my situation

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  • anonymous
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2009
    • 8

    my situation

    i never thought i'ld be doing something like this. i've been slowly losing my hair since i was 18, i'm 20 years old now. i really have no idea what to do, its really effected me, i have no more confidence, and getting more and more depressed as the days go on. i wear a hat every single day to cover it and i'm sick of having to do that, i want to find a working solution so i figure i'ld try my luck and see what you guys have to offer. here's a general idea what i'm dealing with. the spots on the sides of my temple are nearly bare, there are a few hairs growing there but they are very short and basically dead. any suggestions will help me a ton, give me some hope! Thanks in advance...

    i'm not sure if this is the right place to start this topic sorry if it's not.
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  • Winston
    • Mar 2009
    • 929

    You’ve found the right place to start anonymous, welcome! To me it looks like a classic case of MPB. It looks like your hair has gotten generally thinner but I believe you have hope. You should see one the doctors recommended on this site and start using Propecia if they feel you are a candidate for it. Most people are helped by it and since you’re young you have a good chance of it working well for you.

    Check this guy out. He had impressive results!
    I'm 31. I started losing hair around 18. At 20, I was a Norwood 2 I would say. My hairline didn't recede much after that, but my hair kept falling out. At 24 I saw a doctor and he recommended Propecia. Back then I was a college student and couldn't afford it. I kept losing hair. I tried Rogaine and *******, but something

    Hope this help!
    Happy New Year!


    • Mr. 4000
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2009
      • 288

      Originally posted by anonymous
      i never thought i'ld be doing something like this. i've been slowly losing my hair since i was 18, i'm 20 years old now. i really have no idea what to do, its really effected me, i have no more confidence, and getting more and more depressed as the days go on. i wear a hat every single day to cover it and i'm sick of having to do that, i want to find a working solution so i figure i'ld try my luck and see what you guys have to offer. here's a general idea what i'm dealing with. the spots on the sides of my temple are nearly bare, there are a few hairs growing there but they are very short and basically dead. any suggestions will help me a ton, give me some hope! Thanks in advance...

      i'm not sure if this is the right place to start this topic sorry if it's not.
      Cut your hair short, find a style that works that you like, Buzz cut it short to a 4 or 5. Go shorter if you like the look. At some point try to go really short if that doesn't work for you, yes that means stubble number 1 or 2.

      Leave your hair a little longer on the top if you want.

      See if you are comfortable with that look, if not grow it back out to your liking, wait until you are at least 30 before you do a HT.

      If you need a lot of work it won't be worth the risk at your age. Let's face it you are going to lose more, which means if you start getting cut now, you will need multiple surgeries, and all the bull about how quick the turn around time is, thats bullchit it is a long process and the results vary (which means there is NO way to no if it will meet expectation)

      Good Luck


      • anonymous
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2009
        • 8

        Thank you for the fast responses, i've looked into Propecia but i've read it doesn't help in the areas that i'm having issues with? can anyone give me some information on that pleaseee?

        I really would like to avoid buzzing my hair, i like having hair and i would look very strange with a buzz in my opinion :/


        • Mr. 4000
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2009
          • 288

          Originally posted by anonymous
          Thank you for the fast responses, i've looked into Propecia but i've read it doesn't help in the areas that i'm having issues with? can anyone give me some information on that pleaseee?

          I really would like to avoid buzzing my hair, i like having hair and i would look very strange with a buzz in my opinion :/
          thats what everyone thinks but until you do it you really would never know.

          Thats why at your age you should, it grows back you know...


          • heynow1234
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2009
            • 221

            propecia works everywhere to stop or dramatically slow down loss, as for regrowth its possible but not as likely


            • anonymous
              Junior Member
              • Dec 2009
              • 8

              Originally posted by Mr. 4000
              thats what everyone thinks but until you do it you really would never know.

              Thats why at your age you should, it grows back you know...
              yeah, but not something i'ld like to do. like i said i'm completely embarassed about this, and do everything i can to keep it un-noticed and not in eyes view.

              Originally posted by heynow1234
              propecia works everywhere to stop or dramatically slow down loss, as for regrowth its possible but not as likely
              i see, can you give me some estimation of regrowth percent? I appreciate the responses by the way!


              • heynow1234
                Senior Member
                • Jan 2009
                • 221

                Our health solutions, biosimilars and established brands are helping women to live better, healthier lives.

                Thats the numbers.

                Also your hairloss is kinda like mine, its hard to tell from ur pics but i may be a little better off. Anyhow propcia has pretty much kept me where i was at over my first year of taking it. So id say you got a good shot, just start ASAP, becuase its much easier to keep your hair with the meds then to grow any back! good luck


                • Mr. 4000
                  Senior Member
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 288

                  Originally posted by anonymous
                  yeah, but not something i'ld like to do. like i said i'm completely embarassed about this, and do everything i can to keep it un-noticed and not in eyes view.

                  i see, can you give me some estimation of regrowth percent? I appreciate the responses by the way!
                  I can't tell you how to feel, but there is no reason to be embarrassed. There are a ton of bald or balding people.

                  Do you really want to be on a pill your entire life, one the is not a perfect solution and could have side effects?

                  I tried it, it worked wonders for me, I lost more hair faster and had to have surgery to remove a lump from my chest.

                  Do what you feel you need to, but DO NOT get a HT until your very late 20's or 30's at the earliest. I can't stress this enough. Do not do it.


                  • anonymous
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 8

                    Originally posted by heynow1234

                    Thats the numbers.

                    Also your hairloss is kinda like mine, its hard to tell from ur pics but i may be a little better off. Anyhow propcia has pretty much kept me where i was at over my first year of taking it. So id say you got a good shot, just start ASAP, becuase its much easier to keep your hair with the meds then to grow any back! good luck
                    Well, about a year ago i bought some of the generic propcia online (30 pills) but never used them because i've been scared of the side-effects.. i'm going to wait about a week because i have a dr's appt for another issue anyways so i might as well be safe and prompt. Thank you so much for the info i knew this was the right place to come!

                    Originally posted by Mr. 4000
                    I can't tell you how to feel, but there is no reason to be embarrassed. There are a ton of bald or balding people.

                    Do you really want to be on a pill your entire life, one the is not a perfect solution and could have side effects?

                    I tried it, it worked wonders for me, I lost more hair faster and had to have surgery to remove a lump from my chest.

                    Do what you feel you need to, but DO NOT get a HT until your very late 20's or 30's at the earliest. I can't stress this enough. Do not do it.
                    Yeah i know, it's just something that completely ruined my self-esteem and before i exaust my other options i don't want to take that route. As for the HT don't worry i have no plans of that at all to be honest, the procedure is far too expensive for my salary haha


                    • heynow1234
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 221

                      Mr 4000, i am extremly sorry that you had such a horrendous experience with propecia. However the fact is that it helps tons of men and only a very small amount have side effects. I dont mean to sound like a jackass becuase Im sure what you went through was terrible. I would much rather take a pill my whole life then to have surgery, and then have a scar on the back of my head for the rest of my life.

                      -anonymous you are 100% correct that you should go to a doctor and take your time in deciding on the meds. I also did that. I also like you was scared to take the drug becuase of random websites that just talk about how bad the drug is. However when you look at legit medical sites youll see that these claims are VERY overblown. I would also suggest only getting real propecia from a real drugstore instead of the random stuff you find online.

                      -Whatever you decide keep us posted, and I hope for the best and good luck!


                      • anonymous
                        Junior Member
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 8

                        today i got my perscription for generic propecia, and the pharmacy messed up and gave me propecia charging me $80.00 (insurance would not cover it) because my doctor wrote 1mg instead of 5mg which is what fineraside or w/e it's called is. looks like tomorrow when i get this sorted out i can start treatment


                        • anonymous
                          Junior Member
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 8

                          Quick update, my doctor referred me to a friend of his about some "natural treatments" that regrew his hair almost completely. Turns out he works for a company that does laser treatments and i'm going in for a consultation on sunday, is there any information anyone can supply me about lazer treatments and if they're worth it? Thanks in advancee

