Hey guys, I'm Shawn..I have alot of the SAME story as many of you. I'm a old school patient of HT's via 1988 at the tender age of 21 (43 now). I was suckered in by the notorious Bosley Medical Center of Highland Park Village, TX (suburb of Dallas and the ritzy side where all the pro-football players live to give you a mental visual). In 1988 there were really no chains but Bosley. HT's had really still been underground and very expensive (plugs were 23 dollars per plug then). I met with the pitch man that wore the white lab jacket to give you the feel and ease he's basically a medical professional, etc. I was excited as I was told I was a Norwood 6 at the time and was rapidly receding (which was true). So they designed me a plan for now with future visits when I was older, but for now I was to need around 288 large grafts (18-23 hairs per plug) AND I would need 3 MPR's (male pattern reductions/scalp reductions) to go along with the grafts. I spent the summer months may-august doing these evasive/dangerous procedures.
I have always had fine med/light brown hair but had enough they said to get a great result. I believed this of course. When the grafts starting growing in I was elated!..to see the hairline being defines was so gratifying. But these scalp reductions were really thinning my donor hair and the rest of my hair out. After the first year I was getting stretch back from the 3 scalp reductions and was getting the seperated island look on the top of my head. I complained called corporate in Beverly Hills and Had Bosley himself call me personally and ask me to fly out to meet him at his office on my own dime??..WTF?..here's a little FYI for you readers out there that ALOT of people know but at this same time Dr. William Rassmann was the president of Bosley!!..which he never claims or talks about unless you point blank ask him. He even called me and griped at me and said the polaroids of my procedures looked fine??..really??..polaroids?..easiest trick in the world with bad lighting to look like a good result.
My Dr. was Louis A. Dorang..nice older gentleman that wore a hairpiece the whole time of my procedures due to Bosley himself performing grafts on him..(which never really took and looked stellar at best). Fast-forward to 1992..I decide to go back to Bosley and Dorang to get more procedures since they started it. Well...Bosley and Dorang parted ways and had the medical assnt. call me and sling mud saying my Dr. took all the patient files and opened his own practice after telling Bosley he was retiring..I was actually told he was really fired for having a affair with the main nurse..very unprofessional at best..anyways, I seeked Dorang out and found his new location on the same side of Dallas and had a few more grafts done as well as ANOTHER scalp reduction!.
All-in-all I'm 43 and bought a 22k hat basically and emotionally cost me myself, marriage, self-esteem, etc..and it still crosses my mine on a daily basis after 22yrs later..so I feel for everyone because it's ruined my life and I imagine everyone has a similiar story. I think they should have a special clinic to fix all the botched Bosley clients that's funded by Bosley at a physician of our choice!..so sad really and karma's a bitch and if I detour just one person from Bosley I'll feel a LITTLE piece of mind..but hey, you guys already know all this and this was my personal experience. Pick your physician wisely because in the long-run your stuck with the results good/bad...
I have always had fine med/light brown hair but had enough they said to get a great result. I believed this of course. When the grafts starting growing in I was elated!..to see the hairline being defines was so gratifying. But these scalp reductions were really thinning my donor hair and the rest of my hair out. After the first year I was getting stretch back from the 3 scalp reductions and was getting the seperated island look on the top of my head. I complained called corporate in Beverly Hills and Had Bosley himself call me personally and ask me to fly out to meet him at his office on my own dime??..WTF?..here's a little FYI for you readers out there that ALOT of people know but at this same time Dr. William Rassmann was the president of Bosley!!..which he never claims or talks about unless you point blank ask him. He even called me and griped at me and said the polaroids of my procedures looked fine??..really??..polaroids?..easiest trick in the world with bad lighting to look like a good result.
My Dr. was Louis A. Dorang..nice older gentleman that wore a hairpiece the whole time of my procedures due to Bosley himself performing grafts on him..(which never really took and looked stellar at best). Fast-forward to 1992..I decide to go back to Bosley and Dorang to get more procedures since they started it. Well...Bosley and Dorang parted ways and had the medical assnt. call me and sling mud saying my Dr. took all the patient files and opened his own practice after telling Bosley he was retiring..I was actually told he was really fired for having a affair with the main nurse..very unprofessional at best..anyways, I seeked Dorang out and found his new location on the same side of Dallas and had a few more grafts done as well as ANOTHER scalp reduction!.
All-in-all I'm 43 and bought a 22k hat basically and emotionally cost me myself, marriage, self-esteem, etc..and it still crosses my mine on a daily basis after 22yrs later..so I feel for everyone because it's ruined my life and I imagine everyone has a similiar story. I think they should have a special clinic to fix all the botched Bosley clients that's funded by Bosley at a physician of our choice!..so sad really and karma's a bitch and if I detour just one person from Bosley I'll feel a LITTLE piece of mind..but hey, you guys already know all this and this was my personal experience. Pick your physician wisely because in the long-run your stuck with the results good/bad...