This is the first time I speak publicly about my situation. After reading thousands of posts on this site and others, I feel that this community is the best place to get advice.
I'm a 29-year-old male and I live in South Florida. I started noticing my hair thinning at age 21. At the time, it was really mild and significant advances didn't occur until I was about 27.
At age 25 I visited Lawrence Shapiro-I think I got lured in by the tv and radio exposure he had at the time-but I felt like I was trying to be sold something instead of getting expert advice. After reading several posts about Lawrence Shapiro, on this site and others, I'm so glad I never went forward with his services. I've heard over a hundred horror stories-hack jobs, scam, etc- from this guy. Lawrence Shapiro is not to be confused with the real-deal Ron Shapiro, who, after doing extensive research, I know to be one of the best-Ron that is. Just wanted to clarify that so that I don't confuse readers.
At age 27 I visited Dr. Jeffrey Epstein. I got pretty good vibes from Dr. E and I felt that he could potentially be a doctor of choice, if I decided to go all-in in the future. Dr. E recommended I get on Propecia until I knew which route I wanted to take, but the bad reviews on the drug shied me away. Since I didn't want to ingest Pro, I bought some Rogaine, but the stickiness and smell it left in my hair got bad reviews from my girlfriend. Plus, I really didn't notice any results in the three months, so I canned the product and tried to move on with life thinking things wouldn't get worse with my hair-boy was I wrong.
A couple of months ago I visited Dr. Alan Bauman. Dr. A has been all over the tv and web for years and has rave reviews, so I thought he would be another credible choice in South Florida. Maybe he is but his prices are high. In comparison to what Dr. E quoted me-and when compared to other quotes I've seen on here from respectable doctors like Wong, Feller and Shapiro (Ron)- I felt the price to be way too expensive.
Like I mentioned before, I am now 29. I'm between a 3-4 in the NW scale. Recently I've been seriously considering HT but I'm still not 100% convinced that that's the route I should take. I was about to make a serious move with Epstein, but I came across some fellow members-on this site and others-who have had less than desirable results with Dr. E.-same for Dr. Bauman, for that matter.
I guess all the talk about Histogen and PRP have me hopeful but I'm in the middle bracket, at age 29, where I'm too young for HT but too old to maybe take advantage of advances like Histogen and PRP. What I mean by too old is that it might be 5 years before those products are available to the public. By that time my hair will probably be gone.
This is all so confusing and I can't decide what to do. I've been pretty impressed with some of the results Dr. Wong has been putting out, and I honestly haven't read many bad reviews on his practice.
What should I do? I'm a three-hour drive from Dr. Greco, who is a leader in PRP. Should I give that a try before considering HT? Or should I get serious about Propecia and Rogaine? Or should I go all in and get a HT with a respectable doctor? If I decide to get an HT (FUE), who should I go with and what are the prices I should expect?
My thinking is that by doing HT, and maybe using stuff like Pro or PRP, I can buy myself 5 years and give time for Histogen to complete their studies. I'm sure many of the older guys had this mentality when they were my age, but it seems more realistic today than ever. I was listening to Spencer's radio segment, where he talked extensively about Histogen and its future, and I was really excited. That radio show made me feel more optimistic than ever. I've even considered contacting Spencer to let him know that I would be willing to join them on the Asian trip he discussed, where Histogen would be providing their services to the public.
I'm glad to be part of the information age, where one could do extensive research before making a life changing decision. I want to thank all of you for contributing valuable information to this site. I especially want to thank Spencer for being an advocate for people like you and me.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Your opinions, comments and advice are greatly appreciated.
I'm a 29-year-old male and I live in South Florida. I started noticing my hair thinning at age 21. At the time, it was really mild and significant advances didn't occur until I was about 27.
At age 25 I visited Lawrence Shapiro-I think I got lured in by the tv and radio exposure he had at the time-but I felt like I was trying to be sold something instead of getting expert advice. After reading several posts about Lawrence Shapiro, on this site and others, I'm so glad I never went forward with his services. I've heard over a hundred horror stories-hack jobs, scam, etc- from this guy. Lawrence Shapiro is not to be confused with the real-deal Ron Shapiro, who, after doing extensive research, I know to be one of the best-Ron that is. Just wanted to clarify that so that I don't confuse readers.
At age 27 I visited Dr. Jeffrey Epstein. I got pretty good vibes from Dr. E and I felt that he could potentially be a doctor of choice, if I decided to go all-in in the future. Dr. E recommended I get on Propecia until I knew which route I wanted to take, but the bad reviews on the drug shied me away. Since I didn't want to ingest Pro, I bought some Rogaine, but the stickiness and smell it left in my hair got bad reviews from my girlfriend. Plus, I really didn't notice any results in the three months, so I canned the product and tried to move on with life thinking things wouldn't get worse with my hair-boy was I wrong.
A couple of months ago I visited Dr. Alan Bauman. Dr. A has been all over the tv and web for years and has rave reviews, so I thought he would be another credible choice in South Florida. Maybe he is but his prices are high. In comparison to what Dr. E quoted me-and when compared to other quotes I've seen on here from respectable doctors like Wong, Feller and Shapiro (Ron)- I felt the price to be way too expensive.
Like I mentioned before, I am now 29. I'm between a 3-4 in the NW scale. Recently I've been seriously considering HT but I'm still not 100% convinced that that's the route I should take. I was about to make a serious move with Epstein, but I came across some fellow members-on this site and others-who have had less than desirable results with Dr. E.-same for Dr. Bauman, for that matter.
I guess all the talk about Histogen and PRP have me hopeful but I'm in the middle bracket, at age 29, where I'm too young for HT but too old to maybe take advantage of advances like Histogen and PRP. What I mean by too old is that it might be 5 years before those products are available to the public. By that time my hair will probably be gone.
This is all so confusing and I can't decide what to do. I've been pretty impressed with some of the results Dr. Wong has been putting out, and I honestly haven't read many bad reviews on his practice.
What should I do? I'm a three-hour drive from Dr. Greco, who is a leader in PRP. Should I give that a try before considering HT? Or should I get serious about Propecia and Rogaine? Or should I go all in and get a HT with a respectable doctor? If I decide to get an HT (FUE), who should I go with and what are the prices I should expect?
My thinking is that by doing HT, and maybe using stuff like Pro or PRP, I can buy myself 5 years and give time for Histogen to complete their studies. I'm sure many of the older guys had this mentality when they were my age, but it seems more realistic today than ever. I was listening to Spencer's radio segment, where he talked extensively about Histogen and its future, and I was really excited. That radio show made me feel more optimistic than ever. I've even considered contacting Spencer to let him know that I would be willing to join them on the Asian trip he discussed, where Histogen would be providing their services to the public.
I'm glad to be part of the information age, where one could do extensive research before making a life changing decision. I want to thank all of you for contributing valuable information to this site. I especially want to thank Spencer for being an advocate for people like you and me.
Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Your opinions, comments and advice are greatly appreciated.