Report from Japanese side of Replicel - stem cell law in force at last

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  • Recidive
    • Sep 2014
    • 56

    Report from Japanese side of Replicel - stem cell law in force at last

    A law on regenerative medicine and applications of stem cells, passed in November 2013 [1], has entered into force on 25 November 2014. This new legislation allows companies to grow cells with the capacity to regenerate body tissues. So far, only medical institutions were allowed to use the technology.

    In this context, the Japanese cosmetics firm Shiseido reaffirmed its ambition to develop a hair restoration technique by culture and growth of cells. Having acquired the technology exploitation rights developed for this purpose by the Canadian RepliCel company in 2013, Shiseido has established a research laboratory in Kobe and works with a medical clinic, with the goal of commercializing this technology by 2018.

    The idea is to take a sample of 5 mm from the scalp at the back of the patient's head (area where typically the follicles remain active throughout life), grow and multiply cells with technology developed by RepliCel, and finally inject the cells into the bald areas of the scalp.

    This implantation of autologous cells (ie from the same person) should allow the resumption of hair growth in these areas, with the major advantage of requiring only a slight response given the size of sample to be taken. In addition, the risk of rejection would be very low and the method could be used regardless of gender and configuration of the patient's alopecia.
  • joely
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2011
    • 336

    Ha so still a four year wait! better than the 5 years one I suppose! that's assuming this works


    • macbeth81
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2014
      • 101

      The 2018 estimate is from Shiseido's new release in 2013 below. Apparently, the Japanese have a sense of humor. I am more interested in what technology they are combining with RepliCel's. Hopefully they can improve this technology and release in a timely matter. I do not trust RepliCel due to their track record. I know since 2013 they had issues with their cell culturing, so I don't know if that delays their commercialization plans.

      Shiseido will combine RepliCel’s hair regenerative medicine technology and Shiseido’s technology and aim to commercialize safe and effective hair regenerative medicine that integrates beauty and medicine to help those concerned about pattern baldness and thinning hair in the next 5 years by also cooperating with specialists in the future.


      • inbrugge
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2013
        • 244

        Dammit, is FUE still the only thing we got? (aside from crap minoxidil and fin)


        • Kudu
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2013
          • 206

          I would take this with a pinch of salt, that was before the law even went into effect and didn't they just say they were moving forward recently? I personally think that RepliCell will hit the market in Japan around late 2016-early 2017. It could be longer, but beating ourselves up over timelines won't help anything. All I know is that they want to get this out as soon as they can, they wouldn't be taking advantage of the laws of that weren't the case.


          • hellouser
            Senior Member
            • May 2012
            • 4423

            Originally posted by Kudu
            I would take this with a pinch of salt, that was before the law even went into effect and didn't they just say they were moving forward recently? I personally think that RepliCell will hit the market in Japan around late 2016-early 2017. It could be longer, but beating ourselves up over timelines won't help anything. All I know is that they want to get this out as soon as they can, they wouldn't be taking advantage of the laws of that weren't the case.
            Replicel itself said they intend on taking advantage of the new legislation. Shiseido would more than likely want to capitalize on it too So far as we know; replicel gave 'decent' results at 6 months with no side effects, no donor depletion, the potential (likely) to halt further loss and the ability to go in for repeat sessions... why not go for a quick turnaround. The biggest deal breaker is that they ONLY have 6 month results and as we all SHOULD know, even existing follicle transplanted from the back to the front take up to and over 12 months for FULL results.. as in; healing, shock loss, full hair growth cycle between all stages (anagen, catagen, telogen and a 4th but lesser known cycle) and then of course the actual hair GROWTH period above the skin which is also slow at 1cm/month. So yeah... we really dont know the full potential of Replicel.. but i wouldnt be surprised if Replicel's new cells combined with growth factors would give even GREATER results and faster, kind of like a boost.


            • rambo007
              • Oct 2014
              • 43

              The good thing is that Replicel's theory was now validated by researchers from Calgary. Replicel confirms that on Facebook and Twitter.


              • hellouser
                Senior Member
                • May 2012
                • 4423

                Originally posted by rambo007
                The good thing is that Replicel's theory was now validated by researchers from Calgary. Replicel confirms that on Facebook and Twitter.
                It was never validated by the Calgary researcher (Dr. Jeff Biernaskie). If you watch the CBC news piece on him they state these are 'early days and might take 5 years to know if it will work' Heres the video:

                Pay close attention, both the reporter and that whig seller both make a laughable statement that its 'not that far away'. Also notice how male pattern baldness patients are downplayed and the focus is on chemotherapy patients... the problem with that is that hair grows back after chemo, so really, its a temporary issue. There's very little respect that we as bald men get, we're essentially a joke to everyone.

                Also note that his specialization is NOT in hair, but in burn victims. This is confirmed in a video with him here:
                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                More on him here:
                A University of Calgary researcher has identified stem cells in the skin that may one day be targeted to regrow lost hair in humans due to injury, disease or aging.


                • inbrugge
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2013
                  • 244

                  With these laws, wasn't it possible to get a release DURING the phase 2 trials? I cannot wait till late 2016 or 17 at all, I'm already down to my last phases in diffuss thinning before My hair starts to looks completely transparent.

                  What would you guys suggest? Go for a FUE or wait on this thing and Histogen? I don't want to get a FUE (which can look unnatural) and then Replicell comes out but I squandered my chance to get my natural hairline back with a FUE. For example, hello, why haven't you considered a FUE?


                  • Hairismylife
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2012
                    • 383

                    Originally posted by inbrugge
                    With these laws, wasn't it possible to get a release DURING the phase 2 trials? I cannot wait till late 2016 or 17 at all, I'm already down to my last phases in diffuss thinning before My hair starts to looks completely transparent.

                    What would you guys suggest? Go for a FUE or wait on this thing and Histogen? I don't want to get a FUE (which can look unnatural) and then Replicell comes out but I squandered my chance to get my natural hairline back with a FUE. For example, hello, why haven't you considered a FUE?
                    Have you tried Ru?


                    • hellouser
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2012
                      • 4423

                      Originally posted by inbrugge
                      With these laws, wasn't it possible to get a release DURING the phase 2 trials? I cannot wait till late 2016 or 17 at all, I'm already down to my last phases in diffuss thinning before My hair starts to looks completely transparent.

                      What would you guys suggest? Go for a FUE or wait on this thing and Histogen? I don't want to get a FUE (which can look unnatural) and then Replicell comes out but I squandered my chance to get my natural hairline back with a FUE. For example, hello, why haven't you considered a FUE?
                      Similar reasons as you actually. I'm worried that implanting follicles to the recipient area (hairline and elsewhere) via hair transplant will compromise existing miniaturized follicles already there.

                      The question is: does a hair transplant destroy those follicles or not? Only way to find out is to take an indepth look at a man thats already undergone an HT and see whats left.... Dr. Cotsarelis should be able to do this as he's already confirmed that follicles never actually die, the cells remain but the follicles are quite small.


                      • inbrugge
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2013
                        • 244

                        Thanks, hello. I'm losing patience each day as my hair gets thinner and thinner. I might just take the plunge on a FUE, but now there's a little new hype around stem cell injections and PRP's again.

                        Originally posted by Hairismylife
                        Have you tried Ru?
                        Yeah, I did for a couple of weeks on low dosage. Got sexual sides down there, freaked out and quit. LOL

                        Then I was on Topical Fin, with much more moderate sides down there BUT with some gyno, so I had to quit that as well. Still waiting for the gyno to dissappear.


                        • Jazz1
                          • Aug 2012
                          • 1598

                          Originally posted by inbrugge
                          Thanks, hello. I'm losing patience each day as my hair gets thinner and thinner. I might just take the plunge on a FUE, but now there's a little new hype around stem cell injections and PRP's again.

                          Yeah, I did for a couple of weeks on low dosage. Got sexual sides down there, freaked out and quit. LOL

                          Then I was on Topical Fin, with much more moderate sides down there BUT with some gyno, so I had to quit that as well. Still waiting for the gyno to dissappear.
                          You not lowered the finesteride dosage topical? I think you need a very very low dosage topical.


                          • noisette
                            Senior Member
                            • Jun 2013
                            • 260

                            Last news for Replicel :


                            • inbrugge
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2013
                              • 244

                              Originally posted by Jazz1
                              You not lowered the finesteride dosage topical? I think you need a very very low dosage topical.
                              Bro I think I'm done with topical fin because it made my gyno worse. I'm now 3-4 weeks off it and the gyno still hasn't dissappeared (it gets better some days, then other days it gets worse again).

                              I hope it will go away completely since I was only on topical fin for 2-3 weeks. I ordered some RU, if my gyno goes away 100% I will try that. If not, then it will be a FUE or Replicell if it comes through in the next year.

