iam a 28 year old male i started noticing thinning in 1 specific area on my hairline almost exactly a year ago. I went to a doctor right away and he put me on propecia and suggested the use of rogaine.
Well its just about a year later. 2 weeks ago i went back to the doctor and he uped my dosage from 1mg propecia to 5mg proscar as the thinning is getting worse in this specific area. From what i can tell this is the only area on my head which is experiencing this.
ive been using the rogaine everyday twice a day with no applications missed(for a year). I also started using Ketoconazole 2% shampoo from dr lee about a month ago
So what do you guys think from my picture below does it look like typical mpb or do you think something else is going on? The doctor looked at my scalp and said nothing so i assumed it was normal thinning.

sorry for the horrible quality it was taken in a mirror with a cellphone.
i dont know what to do i feel like i exhausted my options and its only getting worse and worse with time. its making me extremely depressed
Well its just about a year later. 2 weeks ago i went back to the doctor and he uped my dosage from 1mg propecia to 5mg proscar as the thinning is getting worse in this specific area. From what i can tell this is the only area on my head which is experiencing this.
ive been using the rogaine everyday twice a day with no applications missed(for a year). I also started using Ketoconazole 2% shampoo from dr lee about a month ago
So what do you guys think from my picture below does it look like typical mpb or do you think something else is going on? The doctor looked at my scalp and said nothing so i assumed it was normal thinning.

sorry for the horrible quality it was taken in a mirror with a cellphone.
i dont know what to do i feel like i exhausted my options and its only getting worse and worse with time. its making me extremely depressed