27, got a consultation, need advice

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  • Raphael84hair
    Hi Bald,

    How are you?

    I would suggest that you not select a facial plastic specialist surgeon to perform your hair transplant procedure. I would take some time, do your research and find out about the very best surgeons in the field of hair restoration and learn about them. Consult with them and learn their opinions, approaches and personal recommendations for you moving forward. Don't rush into anything!

    If I can help at all, it would be my pleasure.

    International Patient Advisor - Bisanga Cole Hair Transplant Clinic - Athens, Greece

    bc2@bchairtransplant.com Whatsapp +34 642 37 03 83

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  • baldbaldbaldbald
    started a topic 27, got a consultation, need advice

    27, got a consultation, need advice

    Questions I have:

    Has anyone ever heard of this doctor?
    Is he good?
    Is this too much money?
    He said I may need to wait a year or two before going in to do my crown, is that normal? It sort of made sense because I didn't really finish balding there yet.