Selling out and getting a celebrity hair piece?

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  • DepressedByHairLoss
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 876

    Originally posted by Kiwi
    My problem is that I have a stupid scar now and FUT didnt provide the results I was lead to believe it would.

    So I'm kinda stuck in this time zone where I'm like what to do?
    1) Do I shave and get a tattoo to fill it in?
    2) Do I shave as short as possible to just hide the scar?
    3) Keep trying things like PRP?
    4) Get a piece?
    5) Wait for a new drug?
    6) Try the new minoxidal 5% foam

    Propecia is out of the question because it stole my mojo.

    I really do stress a lot about all of this. My 3700 HT was supposed to take away my stress!!
    Kiwi, I totally feel for you man since you have to deal with the scar of a hair transplant now. Despite how much I despise hair loss, I read on the internet far too many stories like yours about people who got hair transplants, were unsatisfied with the results or given false promises by a doctor, and now they need to deal with the dreaded head scar. It really pisses me off when these doctors peddle hair transplants like they're the holy grail, when they are so far from it that most people do not even opt for them in the first place.
    Anyway, sorry about the rant bro. With regards to your question, I'm not sure getting a tattoo to fill it in would be the best option. The people peddling these tattoo options seem to have very shaky credentials and head tattooing just does not seem like a good idea to me. You can shave it as short as possible to hide the scar, that might be an option. I recently saw that a person on here (Dave52) did that and the scar really wasn't that visible unless you knew what you were looking for. I don't think any newer kind of minoxidil would help at all and neither would the current versions of PRP. With regards to hair systems, I mentioned my friend's experiences with one and despite all the trials and travails he's had with his hair system, he's still glad to have it and he isn't giving it up anytime soon. So I guess the reward far outweighs the inconveniences of it. I actually have another friend who was an NW6 at 45 and got a hair system/wig about 5 years ago. Now when we go out to this one club, the owner always calls out his nickname (which is of an actor with a full head of hair) and he loves it. So obviously his hair system is working for him too. Lastly, I just read Follicular Death Row's suggestions and they're very good. FUE'ing the scar would definitely be something worth looking into and so would a megasession with some one like Hasson and Wong or Rahal. However, I'm not sure how much good a megasession would do you if you're not on Propecia in order to ensure that you won't lose any more native hair. But then again it might bide you enough time until these supposedly more effective treatments come out. And believe me, I don't blame you at all for discontinuing Propecia. I've got the same side effects myself.


    • Follicle Death Row
      Senior Member
      • May 2011
      • 1066

      Well there was a borderline norwood 7 posted here by Joe who had 7000 grafts done and he looked way better after. You could get a nice head of hair like Joe still. Don't throw in the towel just yet. If it's hair you want go to Dr. Hasson. He seems to be able to get the most out of a given donor.

      10,000 is possible even for norwood 6s with FUT and FUE on average if you have the money. Maybe even more. As long as your first HT had a decent yield you would be a lot happier after going with one of the top guys for a second session. Have a look at a guy called NewHairPlease on one of the other big sites. I know he had work done that wasn't so great but Dr. Rahal pulled out 4800 and said he has another 3000-4000 by strip before tapping into FUE. I've no idea how much was harvested in his first HT. Hell look at where Jotronic was coming from and look at where he is now (with another 2000 by strip left and another 1500-2000FUE if he ever needs them.) It's not over yet mate, chin up.


      • 2020
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2012
        • 1527

        who in their right mind still considers hair transplants in 2012..... transplants ARE PERMANENT. FOREVER! New treatments are right around the corner. Can't you at least wait until the end of this year??


        • CVAZBAR
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2010
          • 444

          Originally posted by Kiwi
          My problem is that I have a stupid scar now and FUT didnt provide the results I was lead to believe it would.

          So I'm kinda stuck in this time zone where I'm like what to do?
          1) Do I shave and get a tattoo to fill it in?
          2) Do I shave as short as possible to just hide the scar?
          3) Keep trying things like PRP?
          4) Get a piece?
          5) Wait for a new drug?
          6) Try the new minoxidal 5% foam

          Propecia is out of the question because it stole my mojo.

          I really do stress a lot about all of this. My 3700 HT was supposed to take away my stress!!
          Try to relax Kiwi, I've noticed that youve gone down hill lately. I know it's a bitch but you are a bit desperate right now. I think this forum is putting you down lately. Stay strong.


          • Kiwi
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2011
            • 1105

            Reply with pic (why i'm depressed)

            Thanks for all the feedback team. I'm so upset right now. I've had 2 transplants and I'd love to get your advice.

            This is what I got:

            What seems like a sensible plan is to shave my head just short enough so that you cant see the scar. Then get FUE over the top so that even as I thin more and more at least I might be able to maintain a non shiny head.

            OR a megasession. I have no idea. Because I have't got any answers as to what might have gone wrong I'm left with guesses.

            Am I physically allergic to HTs??? Is that possible (I know allergic is the wrong word but felt it almost works).


            • Kiwi
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2011
              • 1105

              Working link:


              • Jundam
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2011
                • 110

                Don't really think anybody here is doing hair systems justice. It's cheap, easy and undetectable to sight with some training. Despite still having most hair left as well as my natural hairline(so I wasn't exactly going from bald to afro), I opted to shave the top of my head just to try it out and see if it was a possible solution for the future with the idea that if it doesn't work out I'll just shave it all off and start from scratch since I know I can rock the 'chrome dome' fairly well.

                I bought a stock system in black color and got it cut in by a local hair dresser and it really does look perfect. Once a week I take it off, clean my head and the system, and attach it again with tape and glue. It sits like a rock, it isn't irritating at all as long as you attach it properly, and I don't have to change a single part of my life to accomodate it. All I did was change the shampoo, conditioner and hair gel out for products that were better fitted for systems(not more expensive, and actually the ones I use are the same a lot of non-wearers use, just less harsh to the hair). I do daily workouts at the gym/swim and I party 5 days a week and of course take daily showers and am pretty rough with the system and the hair is still in perfect condition two months in and from what I've read with proper care you can expect it to last 4-6 months. And by the way girls play with my hair all the time and they've never noticed a thing. I have a very active sexlife(by my standards, about 2-3 times a week), and it's never comes up. Now I'm not gonna say you won't find the system if you're looking for it, but if you're not(and by the way nobody is), then it's as good as your natural hair.

                And by the way it costs like 200$ if you just find the right supplier. If you buy more at the same time you get it even cheaper than that. The products that you need for it are as cheap as the products you'd use on regular hair. And if you're more paranoid than me there are "discreet hairdressers" that specialize in cutting in pieces and wigs that you can go to.

                Oh and by the way this isn't an advert or me saying you should go for it. This is just me saying that if you can square it with yourself that all the hair on your head isn't naturally grown then it's a good option. Just hit up one of the hair system forums for help.

                Personally I'm going to try a full cap next(a complete wig). I've seen remarkable results with it up close, and I kinda like the idea of being able to change your hairstyle on a whim. Always wanted to try really long hair so I'm gonna go for it.



                • Kiwi
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 1105

                  Originally posted by Jundam
                  Don't really think anybody here is doing hair systems justice. It's cheap, easy and undetectable to sight with some training. Despite still having most hair left as well as my natural hairline(so I wasn't exactly going from bald to afro), I opted to shave the top of my head just to try it out and see if it was a possible solution for the future with the idea that if it doesn't work out I'll just shave it all off and start from scratch since I know I can rock the 'chrome dome' fairly well.

                  I bought a stock system in black color and got it cut in by a local hair dresser and it really does look perfect. Once a week I take it off, clean my head and the system, and attach it again with tape and glue. It sits like a rock, it isn't irritating at all as long as you attach it properly, and I don't have to change a single part of my life to accomodate it. All I did was change the shampoo, conditioner and hair gel out for products that were better fitted for systems(not more expensive, and actually the ones I use are the same a lot of non-wearers use, just less harsh to the hair). I do daily workouts at the gym/swim and I party 5 days a week and of course take daily showers and am pretty rough with the system and the hair is still in perfect condition two months in and from what I've read with proper care you can expect it to last 4-6 months. And by the way girls play with my hair all the time and they've never noticed a thing. I have a very active sexlife(by my standards, about 2-3 times a week), and it's never comes up. Now I'm not gonna say you won't find the system if you're looking for it, but if you're not(and by the way nobody is), then it's as good as your natural hair.

                  And by the way it costs like 200$ if you just find the right supplier. If you buy more at the same time you get it even cheaper than that. The products that you need for it are as cheap as the products you'd use on regular hair. And if you're more paranoid than me there are "discreet hairdressers" that specialize in cutting in pieces and wigs that you can go to.

                  Oh and by the way this isn't an advert or me saying you should go for it. This is just me saying that if you can square it with yourself that all the hair on your head isn't naturally grown then it's a good option. Just hit up one of the hair system forums for help.

                  Personally I'm going to try a full cap next(a complete wig). I've seen remarkable results with it up close, and I kinda like the idea of being able to change your hairstyle on a whim. Always wanted to try really long hair so I'm gonna go for it.

                  Thanks Jundam I appreciate the honesty. Do you have any pics of your hairline from the eyebrows up so we can see what it looks like... I'm still mighty confused as to how it blends into your forehead :P

                  Also when you're not wearing it what does it look like?


                  • Jundam
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 110

                    Originally posted by Kiwi
                    Thanks Jundam I appreciate the honesty. Do you have any pics of your hairline from the eyebrows up so we can see what it looks like... I'm still mighty confused as to how it blends into your forehead :P

                    Also when you're not wearing it what does it look like?
                    No, unfortunately I don't have any pictures of it and I can't take any 'cause I broke my system camera on a drunken escapade and the camera on my mobile phone is absolute shit(waiting for the next Samsung!) so it wouldn't do you any good to stare at that. But there's loads of high-res pictures of hairlines on various forums you can check out.

                    As far as the blend goes it's basically down to what type of "base" you use. The two most popular ones are skin and lace. I've never seen anybody up close with a skin base so I can't vouch for them but basically it's just a very thin piece of artificial skin designed to replicate the look of the skin on your head and then covered with hair. As far as lace goes, it's a very thin and kinda see-through net so that when stretched and pressed against the skin on your head it disappears and gives the illusion that the hair is growing naturally on your head.

                    As for when you're not wearing it looks exactly like you would imagine it does; as if you're bald or have been pranked and had your head shaved in your sleep. But if you're worried about not being able to take a break from it then it's really as easy as just putting on a hat instead. I've done that a few times when I've been cleaning up and needed go out and smoke. Just make sure that it fits and doesn't just fly off by slightest touch and you don't have anything to worry about.

                    I'm not a regular on this forum anymore and just checked in because I was curious about how Replicel turned out, I just noticed your response because I got a notification in my inbox, and I won't be stopping by anymore because I've got better things to do these days. But there's lots of forums for hair systems so just check some of them out and you'll find all the answers you're looking for.



                    • Flowers
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 254

                      Where'd you get the piece do they have a website?


                      • Dav7
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2013
                        • 308

                        Originally posted by 2020
                        who in their right mind still considers hair transplants in 2012..... transplants ARE PERMANENT. FOREVER! New treatments are right around the corner. Can't you at least wait until the end of this year??
                        Realise this thread is a bit old, but just came across it now. What do you mean by this, Histogen isn't even going to be released until the end of 2015, and that's in Asia. It will be a bit later in other countries. Hair transplants still seem to be only thing that can be done to recover what this bloody parasite MPB has robbed from us.


                        • Notcoolanymore
                          Senior Member
                          • Jun 2013
                          • 2260

                          Originally posted by Dav7
                          Realise this thread is a bit old, but just came across it now. What do you mean by this, Histogen isn't even going to be released until the end of 2015, and that's in Asia. It will be a bit later in other countries. Hair transplants still seem to be only thing that can be done to recover what this bloody parasite MPB has robbed from us.
                          The sad thing is 2020's comment was saying to wait till the end of 2012. We are already approaching the end of 2013. Same BS hair loss cures are around the corner.

