Seriously freaking out over side effects_ Need reassurance :(

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  • wilber80
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2011
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    Seriously freaking out over side effects_ Need reassurance :(

    Hi Guys!

    I have been using Finpecia for a couple of years (up to last Christmas) with no noticable side effects apart from occasional watery semen. I ran out at Christmas and someone told me about Duprost and how it was more effective and had less side effects so I though I'd get that instead. It arrived around the start of January and I noticed within a few days of using it my Libido had totally gone I could still maintain an erection but had no sex drive at all. I continued to use for about 3 weeks thinking it would change but no. In fact it got worse and I found it was impossible to achieve an erection!

    This freaked me out so I stopped taking them last Wednesday. On Thursday I was unable to even achieve a semi erection. On Friday I was able to achive a slight erection. On Saturday I was able to achive ejaculation after a looong time but not with a fully erect penis. This properly freaked me out as I usually have a very high libido and could achive a full erection within a minute. I did wake up Saturday night after a 'dream' with a full erection which cheered me up slightly but today (Sunday) no libido and I am scared to even attempt anything.

    Of cause I went on the internet and read all the horror stories about permanent impotence problems caused by drugs that block DHT and I think this has made things worse (psycologically). So i was wandering what is the likely hood this has caused me permanent damage? Of how many people that experience this for how many is it permanent? I have currently not taking them for 4 days after what sort of time period should I start to get worried if I don't see a change? I have just started a new relationship which might be adding to the anxiety as I have liked this girl along time and I dont want to blow it and we have yet to do the monkey business'. Is Viagra or generic version an option if iI've ****ed everything up!

    Any help on this would be very much appreciated guys I am seriously at my whits end!
  • vince76
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 9

    Hi Im new here. I wont be able to help you much.
    But... There are similarities in our cases...

    Is the fact of needing MUCH more time to have an ejaculation among the SE of these products ?
    At the beginning i thought it was great to last so long even taking girls from behind (that usually dont last long in that position...).

    As for you, im beginning a relationship with very cool girl with whom i dont want to spoil things. So again the anxiety issue might be important ?

    I only take 1/2 pills of propecia. The effect is still here. So are the side effects.
    To answer your question, and reassure you concerning propecia at least (must be teh same with Duprost...), last year i stopped it. All was gone back to normal sexually after 15 days of stop.


    • Jcm800
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2011
      • 2614

      Originally posted by vince76
      Hi Im new here. I wont be able to help you much.
      But... There are similarities in our cases...

      Is the fact of needing MUCH more time to have an ejaculation among the SE of these products ?
      At the beginning i thought it was great to last so long even taking girls from behind (that usually dont last long in that position...).

      As for you, im beginning a relationship with very cool girl with whom i dont want to spoil things. So again the anxiety issue might be important ?

      I only take 1/2 pills of propecia. The effect is still here. So are the side effects.
      To answer your question, and reassure you concerning propecia at least (must be teh same with Duprost...), last year i stopped it. All was gone back to normal sexually after 15 days of stop.
      Lasting longer sounds like a fine side effect to me, watery semen doesnt bother me either, it's the other sides that freak me out. Having said that, i've thought about taking 0.5 fin per day myself, having never taken the plunge yet. I assume you mean you're taking 0.5 yourself?


      • vince76
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2011
        • 9

        Yes sorry for that. as you can guess im not an english native speaker...

        I take 0.5. Same (good) results and (may be ? see my topic)) same side effects !
        I ll stop for now and may be try 0.25 a day ? As im older, i guess i have less testosterone ?
        I read on teh net taht propecia was recommandes only for people 18 to 40 !

        Lasting longer is great. Lasting tooooo long with a not so good erection is NOT


        • Jcm800
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2011
          • 2614

          Originally posted by vince76
          Yes sorry for that. as you can guess im not an english native speaker...

          I take 0.5. Same (good) results and (may be ? see my topic)) same side effects !
          I ll stop for now and may be try 0.25 a day ? As im older, i guess i have less testosterone ?
          I read on teh net taht propecia was recommandes only for people 18 to 40 !

          Lasting longer is great. Lasting tooooo long with a not so good erection is NOT
          No worries, I guess some people tolerate it better than others, still a gamble in my opinion, I could without the possible penis shrinkage I've read about too


          • vince76
            Junior Member
            • Feb 2011
            • 9

            may be (i say may be cuz we never know with psychology and the power of your subconscious...) i experienced penis shrinkage a bit :

            I felt all the time like i had just made love ! (dunno for you bt for me after love the penis always retracts to smaller size than usual...). I felt more... "light" ! you know, less heayv...

            And beginning to feel that again these days... but mayb only cuz im obssessed with that at the moment ?


            • Jcm800
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2011
              • 2614

              Originally posted by vince76
              may be (i say may be cuz we never know with psychology and the power of your subconscious...) i experienced penis shrinkage a bit :

              I felt all the time like i had just made love ! (dunno for you bt for me after love the penis always retracts to smaller size than usual...). I felt more... "light" ! you know, less heayv...

              And beginning to feel that again these days... but mayb only cuz im obssessed with that at the moment ?
              Have you used any 'assistance' such as Viagra or anything?


              • vince76
                Junior Member
                • Feb 2011
                • 9

                No !
                I really thought i could deal with the SE of Propecia...
                that my body could remain unchanged on a sexual level.

                But taking another pill to protect me from the SE of another medic is kind of a bit too much... I dunno if I should reconsider...

                My (very long) hair and my sex skills were my best features concerning women... Im loosing them both !


                • Jcm800
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 2614

                  Yeah I feel the same, feel I need the hair to get the girl, but if have hair with side effects and a useless penis, kinda defeats wanting to keep my hair.


                  • vince76
                    Junior Member
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 9

                    Problem is in my case i really need the hair... I had no girl before i grew my hair when i was 15. And evrey woman since then was like "wow i like so much your wonderfull hair"... You know sebastian bach style hair cut...

                    Even today they say it. Sometimes.
                    And i HATE it cuz it means they might leave me when i get no hair...

                    If they havent left before cuz im such a sexual looser these days !


                    • Jcm800
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 2614

                      Originally posted by vince76
                      No !
                      I really thought i could deal with the SE of Propecia...
                      that my body could remain unchanged on a sexual level.

                      But taking another pill to protect me from the SE of another medic is kind of a bit too much... I dunno if I should reconsider...

                      My (very long) hair and my sex skills were my best features concerning women... Im loosing them both !
                      That's not good, I'd pop a Viagra personally, if it keeps things ticking over

