not even an extreme bald case, only on my frontal lobe. The rest is thinning badly and its only a matter of time till its gone with the wind.I also have to consider what type of hat I can where to work next week post op.The redness in the transplant area will be visable how many days afterward?My immediate family(except for my wife)doesnt know Im doing this so will it be obvious enough to have to explain or can I wait till my hair thickens many months after the surgery to suprise them?I will post here again once I get the results.