transplant nightmare

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  • dgman21
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2010
    • 203

    Well I'm getting close to 32. I'm still trying to understand reasonable expectations for my type of hairloss(diffuse thinning especially in the front). I want to know what to expect from 600 grafts mainly in the front. Thats what the IAHRS doctor said he could do now without damaging native adjacent follicles. But others said they could do more but they didn't see me in person. I believe I won't be happy with 600. I am just going crazy on the idea to go for it or wait till i have more $$ and get 2,000 follicles...


    • Don'tDoIt
      • Jul 2010
      • 77

      Jack, how long does your hair need to be in back to cover the scar?

      If I was in your shoes, I think that I would determine what that length is and never cut it shorter than that on the back and sides. In fact, that strategy is what I am doing right now with my strip scar.


      • dgman21
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2010
        • 203

        Well if your satisfied with the hair transplant you had,just a thought, why don't you grow your hair decently long??Then noone can see the scar and you'll have decent coverage,Correct?


        • ShannonEva
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2010
          • 1

          Dear Jack 21 -
          Thanks for sharing your story. I have empathy for what you're going through. But I must say, your pictures show you as a very handsome man. I am sure you're just as physically attractive bald with a scar as you are with a cover up.
          As a woman in my 30s, I experienced hair shedding for 18 months. Doctors said medically there was nothing causing this...though in their eyes it was probably considered very moderate hair loss. I tried Rogaine amongst other regimens, but nothing helped. Then, desperate for a solution, I decided to try the herb Saw Palmetto. Research suggested that the herb protected hair follicles from being attacked by the enzyme DHT. Amazingly, and much to my surprise, within a week my hair loss subsided! A miracle! After a few months of taking Saw Palmetto each day, my hair thickness returned to normal.
          The effectiveness of Saw Palmetto in my case proved itself again......I'd been taking the herb about a year with much success, but I took a break from the herb for a week when I went on an overseas trip.....guess what, my hair began shedding after a week of being off the herb! This validated the power of Saw Palmetto a supplement to impede hair loss caused by DHT. (And it's known to ward off prostate issues in men.)
          Here is a picture of me today!
          Jack21, I hope you don't beat yourself up for having the hair transplant surgery. I would have done the same thing. The scar may improve in time. Over the counter creams (silicone) and lasers can help lessen the scar's appearance. Please know you're handsome regardless!
          Best regards
          Attached Files


          • Jack21
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2010
            • 167

            you're not seeing what I've written

            Here is what I said in an earlier post:

            "Yeah the top of my head is fuller than it was - nowhere near enough hair to look like anything but stringy, very thin hair when grown out, but enough to look full on top when it is stubble."

            I also said that I would be reasonably satisfied "IF NOBODY EVER SAW THE BACK OF MY HEAD."

            Originally posted by dgman21
            Well if your satisfied with the hair transplant you had,just a thought, why don't you grow your hair decently long??Then noone can see the scar and you'll have decent coverage,Correct?


            • TheEmperor
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2010
              • 4


              I registered to this forum because I wanted to respond to your thread. I have had two large transplants from a clinic that is considered one of the best in the world. I have had 6500 grafts.

              I think you look good shaved, and I think you look good with the rug. I personally dont think you will ever be happy with a HT because the look you have with the low hairline, you will probably not be able to get with a HT. Now, if you could adjust your expectations, maybe you would be happy. If you would be happy with the thinning hair of a 45yo man, then you might be happy with a HT.

              My HT I am only marginally happy with. Unless you have had a HT, even what is considered a GOOD HT, you dont know what is in store. As you have learned, you get very little coverage, and the scar is an issue. My scar is not that big, but I have to grow my hair 1.5" to hide it.

              All of the suggestion so far are good. I would get a scar revision if I were you, maybe get some fue into it until you can use clippers on it, and see if you can live that way. If not, then research HT with one of the best doctors and go "all in" get 6K grafts.

              The more bald you get, and the more of your youth has slipped away, the more accepting you will be to have bad hair as opposed to a cue ball.


              • gmonasco
                • Apr 2010
                • 883

                Originally posted by TheEmperor
                I have had two large transplants from a clinic that is considered one of the best in the world. I have had 6500 grafts. As you have learned, you get very little coverage, and the scar is an issue.
                If you've had 6,500 grafts and still feel you got very little coverage, what was the extent of your pre-HT hair loss?


                • Jack21
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 167

                  Thank you for your comments and insight. I think that you are quite right in what you say.

                  Originally posted by TheEmperor

                  I registered to this forum because I wanted to respond to your thread. I have had two large transplants from a clinic that is considered one of the best in the world. I have had 6500 grafts.

                  I think you look good shaved, and I think you look good with the rug. I personally dont think you will ever be happy with a HT because the look you have with the low hairline, you will probably not be able to get with a HT. Now, if you could adjust your expectations, maybe you would be happy. If you would be happy with the thinning hair of a 45yo man, then you might be happy with a HT.

                  My HT I am only marginally happy with. Unless you have had a HT, even what is considered a GOOD HT, you dont know what is in store. As you have learned, you get very little coverage, and the scar is an issue. My scar is not that big, but I have to grow my hair 1.5" to hide it.

                  All of the suggestion so far are good. I would get a scar revision if I were you, maybe get some fue into it until you can use clippers on it, and see if you can live that way. If not, then research HT with one of the best doctors and go "all in" get 6K grafts.

                  The more bald you get, and the more of your youth has slipped away, the more accepting you will be to have bad hair as opposed to a cue ball.


                  • folliclist1964
                    Junior Member
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 2

                    Sorry to hear your story. l am in the same situation if not worst of, take heart. A uniform man, when you visit an Army hospital you will thank God it's only your hair that's get you down.
                    In my case, the Doctor should have known from assessment that l may loose all my hair, but he went ahead. Now l have diffuse hair all over including the donor area he told me the hair there were genetically program not to recede. l have had several transplant, what grew out, is less than 10% and l have a huge scar from one end of the ear to another. l wear a hat every day. l tried a hair piece and l look like a "joke" with it on and my colleagues immediately pick it out, even at the grocery story, it's noticeable it's a piece. It's all horror story to no end. My regret, l wish l have shaved my head then, instead of the surgery, l would be a lot happier now.


                    • Jack21
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 167

                      I am really sorry to hear your story. Its a miserable situation to be in. I shaved my head a few days ago and I'm trying to weather the storm again. Its not fun. Weekends are fine b/c I can just throw on my hat but then I remember that I have to go back to work tomorrow and deal with the sh@t there. I would leave this job in a second for a blue collar type job, but with this economy I have to endure being the butt of everyone's jokes and stares.

                      Originally posted by folliclist1964
                      Sorry to hear your story. l am in the same situation if not worst of, take heart. A uniform man, when you visit an Army hospital you will thank God it's only your hair that's get you down. My advice is watch these Doctor's and their rep. here on this forum, all they care about is to get you surgeries and get paid.
                      In my case, the Doctor should have known from assessment that l may loose all my hair, but he went ahead. Now l have diffuse hair all over including the donor area he told me the hair there were genetically program not to recede. l have had several transplant, what grew out, is less than 10% and l have a huge scar from one end of the ear to another. l wear a hat every day. l tried a hair piece and l look like a "joke" with it on and my colleagues immediately pick it out, even at the grocery story, it's noticeable it's a piece. It's all horror story to no end. My regret, l wish l have shaved my head then, instead of the surgery, l would be a lot happier now.


                      • Toffeeman147
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 56

                        Hiya Jack

                        Sorry to hear about your story,its horrible I know cause Ive had 3 procedures and I wish I would have just shaved my head in the beginning...hindsight is a wonderful thing huh......have you not thought of scar revison,maybe FUE into the scar I dont know if thats a possiblity or even maybe tattooing the around to look lime skin...not sure I know what Im talking about im just thinking out loud..maybe others could advise


                        • Jack21
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 167

                          Thanks Toffeeman. I have looked into FUE into the scar but I am never going to a plastic surgeon again as long as I live. I have looked into non-permanent scalp tattooing as well as permanent tattooing to help minimize the appearance of the scar. For now I am one ugly son of a gun and the world is just going to have to get used to it. I don't look good shaved. I know that. I also don't think that I look like the monster that I'm being treated as.

                          Originally posted by Toffeeman147
                          Hiya Jack

                          Sorry to hear about your story,its horrible I know cause Ive had 3 procedures and I wish I would have just shaved my head in the beginning...hindsight is a wonderful thing huh......have you not thought of scar revison,maybe FUE into the scar I dont know if thats a possiblity or even maybe tattooing the around to look lime skin...not sure I know what Im talking about im just thinking out loud..maybe others could advise


                          • grent
                            Junior Member
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 1

                            Just finished reading through your story Jack - it's a tough transition getting older and having your body change. Especially your hairline. I started thinning out around 18 and now at 36 I finally just said the hell with it. My hairline is WAYYYY worse than yours... trust me. I heard the jokes and comments and yes they hurt (inside as I didn't show it). I just have come to terms with it and now buzz my head all the time as it's my best option now. I tend to bring it up now more than my buddies and in one sense laugh about it.... lifes to short.

                            I've since bought the harley that I wanted all these years and told my wife if I had to shave my head I needed a bike again

                            Cheer up man and live..... not sure what the case is with your fellow employees but people dont "stop and stare" nearly as much as you may think. My guess with your work situation is they can see your confidence isn't there and it makes you an easier target.


                            • Don'tDoIt
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 77

                              I hope that those of you who are considering hair transplantation take note. From what I have read, TheEmperor, Folliclist1964, Jack21 and I are all regretting that we had hair transplants.

                              The strip scar in back is a bad problem. I wish to God that I had not done this to myself. Strip surgery? Don't Do It.

                              I haven't had any FUE, so I cannot claim to know much about FUE's white dot scarring. But FUE seems preferable to strip.
                              Last edited by Don'tDoIt; 09-26-2010, 04:28 PM. Reason: Grammar


                              • mattj
                                Doctor Representative
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 1422

                                Jack, I hesitated to say this because you may think that as a doctor's rep I'm going to be very pro-transplant, or worse you might think I'm trying to drum up business for my employer. But that's not how I do things.

                                You're understandably angry with the whole concept of cosmetic surgery, but you're also clearly unhappy with your appearance. The thing is, your best shot at improving your appearance is by going under the knife again. Your scar could probably be improved. Not to the point where it's invisible when you shave your head (even the most competently executed strip scars on virgin scalps are visible under those conditions), but improved nonetheless. And at the time when your scar is being tidied up, you could undergo another transplant to add density to your hair so that it looks good enough to grow out, which would hide the scar completely.

                                I know I've described this before but I'm just trying to show you that by doing this you would be improving the problem area, gaining the ability to hide the problem area, and also gaining hair on the top which is the reason you walked into a surgeon's office to begin with. Speaking just as a guy sympathetic to your problems, this sounds like the way to go.
                                I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal

                                My FUE With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result

                                I can be contacted for advice:

