Hi all. I just joined the forum hoping that someone could shed some light on some things. I recently had a bunch of hair shedding and I don't know why. I'm 32 Years old. Ive been using rogaine for 6 years probably and finasteride for about 2.5 years with great results! No one would ever know. A little more than a year ago I switched to an online pharmacy. Fin was much cheaper. I've had no problems. Back in June my hair suddenly shed greatly. It scared me. I then switched back to Walgreens generic and things seemed fine. About August 17th it shed greatly again. Idk what to do. I've always used generic FIN with no problems. The shedding is so bad it's almost as if I've stopped using it. Please someone help! I'll post pics as soon as I figure it out.
recent shedding has me scared!!
Is there supposed to be more than one shed if you use it? I thought you went through one initial shed then it was smooth sailing from there.Comment
try topical saw palmetto, pumkin seed. Its working for me
I just wanted to share my success with other in the same situation. I have been struggling with hair loss for nearly ten years now, so as you can imagine I have tried every single hair loss product out there trx2, revivogen, DS labs, supposed stem cell products ect. ect. ect. and have spent hundreds on worthless products in anComment
Hi all. I just joined the forum hoping that someone could shed some light on some things. I recently had a bunch of hair shedding and I don't know why. I'm 32 Years old. Ive been using rogaine for 6 years probably and finasteride for about 2.5 years with great results! No one would ever know. A little more than a year ago I switched to an online pharmacy. Fin was much cheaper. I've had no problems. Back in June my hair suddenly shed greatly. It scared me. I then switched back to Walgreens generic and things seemed fine. About August 17th it shed greatly again. Idk what to do. I've always used generic FIN with no problems. The shedding is so bad it's almost as if I've stopped using it. Please someone help! I'll post pics as soon as I figure it out.
My best advice to you is to continue taking finasteride and rogaine as this could simply be a minor periodic shed. Monitor the thinning area like a hawk for the next few months and if your hair appears to be thinner then it's likely that finasteride has stopped working for you. If this does happen.. try and incorporate dutasteride into your regime. For example maybe taking finasteride 5 days of the week and squeezing 2 days of dutasteride in there somewhere to boost the blockage of DHT.Comment
Saw palmetto is natural, so there is no resistance buit up over time like fin, always better to try the natural route first. Ive yet to see results with fin, that I am getting with saw palmetto. Not sure why Jacito stepped on this...Comment
Maybe because I want to help this guy and give him some useful advice unlike your's that consists of telling every person to use 'saw palmetto and pumpkin seeds' which is going to do absolutely nothing to reverse his hairloss. You're implying that your saw palmetto and pumpkin seeds regime is better than a drug that has been approved by the FDA for hairloss.Comment
I am not implying Jackito, I have before and after photo's making this clear. find a before and after anywhere on the web, that looks like this from using fin and post it in this thread.
I have posted a study on another thread showing pumpkin seeds are 4 times as effective as fin. So yes. Telling someone to intentionally shrink their member, is not helpful, I could post this study too.Comment
He's reported no sides from fin so it's almost certain that he won't experience any on dut. Those pictures you've provided don't even look like the same people. The hair colour of both is different and the pictures have competeltly different setting.Comment
He's reported no sides from fin so it's almost certain that he won't experience any on dut. Those pictures you've provided don't even look like the same people. The hair colour of both is different and the pictures have competeltly different setting.Comment
ok, Jackito, heres what I do: I spend time making Sh@t up and posting fake photo's on a site because its beneficial to me, not at all whats logical: This has worked for me, I'm excited, you would be too! and posting because it sucks going bald. The photo's are real, I assure you that I am so pathetic as to post fake photo's. Its real Jackito! We have different Ideas of what works, we both hope we're giving good advice......... and one of us posts photo's of our advice.Comment
Btw you should try Taurine 4,000mg a day, it helps a lot! I block DHT with SP and you have fin. The Taurine strengthens the outer root sheath of the follicle, helping it to become less sensitive to what DHT can't be stopped.Comment
here's one with the same background a few months ago (you can see I'm hiding bald spots that aren't there anymore) and the second makes very easy to tell its me
Yes that's fair enough but there's many people on this site that try and promote their scam of a product.. not going to lie I thought you were one of them. Didn't you also mention that you were using finasteride? How do you know that finasteride isn't the main product behind the regrowth?Comment