Another young guy - to carry on shaving, or go to war?

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  • JOE-91
    • Jan 2010
    • 72

    Another young guy - to carry on shaving, or go to war?

  • JOE-91
    • Jan 2010
    • 72


    Above is me with a shaved head, below is what it looks like grown out (probably a bit thinner now) losing hair so fast:

    It's so depressing atm because I don't feel I have the right head to pull off the shaved look well sometimes, I'm not symetrical at all. I'm sure you can notice where my head rises at the back, and I have a ridge - generally my head is more elongated. The promising thing is my mates haven't said anything about the shape of my head (and they would) so I hope it's more me that is bothered about it.


    • SpencerKobren
      • Oct 2008
      • 398

      Hey Joe,
      First of all I want you to know that you look fantastic with a shaved head! If you decide to keep it shaved you’ve already won the battle.
      I wanted to check in to let you know that I did receive your profile message, and I was planning on getting back to you...I’ve just been really busy. I’ll try to post an audio response addressing your concerns sometime today.
      Hang inhere!
      Spencer Kobren
      Founder, American Hair Loss Association
      Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

      I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


      • JOE-91
        • Jan 2010
        • 72

        Not to worry, whenever I can get some feedback it will be appreciated. I'm so glad I joined up to the forum with someone like you on here giving out great advice, along with professional surgeons and the like.


        • SpencerKobren
          • Oct 2008
          • 398

          You Look Cool With a Shaved Head, And You Still Have Options | Audio Response

          Spencer Kobren
          Founder, American Hair Loss Association
          Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

          I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


          • mattj
            Doctor Representative
            • Oct 2009
            • 1421

            Wise words from Spencer there. I totally agree.

            I think it's worth sticking with the propecia. Morning erections serve no real purpose and I'm sure you would have mentioned it if there were problems at other times. As for brain fog, I do know that this sort of mental issue can result from anxiety and depression.
            I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal

            My FUE With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result

            I can be contacted for advice:


            • JOE-91
              • Jan 2010
              • 72

              Thanks for the audio message Spencer, it's great of you to take the time to do that, I really appreciate it. In all fairness, that picture of me with a shaved head is a good one, when I look bad I feel like I look really bad - I have considered otoplasty on my ears as they protrude somewhat, I have always been self conscious of them. It seems that nobody makes a big deal of the bump on my head which is good, so I'm slowly getting over that. As for the mention of the facial hair, I have already got that going on haha, I'm just letting a beard naturally grow and it looks good. I think the whole trimmed facial hair thing looks terrible on young bald men compensating, you have to keep it rugged in my opinion otherwise you can tell it's a little try hard.

              Back to the finasteride side effects - I actually have lowered my dosage to roughly 0.25-0.5 mg a day and I did this quite a while ago, I think I will try 0.5 mg every two days, I just don't want to give up. I can still perform in the bedroom quite fine generally, but I do find it a little harder to get erections at times and I sometimes lose them faster than I used to. Though, if I can see success from finasteride, such suffering is probably worth it.

              To let you know a little more about my situation with hairloss, I recently dropped out of a good university studying Geography here in the UK, I didn't like the course but to be honest it was the anxiety from the hairloss that really messed things up, I had to deal with the course not being as I expected, my hair loss getting much worse, and leaving my girlfriend - it was too much at once and exams were right around the corner. The good news is, I have a place at a just as good university for next year (found out today) so I have this year out to really try and find myself again and you know, make sure I can beat this and not let it affect me next time around. I'm going to Egypt next month, and there I'm gonna try out the fully shaved look, it will be interesting to see how much difference it makes to the no guard (I'm preying it doesn't scare me) oh and I will have my super bald dad there to support me.


              • mattj
                Doctor Representative
                • Oct 2009
                • 1421

                In the photo where you aren't totally shaved to the skin, how long is your hair? Is there a mid point between the two levels that you might be more comfortable with?
                I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal

                My FUE With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result

                I can be contacted for advice:


                • Winston
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 929

                  Ears are easy to fix with little chance of visible scaring or need for repair. Hair is not quite as easy, so if you can be happy with fixed ears and a shaved head, I think Kobren is right on about you looking good that way. Just my 2 cents.


                  • JOE-91
                    • Jan 2010
                    • 72

                    Originally posted by mattj
                    In the photo where you aren't totally shaved to the skin, how long is your hair? Is there a mid point between the two levels that you might be more comfortable with?
                    I have that about now, I don't like it though - I feel balding, rather than shaved if you know what I mean, it's kind of phsychological.


                    • JOE-91
                      • Jan 2010
                      • 72

                      Out of interest, are there any other young guys on here that aren't really treating there hair loss and shaving instead? I haven;t came across one


                      • mattj
                        Doctor Representative
                        • Oct 2009
                        • 1421

                        I think the shave option, being a defiant middle finger at hairloss, is mainly going to be taken by the guys who don't spend time on forums like this. But out there in the world there are many guys with MPB who shave their heads. You're British. So am I. I see shaved heads everywhere these days. It's rare to see a British male under the age of, say, forty who is experiencing hairloss (at a NW3/4 or above) and who is letting their hair grow out. Many guys over that age are also choosing to shave it.
                        I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal

                        My FUE With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result

                        I can be contacted for advice:


                        • Buckerine11
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 106

                          Originally posted by JOE-91
                          I have that about now, I don't like it though - I feel balding, rather than shaved if you know what I mean, it's kind of phsychological.
                          I totally get what you're saying. Shaved >>>>> balding. One is a lifestyle and stylistic choice. The other is perceived as a genetic defect (despite how common it is).
                          I think your head shape is fine to pull off the shaved look. Mine is far worse than yours, and that's why I couldn't shave mine. If I could, I would do it happily. But honestly, with the look you've got, all you need is some gym time (I don't know if you're in shape already), and you're pretty much set.
                          But yeah, honestly, I would kill to have your head shape.


                          • JOE-91
                            • Jan 2010
                            • 72

                            I'm really not sure, I have a fresh shave now on my head, I will upload another picture, for some reason it's really striking me every time I shave my head, I just cannot deal with the bumpy shape. I never thought I would ever say this, but if things don't get better, I might look at hairpieces. I feel so ashamed about it, but when I imagine myself without any stubble my heart sinks, and I can't even visualize my life with any happiness, I envision it looking totally repulsive.

                            I have been partying quite a bit this week, and I am seeing my ex who I still have a thing going with and I can't help but think that all the things that I love in my life are going to be ruined. All I wanted was to go to University, carry on being myself and developing my personality, having a good time, developing my career. Generally enjoying the best years of my life. But now? No way, not with this self esteem it's already influencing what I want to do with my life career wise - I love fashion, I love photography, I love music and media, but slowly I'm just losing all my passion for everything and envisioning myself as a recluse. I have a great family, and I have great friends, the thought of ruining it all is so heartbreaking.


                            • JOE-91
                              • Jan 2010
                              • 72

                              Here are the pictures in low light, probably as honest as they can be:

                              Be honest, the bald look isn't for me is it? I'm not symmetrical at all, I swear somethings not right with my head.

