I am 42 and have been gradually losing my hair. I was using propecia for two years but did not want to continue with taking the meds. Has anyone used Dr Lindsey or Feller at Nova Hair Center in Virginia. I am looking for any reviews on there Hair Transplant procedures? Has anyone also heard any type of reviews about Dr Cooley in North Carolina?
New to the site.
Last Nights Program
Hello Everyone! I'm new to the forum but have been listening to the show for around six months. Last night toward the end of the show I had to step away from the computer. When I returned, Spencer and Joe were on the last part of a segment concerning water retention and weight gain- I believe caused by propecia. Spencer had been talking about a drug that combats those effects but that he didn't want to become a pill popper or something to that effect. I caught the tail end of it. Does anybody know what they were talking about? I use Avodart and have been having some of those problems, water retention. etc. If anyone can help or relay some of that info I would appreciate it! Thank youComment
They were not talking about Propecia and water retention. Spencer was saying that he wanted to lose 15 pounds and that he was going to stop drinking for a month because it causes so much water retention. Joe suggested that Spencer start taking pills instead. Spencer said that he wasn't into taking pills and he would prefer to have a drink to relax once in a while. I think Joe takes a lot of pills.Comment
I have many patients taking either Propecia or Avodart and never had anybody complain of water retention. I am not saying that side effect is not possible, just that it is relatively uncommon. One way to see if a medication is causing a side effect is to stop taking it and see if negative effects go away. Then after a break, try it again and see if the side effects return. Adding a little additional exercise to your daily routine probably will be helpful and may conbat the unwanted effects.Comment
I think you might be referring to when TeeJay asked if Spencer would rather be a little overweight or keep his hair. He also said that if he really wants to he can lose extra water weight just by stopping drinking, cutting out most carbohydrates , lowering his salt intake and drinking like a gallon of water per day. His wife is a really hot fitness chic and he says she thought him how to be TV ready in a few days. As you can tell, I’m a big fan of the show.Comment
I heard most of the show and Payday is right. Spencer said that he was planning on taking off a few pounds, but the conversation was not about water retention caused by any hair loss meds.
Spencer doesn't look really heavy to me, I would call him burly or strong looking.Comment
Thanks for tuning in guys. I appreciate the support!Spencer Kobren
Founder, American Hair Loss Association
Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show
I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.Comment