Histogen's HSC Exclusive Video Q&A

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  • tbtadmin
    • Sep 2008
    • 524

    Histogen's HSC Exclusive Video Q&A

    Question Submitted through: americanhairloss.org

    I was fortunate enough to catch the live interview with Dr. Ziering and listened to the archive as well, but I still have a couple of questions. From what I gathered Histogen’s HSC Complex will be an injectable that will grow new hair follicles. Does this mean that all you would have to do is have a couple of sessions of this procedure a year to keep a full head of hair, or will you still have to undergo hair transplant surgery with the process?

    Thanks for your time and I look forward to any information you can provide.

    Matt Jacobs

    Gail Naughton Ph.D., CEO of Histogen Inc. responds:

  • Buckerine11
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 106

    How far are they in their clinical trials? It sounds as if they have already produced results on human patients. If that's the case, then it's conceivable that their procedure can go on the market sooner than expected.


    • joe from staten island
      • Jan 2009
      • 37

      hi dr. naughton, what is your timeline

      hi dr. naughton i am extremely impressed by your histogen trials and photographs. the fact that you have increased hair growth by 25 percent is extremely impressive and to say the least miraculous. my question is that you have stated that your timeline for realse of your hsc product is 2015. is it possible that you can get fda fast track approval or that you can release the hsc complex in canada or mexico in an expedited fashion. i am not trying to be impolite, but you are dealing with a product that will be on every front cover of major publications and will make medical history. and to say the least will be the pharmecutical blockbuster of the century and will increase your companys revenue by billions of dollars annually. so in summmary dr.naughton is their any possibility that your product hsc will be released in some country other then the usa before the year 2015 , thank you sincerely joe


      • Buckerine11
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2008
        • 106

        Originally posted by joe from staten island
        hi dr. naughton i am extremely impressed by your histogen trials and photographs. the fact that you have increased hair growth by 25 percent is extremely impressive and to say the least miraculous. my question is that you have stated that your timeline for realse of your hsc product is 2015. is it possible that you can get fda fast track approval or that you can release the hsc complex in canada or mexico in an expedited fashion. i am not trying to be impolite, but you are dealing with a product that will be on every front cover of major publications and will make medical history. and to say the least will be the pharmecutical blockbuster of the century and will increase your companys revenue by billions of dollars annually. so in summmary dr.naughton is their any possibility that your product hsc will be released in some country other then the usa before the year 2015 , thank you sincerely joe
        According to Dr. Ziering, Histogen will pursue commercial viability in other countries before going through the FDA approval process. He states that if everything goes well, HSC will be available before then outside the US.


        • ms8172
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2009
          • 8


          I just found out about this technology tonight.

          Is this a one time procedure where balding becomes present? Meaning, it restores hair for a lifetime? No further treatments to keep your hair stimulated?

          I see where there was s 25 percent improvement in some clinical trials. I don't see that being all that impressive? How much cubic sq in does that get me to?


          • Buckerine11
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2008
            • 106

            Originally posted by ms8172
            I just found out about this technology tonight.

            Is this a one time procedure where balding becomes present? Meaning, it restores hair for a lifetime? No further treatments to keep your hair stimulated?

            I see where there was s 25 percent improvement in some clinical trials. I don't see that being all that impressive? How much cubic sq in does that get me to?
            First of all, 25% MORE healthy hair follicles is far better than any product out right now. It might not get you Jonas Brothers' hair, but if this product can deliver on what it promises, it will become an international sensation over night.

            Secondly, consider that you have donor hair left, it can also increase your donor hair density by 25%. That means you have 25% more hair to work with when you get a transplant.


            • ms8172
              Junior Member
              • Oct 2009
              • 8


              Do you have to continue to go back for further treatments? Is this permanent? What about working with a new hairline? How would this product work?


              • Buckerine11
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2008
                • 106

                Originally posted by ms8172
                Do you have to continue to go back for further treatments? Is this permanent? What about working with a new hairline? How would this product work?
                The idea is that the hair should last as long as your normal hair. So if you went bald at 30, the hair should last 30 years. As far as a hairline, you can use it on your donor region, then get a transplant on your hairline.

                Keep in mind that this technology is available yet. If things go the way they're supposed to, this product might hit American markets in 2015.


                • brentipold
                  • Sep 2009
                  • 48

                  I remember reading about this company before. Do you know if you inject this stuff into hair that isnt resistant to Dht will it therefore change that and make it resistant?


                  • Frenchy
                    Junior Member
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 2

                    Hi everyone. It's my first post and from France we also follow all new methods available or in research now (i have to admit that you CAN'T expect anything good from France regarding hair loss solutions...).
                    We (in our forum) have heard about Histogen and really we hope it won't be a new Intercitex for those who followed the story....
                    A few more questions :

                    -do we already know if new hair are colored ? Are they growing on the right natural angle ?
                    -will they live just one ''cycle'' ???

                    Thanks for your answers


                    • KeepTheHair
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 1215

                      Originally posted by Buckerine11
                      The idea is that the hair should last as long as your normal hair. So if you went bald at 30, the hair should last 30 years. As far as a hairline, you can use it on your donor region, then get a transplant on your hairline.

                      Keep in mind that this technology is available yet. If things go the way they're supposed to, this product might hit American markets in 2015.

                      2015? That sucks tbh...

                      At least it is something! At least I can know that I won't be totally bald in a decade from now, probably not.


                      • Fixed by 35
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 618

                        HSC increased hair growth by 25% from a single application over an entire year. If they perfect the formula and get the dosage right, I don't see why a full head of hair would not be achievable.

                        Let's think about how this product works. In theory, it recovers hair follicles to their embryonic state. However, these hair follicles have to contend with DHT from the outset. From that, I would suggest:

                        Every single hair follicle could be recovered with the right dosage.

                        However, these follicles will be susceptible to DHT.

                        The hair produced might last, theoretically, for as long as your hair lasted after puberty last time. In my case, 9 or 10 years.

                        It might be necessary to continue taking anti-DHT medication and Minoxidil to maximise results.


                        • KeepTheHair
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 1215

                          I think so too


                          • gmonasco
                            • Apr 2010
                            • 865

                            Originally posted by Fixed by 35
                            HSC increased hair growth by 25% from a single application over an entire year. If they perfect the formula and get the dosage right, I don't see why a full head of hair would not be achievable.
                            Because increased dosages don't necessarily produce increased results.


                            • NeedHairASAP
                              Senior Member
                              • Jul 2011
                              • 1408

                              Originally posted by tomnagel
                              Some Yoga Steps Can change your Hair conditions.
                              thanks tom

