How do I know if I'm losing my hair or if I just shed a lot?

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  • 79BirdofPrey
    • Jul 2010
    • 67

    How do I know if I'm losing my hair or if I just shed a lot?

    Hello all, first post here. I'm 23 and I'm not sure if I'm losing my hair. My grandfather is bald (mother's side), my father is bald, I'm wondering if I'll get it too. My older brother doesn't seem to have any signs of hair loss but I shed quite a bit.

    I did a quick count from this mornings shower, I'd say that I pulled out about 40 hairs. Some more will surely fall out throughout the day. These hairs come from all over my head, top, sides, and back. When they come out they seem to have a white tip (root?).

    I have long, thick hair. Most of my hair is about 6" long, but i seem to have a few hairs that are about half that length near the front of my head. I'm sure I have more I just can't find them. Could those be hairs regrowing after shedding?

    I appreciate the help, thanks!
  • barbarak
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2010
    • 2

    I have the same question to is there anyone with a answer


    • CIT_Girl
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2010
      • 302

      I've heard different numbers as far as what is a normal amount of hair to shed each day. Some people say 40 to 100 strands, and others say up to 200 is normal. If the new hairs you are regrowing look similar in diameter/thickness to your existing hair, it's likely that this is normal shedding/regrowth. However, if these new hairs are very fine, it's possible that you are experiencing miniaturization of the hair. If you think it may be miniaturization, you may want to visit a dermatologist or hair loss specialist to confirm this, and may want to think about medical therapy (which works best when you begin it early on in your hair loss).


      • Dr. Glenn Charles
        IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
        • Nov 2008
        • 2419

        The white tip you are describing is not actually the root/follicle. It is more like the sheath or outer covering. This would be similar to the thin outer coating of a peanut. Hairs do not fall out with the foillicle. That is a common misconception.
        Dr. Glenn Charles
        Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
        View my IAHRS Profile


        • barbarak
          Junior Member
          • Jul 2010
          • 2

          Ok my hair has been thinning for about four years I've lost alot of fullness and my hair is very dry and it looks bad. Been to doctors he said that I could get grafts were my hair is thinner, but if am shedding all over is my donor hair any good to transplant since am losing it all over.


          • 79BirdofPrey
            • Jul 2010
            • 67

            Originally posted by CIT_Girl
            I've heard different numbers as far as what is a normal amount of hair to shed each day. Some people say 40 to 100 strands, and others say up to 200 is normal. If the new hairs you are regrowing look similar in diameter/thickness to your existing hair, it's likely that this is normal shedding/regrowth. However, if these new hairs are very fine, it's possible that you are experiencing miniaturization of the hair. If you think it may be miniaturization, you may want to visit a dermatologist or hair loss specialist to confirm this, and may want to think about medical therapy (which works best when you begin it early on in your hair loss).
            Thank you for both replies! It taking a quick look through my hair, I seem to have hairs of varying thickness. Some of the new strands seem a little thicker than some of the older ones. Does this sound normal?


            • Johnny26
              Junior Member
              • Jul 2010
              • 1

              counting the falling strand would be the best way to know. more than 100 strand is alarming.


              • Dr. Glenn Charles
                IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
                • Nov 2008
                • 2419

                When we look closely to the hairs on the scalp there is often a variety of different hair shaft diameters. The time to try and prevent further hair loss for you is now. You may want to consider taking Propecia or Rogaine and attempt to gain control of your situation.
                Dr. Glenn Charles
                Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
                View my IAHRS Profile

