Need Help With Receding Hairline - With Pics

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  • jackson
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2010
    • 7

    Need Help With Receding Hairline - With Pics

    Hey Guys

    I am desperate.
    I am starting to lose all the confidence I have worked so hard to gain.

    I am currently 25 and for the past few years I have been shedding maybe 20 hairs a day.
    I didn't think much of it until recently when I noticed a lot less hair on my temples.
    It is probably over 60 hairs a day.
    I know they say that it is normal to lose between 50-100 hairs a day but my hairline is definitely receding.
    Just a few months ago I had really good coverage - to the point where women would
    complement me on my hair - and now it seems like it is worse everyday.

    I am obsessed with it, every time I see a mirror I need to look at my hair.
    I hate it!

    I recently started using Rogaine foam about a week and half ago and I feel like its making me shed more hair in the problem area.
    Every time I run my hand through my hair I see a few hairs on my hand.
    I think this extra stress of thinking about it is even making things worse.

    Can anyone who went through this give me any kind of advice?
    Will rogaine help with this problem area?
    Attached Files
  • mkamph
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2008
    • 168

    rogaine does cause initial shedding, but generally subsides. see a dermatologist or hair transplant surgeon and ask them about getting a script for propecia. combination therapy can halt further progression.

    try to remaine calm. these therapies do work.


    • jackson
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2010
      • 7

      What scares me is that this is happening so suddenly.

      I attached another picture of me just 1 month ago and my hairline was pretty much intact.
      I haven't had any changes to my diet - just an unusual amount of extra stress in my life.

      Is this normal to be happening so quickly and more importantly has anyone had success with regrowing their hair in this area with rogaine or even propecia?

      Most of the stuff that I am reading tells me that they work best on the crown and not so well on the temples.
      Attached Files


      • mkamph
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 168

        i've never seen it happen that quickly, but i'm no expert. i would definitely talk with a doc.


        • mlao
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2009
          • 384

          Originally posted by jackson
          What scares me is that this is happening so suddenly.

          I attached another picture of me just 1 month ago and my hairline was pretty much intact.
          I haven't had any changes to my diet - just an unusual amount of extra stress in my life.

          Is this normal to be happening so quickly and more importantly has anyone had success with regrowing their hair in this area with rogaine or even propecia?

          Most of the stuff that I am reading tells me that they work best on the crown and not so well on the temples.
          Even Though the studies done on Rogaine and Propecia say that they work best on the vertex and crown there are some great success and pictures of people who have gotten great regrowth in the hairline.
          check this link from Dr. Robert Bernstein's site:

          Discover Propecia (Finasteride) for hair loss treatment, expertly reviewed by Dr. Robert M. Bernstein. Learn about its benefits, usage, and effectiveness today!

          Those are some amazing results!
          Hope this helps.


          • jackson
            Junior Member
            • Aug 2010
            • 7

            Should i first give rogaine a try for several months before trying propecia?

            It is one hell of an expensive drug.


            • mlao
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2009
              • 384

              Since I am not a doctor just a hair loss sufferer like you my advice is to see a professional. Some people do great going it on there own. However what works for one person might not work for another. Having the advice of a Knowledgeable professional is best.
              I agree with mkamph you should find a good dermatologist or Hair Transplant doctor. Some doctors can even examine your hair for future loss. This is called a miniaturization study.
              There is a list of reputable doctors on the IAHRS website affiliated with this forum.



              • Coligion
                • Sep 2009
                • 42

                It's hard to tell from the pictures, but whatever temporal recession you have, it's minor. Perhaps you are finally coming into your mature hairline, or you're just genetically predisposed to frontal loss. If you're lucky, maybe that will be the only form of hair loss you receive, and someday you can correct it. For now, I would either stay on Rogaine or get on generic Propecia (Finasteride/Proscar)...One or the other, not both, so you can determine if they are even effective.


                • jackson
                  Junior Member
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 7

                  thanks guys for all your comments.

                  To help with the shedding I want to change shampoos.

                  Do you guys recommend Nizoral 2% or Nioxin ?


                  • Not Now
                    Junior Member
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 2

                    [QUOTE=jackson;14736]Hey Guys

                    I am desperate.
                    I am starting to lose all the confidence I have worked so hard to gain.

                    I am obsessed with it, every time I see a mirror I need to look at my hair.
                    I hate it!

                    I think this extra stress of thinking about it is even making things worse.

                    Can anyone who went through this give me any kind of advice?

                    I am going through something similar and I think stress is DEFINATELY a factor in the hair loss and stressing over the loss itself only compounds the problem. I would recommend minimizing stress as best you can. All you can do is accept what you have lost already and try to stop further loss by destressing; take your mind off your hair (which I know is very hard), get exercise laugh, get to bed by 10:00 pm ( your body repairs itself between 10-2am), also try to get on a health diet, try meditation, deep breathing, enjoying the outdoors, yoga etc. Don't let your emotions take control use this advice and stop the hair loss. Maybe get your adrenal gland function tested by a naturopathic physician and possibly your testosterone. Mine recommended a cortisol test (stress hormone) and testosterone (which came back low and is possibly the cause of my hair loss) haven't got the cortisol test back yet. If the increase in stress is the only change in your life I would bet money it is at least a contributing factor. Do some research on adrenal fatigue. You can always get a hair transplant later when you can afford it if you like but your goal now should be to stop any further loss. Hope this helps.

