This story is kind of long but I hope someone will take the time to read it and lend me their advice.
I am currently 21 years old and I started to very gradually lose my hair (through the usual male pattern baldness) in my senior year of high school. It was such a slow process that if I just would of chose to buzz my hair in the beginning it wouldn't have been an issue, but I chose a different route and now I am in a bind.
In my freshman year of college I still had a full head of hair and was just showing very early signs of balding. In the busyness of college I would shower every other day instead of every day and I would simply wear a hat on the days I didn't shower. This is how my addiction to hats originally started.
In my sophomore year, I had lost enough hair where I couldn't just wear it however I wanted to anymore. I was contemplating just buzzing it then but I went to a stylist and she found this great cut that covered the baldness nicely so I went with that instead. However, this new cut only lasted a year before it became ineffectual.
In my junior year, I kept on getting cuts that would try to cover up the baldness, but these cuts were kind of more noticeable unless I had it perfectly set. I became somewhat obsessed with my hair and would look in a mirror every chance I got to make sure that I looked presentable. All of a sudden I had a strong hatred toward the wind and I despised anyone who touched my head. I also started really wearing hats more often...practically all the time except for work and church.
During this time, whenever I would visit old high school friends or family, I would also make sure to wear a hat unless I was having a good hair day. So while some of them may suspect I am balding, few know how bad it actually is.
I just graduated from college in December and it is now getting to the point where any attempt to cover it up just looks rediculous. I was able to get through 3 1/2 years of college without many of my friends actually knowing that I was balding. But now I am obsessed with my hair and people's perception of it. I have gone to such great lengths to successfully hide my loss from everyone around me that I'm worried what they'll think if they see how bad it really is. All my pictures on facebook and with friends all have me either in a hat or with a seemingly full head of hair. So taking the jump to actually accepting or coming out with my baldness is nerve-racking.
This baldness has severely hampered my social life as I dont want to go anywhere in public without my hat on. I have skipped social events, avoided friends, and missed out on opportunities all because I was self-conscious of my hair. I have made this a lot harder on myself than it should've been. So now I am looking for advice. What makes matters worse is that I have a high forehead and I can only grow a partial beard. So shaving it completely bald is really not an option. I have a nice face and am considered attractive by many when I wear my hat (only feeding the addiction more).
So what should I do and how can i confidently come out of the balding closet? Any advice would be appreciated!
I am currently 21 years old and I started to very gradually lose my hair (through the usual male pattern baldness) in my senior year of high school. It was such a slow process that if I just would of chose to buzz my hair in the beginning it wouldn't have been an issue, but I chose a different route and now I am in a bind.
In my freshman year of college I still had a full head of hair and was just showing very early signs of balding. In the busyness of college I would shower every other day instead of every day and I would simply wear a hat on the days I didn't shower. This is how my addiction to hats originally started.
In my sophomore year, I had lost enough hair where I couldn't just wear it however I wanted to anymore. I was contemplating just buzzing it then but I went to a stylist and she found this great cut that covered the baldness nicely so I went with that instead. However, this new cut only lasted a year before it became ineffectual.
In my junior year, I kept on getting cuts that would try to cover up the baldness, but these cuts were kind of more noticeable unless I had it perfectly set. I became somewhat obsessed with my hair and would look in a mirror every chance I got to make sure that I looked presentable. All of a sudden I had a strong hatred toward the wind and I despised anyone who touched my head. I also started really wearing hats more often...practically all the time except for work and church.
During this time, whenever I would visit old high school friends or family, I would also make sure to wear a hat unless I was having a good hair day. So while some of them may suspect I am balding, few know how bad it actually is.
I just graduated from college in December and it is now getting to the point where any attempt to cover it up just looks rediculous. I was able to get through 3 1/2 years of college without many of my friends actually knowing that I was balding. But now I am obsessed with my hair and people's perception of it. I have gone to such great lengths to successfully hide my loss from everyone around me that I'm worried what they'll think if they see how bad it really is. All my pictures on facebook and with friends all have me either in a hat or with a seemingly full head of hair. So taking the jump to actually accepting or coming out with my baldness is nerve-racking.
This baldness has severely hampered my social life as I dont want to go anywhere in public without my hat on. I have skipped social events, avoided friends, and missed out on opportunities all because I was self-conscious of my hair. I have made this a lot harder on myself than it should've been. So now I am looking for advice. What makes matters worse is that I have a high forehead and I can only grow a partial beard. So shaving it completely bald is really not an option. I have a nice face and am considered attractive by many when I wear my hat (only feeding the addiction more).
So what should I do and how can i confidently come out of the balding closet? Any advice would be appreciated!