Looking for your advice

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  • EnteringBinocularMode
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2016
    • 4

    Looking for your advice

    Hey all, just signed up and am looking for your informed opinions. I noticed recession starting in my early to mid 20s, nothing too crazy. Not sure if I would be categorized Norwood 2 or 3 now. I'm 27 now, no obvious crown thinning but the temples go way back. What do you all think?
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  • EnteringBinocularMode
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2016
    • 4

    Some side views here too.
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    • JohnMPB
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2009
      • 379

      What advice are you looking for? Male pattern baldness typically follow a certain pattern- temples recede then crown thins and depending how strong your genetics for mpb are the two can eventually meet and leave you at a nw6-7. Obviously there are lots of variations of pattern of loss but this is most common.

      It sounds like you know you have recession. Take a look at your family members to see what your chances of inherited pattern is.


      • EnteringBinocularMode
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2016
        • 4

        I'm mostly interested in where I fall on the scale. I'm not necessarily inclined to do anything about it... For whatever reason I think the scale is really fascinating and I'm curious to hear what others with similar recession at my age have seen. Thanks for the tips John! I'll have to inquire as the only mystery, from a hereditary angle, is my maternal grandfather who I never got the chance to meet.


        • Johny41
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2014
          • 145

          You are right, according to the NW scale your hair loss can be classified as something between 2 and 3. Why don't you try to treat it? The sooner you start, the better results you can achieve.

