1 year on after being conned by belgravia.

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  • Aph90
    Originally posted by Diffuse33
    500 for 12 months of generic fin is outrageous, shop around online you will be able to get 12 months supply for 140 pounds.

    Yes, you will need to keep taking finasteride and using minoxidil to maintain your new hair. How much is attributed to the finasteride and how much to the minoxidil is hard to tell. I wouldn't risk stopping any of the treatments.
    I ended up finishing the min and fin from belgravia and continued a prescription of fin from my local gp which is £80 per 6 months. I will document my hair like I did before and see if I manage to maintain what I’ve got and if not then I’ll go back on min as well. Cheers.

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  • Aph90
    Originally posted by MikkeyQ4
    "I don’t feel like I’ve lost sexual desire nor have I experienced any erection/semen related side affects"

    seriosly? buddy, maybe you haven't met the women that will get you excited?
    Out of my whole post that’s the bit you decided to pick on?

    I have no trouble down there so maybe fin didn’t help you but me and my girlfriend still enjoy a healthy sex life, and I’ve got my hair back, double win I say.

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  • Diffuse33
    500 for 12 months of generic fin is outrageous, shop around online you will be able to get 12 months supply for 140 pounds.

    Yes, you will need to keep taking finasteride and using minoxidil to maintain your new hair. How much is attributed to the finasteride and how much to the minoxidil is hard to tell. I wouldn't risk stopping any of the treatments.

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  • Aph90
    started a topic 1 year on after being conned by belgravia.

    1 year on after being conned by belgravia.

    Hi everyone, I should’ve done some research before getting sucked in but here’s my story.

    I’m a 29 year old male, I noticed my hair thinning around 18 months ago and it wasn’t until I got the odd jibe from friends about it, I decided to call belgravia as they are always advertised in on uk tv. Without thought of googling male pattern hair loss I signed up to a years prescription of 1mg finasteride and minoxidil.

    I’m just about to finish the treatment course and after being bombarded by emails and phone calls from the belgravia I couldn’t help but feel like I was being conned, and that’s why I’m here, I explained to them that I was hoping to just take a maintenance treatment now and they just tried to sell me everything they could.

    Now, I have experienced almost a full regrowth which I am very happy about, but I want to stop the minoxidil and just have the finasteride daily. I’ve told belgravia where to go as they wanted £500 for 12 months of finasteride, I am going to get it elsewhere for half the money.

    As for side affects I only feel more tired than I remember, I don’t feel like I’ve lost sexual desire nor have I experienced any erection/semen related side affects

    My question is, would I still need to take 1mg of finasteride per day to maintain my results or can I opt for a lower doseage, obviously I’m now quite protective over my regrown hair so want to do what’s best without being conned by belgravia again.

    Thanks all.