Bullitnuts repair program with SMG

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  • bullitnut
    • Dec 2008
    • 97

    Bullitnuts repair program with SMG

    always try to be a valued member on all hair forums giving advice, i always try my best to help people make an educated decision regarding transplants, my goal is to prevent people making the same mistakes as i did and to ensure that they wont regret their ht for years to come like i did with my norton one, my norton horror story can be found on all forums including this one under introduce yourself section

    BIGMAC and PB bless their hearts decided to help me by starting a REPAIR BULLITNUT campaign.

    They did this off their own backs as they knew how my situation was destroying my quality of life because i have being livng under a hat for over a decade.

    Not being able to enjoy the simple things in life was really getting to me, things like not being able to take my young children to the local swimming pool etc was having a major impact on my life and i was getting very depressed. The intention of this project was to raise funds and encourage hairtransplant clinics to get involved and offer help.

    Fortunately for me SHAPIRO MEDICAL GROUP http://www.shapiromedical.com offered almost immediately to do my repair surgery pro bono which i am absolutely over the moon about and unbelievably grateful.

    As ive already said i regard them as being world class and one of the very best there is, they have shown to be consistently one of the most ethical, caring and compasionate clinics out there. Every aspect of this project so far has been done with my best interests at heart, they are just so unbelievably helpful and i would recommend them to anyone as their results are incredible and their customer service is impecable. So to get this offer is like a dream come true for me.

    The guys set up a paypal account on the forum http://www.hairlossexperiences.com for donations towards the travel expenses etc and i recieved lots of donations including:-

    1. The hotel paying for by fellow forum member TIM UK

    2. The flights for my first trip paying for by another forum member called TUBS

    3. The meals on the day were also payed for by a member called NERVOUS NELLY

    4. The flights for my second trip were also payed for by SPENCER KOBREN the author and radio host of the bald truth http://www.thebaldtruth.com/

    I also recieved many donations from other members of all the major hairloss forums including JANNA the head technician at SMG who as helped co ordinate this entire project and has been absolutely fantastic and supportive from the beginning.
    Dr Feriduni as also kindly offered his services (thanks to Spencer Kobren who telephoned him) in the unlikely event i need any aftercare as belgium is closer than returning back to america


    The repair project starts on january the 12th 2009 and i will be keeping this forum upto date with pics and details through out my progress

    happy new year all
    regards bullit
    all opinions expressed are my own based solely on my own experiences and knowledge, i do not work for any clinic/doctor. 2 bad UK ht's and 1 world class ht with SMG.
    my blog www.hairlosstips.co.uk
  • bigmac
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 252

    Nice to see your Ht journey documented here Bullitnut,everyone has pulled together to do help you with your repair program.After meeting you i can honestly say you are a great guy and deserve this help that has been offered by everyone.

    A big thanks to everyone involved.

    About 10 days to go now and you`ll be on your way mate.


    • bullitnut
      • Dec 2008
      • 97

      cheers bigmac your a great guy too and im very fortunate to have friends on the forums like i have only 10 days now im counting the seconds lol and getting very excited happy new year mate to you and yours
      all opinions expressed are my own based solely on my own experiences and knowledge, i do not work for any clinic/doctor. 2 bad UK ht's and 1 world class ht with SMG.
      my blog www.hairlosstips.co.uk


      • bigmac
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2008
        • 252

        No worries mate,i`m happy to help.


        • SpencerKobren
          • Oct 2008
          • 398

          Originally posted by bullitnut
          cheers bigmac your a great guy too and im very fortunate to have friends on the forums like i have only 10 days now im counting the seconds lol and getting very excited happy new year mate to you and yours
          Hey Bullitnut,

          We'd love you create a blog here to further document your journey. Just contact tbtadmin is you have any questions and they'll walk you through the process.

          Good luck with everything. All of us at the AHLA, and The Bald Truth wish you the best.
          Spencer Kobren
          Founder, American Hair Loss Association
          Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

          I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


          • bullitnut
            • Dec 2008
            • 97

            thankyou spenser for all your kind words andit will be my pleasure to start a blog for you guys on here

            ill get to asap buddy its a bit hectic here with the preperations for my trip though but as soon as i get chance dude im on it

            great forum by the way congrats!!!
            all opinions expressed are my own based solely on my own experiences and knowledge, i do not work for any clinic/doctor. 2 bad UK ht's and 1 world class ht with SMG.
            my blog www.hairlosstips.co.uk

