Histogen - Complete 2015 World Congress Presentation and Interview

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  • jamesst11
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2014
    • 1092

    This is awesome, I could watch it 10 times! Funny how most thought Histogen was dead. Goes to show, you never really know.


    • jamesst11
      Senior Member
      • Jun 2014
      • 1092

      I don't know if I missed this, as I have not been following Histogen too closely, but how do they deal with the problem on androgen sensitivity? Am I missing something? Wouldn't it regrow hair just for the hair to miniaturize again in a few years, or no?


      • FearTheLoss
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2012
        • 1589

        Why are they doing phase II in mexico now? I thought they were going to do it in Japan so they could release it right after...


        • sdsurfin
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2013
          • 713

          I thought it was a pretty shit interview. Good news nonetheless and the powerpoint was informative. The presentation from the congress is public info. Spencer said like two things the whole time, I don't find him particularly intelligent or enlightening, not sure why people hang on his nuts. I'd like to know how often histogen needs to be applied, how long the trials will take, why they need more phase 2 trials, how long until commercialization, etc.


          • rdawg
            Senior Member
            • Jun 2012
            • 1019

            This looks like an amazing breakthrough!! Growing on slick bald areas? 100+ hair increase in tiny areas!

            Probably the most exciting treatment now, we're getting so much closer guys!!


            • PayDay
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2008
              • 604

              So let's see. Spencer is a world renowned published author, the most influential authority in the entire hair loss industry, has his own radio show for like 20 years. Yeah, sounds unintelligent to me. LOL You're probably typing your post from your mother's basement. I "hang on his nuts" because he changed my life and that's probably why millions of other people do too!
              He said all he needed to say in that interview and got us the information that we needed. Now that's smart!


              • rdawg
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2012
                • 1019

                Originally posted by FearTheLoss
                Why are they doing phase II in mexico now? I thought they were going to do it in Japan so they could release it right after...
                She said they are looking at multiple partners, one being close to happening in Turkey, but regulations there and japan/mexico etc. are much easier they'd be able to release this product within 2-3 years.

                But my god this is the most exciting product I've seen on this forum, those images were fantastic and the responder rate was very significant, they will be testing the dosage and perfecting the formula in the next phase so it will only get better!

                We have ourselves a partial cure with this product guys!! Maybe not a complete cure, but can you imagine going from an NW4-5 to an NW2! you would feel a surge of confidence and this product seems to be able to do that!


                • Winston
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 943

                  Let's please keep this thread on track and please refer to our Forum Posting Rules & Terms of Service.


                  • jamesst11
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2014
                    • 1092

                    Originally posted by sdsurfin
                    I thought it was a pretty shit interview. Good news nonetheless and the powerpoint was informative. The presentation from the congress is public info. Spencer said like two things the whole time, I don't find him particularly intelligent or enlightening, not sure why people hang on his nuts. I'd like to know how often histogen needs to be applied, how long the trials will take, why they need more phase 2 trials, how long until commercialization, etc.
                    I think people like him because he at least comes across as compassionate towards the sh*t we are all going through. I try to tell my dad, my gf, my sister that losing my hair is traumatic for me and get the same response, "dude, just shave your head you have nothing to complain about"... we need to have people like Spencer, even if they sometimes are mediocre at interviewing.


                    • jamesst11
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2014
                      • 1092

                      Originally posted by rdawg
                      She said they are looking at multiple partners, one being close to happening in Turkey, but regulations there and japan/mexico etc. are much easier they'd be able to release this product within 2-3 years.

                      But my god this is the most exciting product I've seen on this forum, those images were fantastic and the responder rate was very significant, they will be testing the dosage and perfecting the formula in the next phase so it will only get better!

                      We have ourselves a partial cure with this product guys!! Maybe not a complete cure, but can you imagine going from an NW4-5 to an NW2! you would feel a surge of confidence and this product seems to be able to do that!
                      Exactly. I like your attitude man. Just because break throughs haven't been made in the past 10 years, doesn't mean they won't in the next. Slide 15 was phenomenal and better than any results I've ever seen with sh*tty, unpredictable finasteride. This, Bim and possibly replicel and perhaps I will have hair in my 40's! And Winston, you're right - this thread should remain productive.


                      • allTheGoodNamesAreTaken
                        Senior Member
                        • Aug 2015
                        • 342

                        Originally posted by PayDay
                        Of course! Do you listen to The Bald Truth? That's exactly what Spencer Kobren says every week! I've been on these forums for a long time and they are all filled with angry anonymous people who get off on being nasty and spreading and parroting false information like they are experts. These guys who try to dominate the forums are just helpless people in real life who get a sense of importance by trying to dominate conversations and act like experts. It's ridiculous, but that's the nature of these forums. This is the best forum out there and even Spencer himself says to take whatever you read here from an anonymous person with a grain of salt.
                        I've only sat through about 2 or 3 episodes ever. He's right though.


                        • Vic
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2014
                          • 364

                          I'm pretty sure phase 2 will bring about even better results. Very exciting. It's finally happening fellas, start saving.


                          • Arieux
                            • Jun 2015
                            • 86

                            For me it's ridiculous that some people are complaing that slide 15 isn't genuine. Even if the effect is improved by proper hairstyle and diffrent light/angle, there is undoubtedly big diffrence and significant regrowth with a lot of new, healthy terminal hair. So imagine how they could improve the treatment in phase II when it comes to more effective doses. For me it's amazing. Of course, everybody had an occasion to see some great effects also from minox & fina, but what is the most important for me in that case it's there are no necessity to bring risky drugs and being in a constant fear about the sides. Let's imagine also how Histogen may work with other things coming soon like SM or Replicel or even with classic FUE. That is the news I was waiting for from the congress. Now I feel more secure, I can wait and observe my hair loss and fix it in few years with new methods.


                            • jamesst11
                              Senior Member
                              • Jun 2014
                              • 1092

                              Originally posted by Arieux
                              For me it's ridiculous that some people are complaing that slide 15 isn't genuine. Even if the effect is improved by proper hairstyle and diffrent light/angle, there is undoubtedly big diffrence and significant regrowth with a lot of new, healthy terminal hair. So imagine how they could improve the treatment in phase II when it comes to more effective doses. For me it's amazing. Of course, everybody had an occasion to see some great effects also from minox & fina, but what is the most important for me in that case it's there are no necessity to bring risky drugs and being in a constant fear about the sides. Let's imagine also how Histogen may work with other things coming soon like SM or Replicel or even with classic FUE. That is the news I was waiting for from the congress. Now I feel more secure, I can wait and observe my hair loss and fix it in few years with new methods.
                              This. Exactly. Even WITH proper hairstyling, there is no way the results in slide 15 could be produced without SIGNIFICANT hair growth. I am f*cking sick of fin. MOST people ON fin are sick of it. Despite whether you've had results or not, I don't think anyone can deny that's it's a horrible f*cking drug and it's time to make it PRIMITIVE, which it should be. It's almost 2016 and we need this, BAD. This is a huge start.


                              • PayDay
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2008
                                • 604

                                Originally posted by Arieux
                                For me it's ridiculous that some people are complaing that slide 15 isn't genuine. Even if the effect is improved by proper hairstyle and diffrent light/angle, there is undoubtedly big diffrence and significant regrowth with a lot of new, healthy terminal hair. So imagine how they could improve the treatment in phase II when it comes to more effective doses. For me it's amazing. Of course, everybody had an occasion to see some great effects also from minox & fina, but what is the most important for me in that case it's there are no necessity to bring risky drugs and being in a constant fear about the sides. Let's imagine also how Histogen may work with other things coming soon like SM or Replicel or even with classic FUE. That is the news I was waiting for from the congress. Now I feel more secure, I can wait and observe my hair loss and fix it in few years with new methods.
                                Well said. It is ridiculous1 Are the images perfect? No, but they absolutely show significant improvement. I am so tired of all of the armchair quarterbacks and forum experts, who post on most of the forums. If they really know so much, they would not be spending their days posting on the forums and arguing or criticizing people who are really making a difference.

