Hello all,
I hope all of you could possibly shed some light on some questions I have. Currently, I am taking propecia and I am using rogaine foam extra strength. I am experiencing noticeable hair loss, and as a result I keep it short. I am 21 years old and I would like to know if there are anything I can do? Any breakthroughs? Should I get a HT? I need some advice and I am hoping you all understand. This is my first post so play nice... lol
I hope all of you could possibly shed some light on some questions I have. Currently, I am taking propecia and I am using rogaine foam extra strength. I am experiencing noticeable hair loss, and as a result I keep it short. I am 21 years old and I would like to know if there are anything I can do? Any breakthroughs? Should I get a HT? I need some advice and I am hoping you all understand. This is my first post so play nice... lol