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  • UK_
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2011
    • 2744

    Originally posted by The Alchemist
    That's what i figured you say. You made a bunch of attacks on something which you clearly know very little about and when asked to provide evidence for your position, you decline. It's pathetic how paper thin your beliefs are. You'd rather wallow in your ignorance, then do the difficult task of researching your position and then having to come to terms with the fact that you're wrong. Thank you for proving my point.
    I think a lot of people feel disillusioned with big pharma, not knowing the people that constitute said institutions are really, genuine people looking for improvements in treatments themselves, the elixir of life for the elites only conspiracy has been around for as long as chicken.

    Once you actually start researching what's going on in some of the top institutions you'll be surprised at what can actually be achieved today compared to even half a decade ago.

    In short, it's true, the basis behind the arguments of those individuals who believe in the "Pharma Conspiracy" is laughably weak, it really boils down to feelings of disillusionment.


    • VictimOfDHT
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2011
      • 748

      Originally posted by The Alchemist
      That's what i figured you say. You made a bunch of attacks on something which you clearly know very little about and when asked to provide evidence for your position, you decline. It's pathetic how paper thin your beliefs are. You'd rather wallow in your ignorance, then do the difficult task of researching your position and then having to come to terms with the fact that you're wrong. Thank you for proving my point.
      Are you really that dumb ? Yeah, you must be. What do you think, we're in a court or something that I have to prove to you something only jack asses don't know ? The only one here wallowing in his ignorance is YOU, idiot. Pull your empty head out of the sand.


      • UK_
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2011
        • 2744

        Whatever happens - one things for sure, there wont ever be a shortage of studies into green tea.


        • DepressedByHairLoss
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2011
          • 876

          PatientlyWaiting, you really do have a point. I've brought up similar points many times on this website, because I truly find it unacceptable that in this day and age that we do not have an effective mechanism to combat hair loss and to regrow hair. The FDA is literally in bed with all of these high-powered pharmaceutical companies, and it ain't just me saying it. Several independent-minded politicians, such as Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura, have said the same thing. And these pharmaceutical companies aren't interested in doing anything that doesn't serve their self-interest and make them a ton of money. And frequent treatments for hair loss, no matter how shitty they are, will make them a ton more money than a potential cure. Look at Rogaine and Propecia. They don't do much of anything yet they are huge moneymakers, because most people (including myself) absolutely detest baldness and will do anything at all to not be bald. Hair transplants are also a huge moneymaker despite their shortcomings, and doctors make a ton of money performing them. The medical industry is a huge lobby and they can make a lot more money performing surgical procedures than non-invasive, but potentially WAY more effective ways to treat hair loss.
          It's a fact that many people go elsewhere to get treatments that are not available in the U.S. Michael J Fox and Muhammad Ali go to Asia for more effective Parkinson's treatments and I've read about numerous parapelegic Americans who travel to China for stem cell treatments that are not offered in the U.S. It really wouldn't surprise me if a more effective hair loss treatment emerged from outside of the U.S. I would actually prefer this. Then the doctors who perform the treatment would not have the FDA up their asses, and would have more freedom to perform their treatments. I know that safety is an issue, but I'm not even sure that the government cares about that either. If they did, then they would do something to regulate the hair transplant industry; after all I have read on here about people with botched hair transplants, specifically from chain centers like Bosley or Hair Club.
          Some people will contend that hair loss is extremely complex, yet I highly doubt that it's more complex than diseases like cancer or AIDS. Hell, there are tons of articles on the internet that suggest all types of cures for baldness (WNT, Noggin, BMP inhibitors, Thymosin B4, autologous stem cell therapies), yet none of these are tried on humans. That's the fishiest thing ever; that there are tons of things that are known to have the potential to regrow hair, yet none of them are or have been developed to benefit humans.


          • RichardDawkins
            • Jan 2011
            • 895

            The problem is a simple one people got to comfortable with Propecia and hair transplants, that they didnt saw any real problems with it.

            But right now all the repair cases from the 90s turn up rapidly, the guys with serious side effects from propecia are turning up as well.

            Btw almost all big pharmaceutics are investing in Stem cell stuff for some reasons like "its profitable" and so they can avoid huge law suits because if someone can get new hairs back with stem cell treatments, do you think this guy will sue them for sunken eyes due to propecia?

            And when Dr Rassman says "Hair multiplication is one decade away" pfff we all know what this means


            • Mojo Risin
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2011
              • 157

              Rassman has no interest whatsoever in supporting new treatments. Just read his blog where he talks about hair systems ... everything is worthless except hair transplant.

              Just read this :

              This guy is all money. Everybody knows Prince William is a terrible hair transplant candidate. The guy is 30 years old, clearly set to become a Norwood 7 ... blonde hair ...

              It's like saying Hubert Reeves should get one.

              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

              Remember this guy ? He won a contest to get the best hair transplant possible. Rassman was his surgeon.

              We visit with reporter Russ Jowell to find out how someone can join a food co-op?

              WOOOOOOOOOOOOW. NICE FREAKIN' TRANSPLANT BRO. And yeah ... he didn't brag about this one on his blog ...

              Let's just face reality, a Norwood 7 guy has absolutly zero option except a hair system ...


              • RichardDawkins
                • Jan 2011
                • 895

                Thats what he get for 25.000 dollars? **** have you seen Ghos nW6 patients? They got a better coverage with lesser grafts.

                Oh man this is total hardcore


                • PatientlyWaiting
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 1639

                  Depressedbyhairloss, I agree with you. There's nothing we can really do, but travel some where else that actually care about cures. I don't think U.S.

                  What I said about Cuba having some of the best doctors in the world, is true. If you research hard enough for the country with the best doctors, you'l almost always find Cuba in the discussion. My friend has an aunt that had cancer, here in the U.S. they told her she has 3 weeks to live and it would be a miracle for her to survive, she went to Cuba, they treated her, they told her she can go back home the next day if she wants. She was cured of cancer in Cuba. It's been 7 years, she looks as good as ever, 100% healthy.

                  Look I just googled "where are the best doctors in the world" for the first time[I never used the internet to find this out, I hear it from testimonials from real live people], and I found one answer saying this, in the first link I clicked.

                  "Cuba and Romania because especially surgeons..they're good and have experienced.

                  I disagree with the states..I'm sorry but some doctors in the States don't even know what they're doing..I heard stories on television showing 10 worse doctors..number 2 was the States..that some doctors in the States are not experienced or don't have a license..they think they know what they're doing..but deep down we all know they're full of sh**. And first all your medical care is way too expensive"

                  Sure this is from a normal person from Yahoo answers UK, but you will hear Cuba has one of the best doctors in that discussion almost every time, from people who KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT.

                  Cuba challenges America and Europe:

                  Why I bring this up is, is it a coincidence that Cuba also has a lower amount of balding people than U.S.? Why is it common that 30-40 year old men in Cuba have 15 year old's hairlines? Not even matured hairlines. Hmm.

                  And BTW, no i'm not from Cuba.


                  • DepressedByHairLoss
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 876

                    I'd really like to see what other countries like Cuba are doing for men suffering from hair loss. The minute I see some results from a hair loss treatment outside of the U.S., I'd be on a plane in a second, no matter how far or no matter how much it costs. Regrowing my hair is definitely the most important thing by far in my life right now.


                    • VictimOfDHT
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2011
                      • 748

                      Depressedbyhair, according to The Alchemist -and the majority of the average gullible Joes- you are a conspiracy theorist because you have doubts about the integrity of the FDA and the way they conduct their business. These guys really believe the FDA's only concern is the safety of the people when it's clear as the sun that their main and primary concern is the pockets of the drug makers and their salesmen-DOCTORS. One must be really naive to think that pharma (in the US) isn't about profit FIRST. The whole health care system is about profit and NOT the well being of the consumer.
                      It's true, Cuba has some of the best doctors in the world and many countries around the world send their doctors to Cuba for training. You'd think the US should be the best but it isn't.

                      I don't think hair loss is that complicated of a problem to solve- IF THERE IS SOME SERIOUS RESEARCH INTO IT, but there isn't.


                      • DepressedByHairLoss
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 876

                        Man, I totally hear ya. I got into a debate with some idiot on another thread who actually compared my way of thinking (wanting to test on humans chemicals that have been proven time and time again to regrow hair on mice) to Josef Mengele!! Can you believe that shit??
                        There is just so much evidence to suggest that the FDA and its beneficiaries (pharmaceutical companies and doctors) are in bed together, that it isn't even funny. Hell, independent politicians bring it up all the time. It just makes me so mad that they are playing games with us and our health issues while they continue to keep on raking in the money and doing what is best for themselves.
                        The medical industry represents a huge lobbyist platform and it is in the best monetary interest of the FDA to cater to them rather than the regular individual. I mean, why is it that every hair doctor offers only the same goddamn thing: hair transplants, when most people losing their hair don't even want to get them in the first place? Because these invasive surgical procedures make them the most money.
                        I agree, hair loss is probably not that complex of a problem to solve, especially compared to all the ridiculously-complex stuff that is being achieved in this technological age. Hell, there are plenty of things that have so much potential to regrow hair (Noggin, BMP inhibitors, cyclosporine, ephrin-a3, N-WASP, laminin 511) yet coincidentally NONE of these chemicals are even being attempted to be brought to the stage to benefit humans. As I've said millions of times, how can we know if a treatment can benefit humans if it is never tested on humans in the first place?
                        It just absolutely sickens me that since I am born with a genetic defect, I am forcing to rely on an industry that has no interest in curing it in the first place.


                        • DepressedByHairLoss
                          Senior Member
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 876

                          Also, when you've got doctors scrambling and offering laughable solutions like head tattooing and chest hair and beard hair transplants, then you know that something is very wrong.


                          • stillinHS1994
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 72

                            Lol that guy was an idiot...I don't think he understood that if we would just test some of these potential cures or treatments on humans then we might not even be worrying about this sh$t anymore...somehow he took wat u were trying to say and twisted it to make it sound like you wanted to force stuff on humans that is dangerous and has no potential of the comparison with mengele is ridiculous


                            • DepressedByHairLoss
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2011
                              • 876

                              What even worse is that people will supposedly discover chemicals which can potentially regrow hair on humans but then never even both to bring to the market. And since they own the right to the discovery, they (and only they) can develop a product based on the specific chemical, yet they wind up not doing anything.
                              Regenerx and their discovery Thymosin Beta 4 is a perfect example. Regenerx found years ago that Thymosin Beta 4 can possibly regrow hair in humans yet they have not done anything to develop a hair loss treatment using Thymosin Beta for almost 10 years. And since they made this so-called discovery, they're the only ones that can develop a product for hair loss with Thymosin Beta. No one else can since they hold a patent on it. I believe that last year a Korean company called Adistem (maybe Actistem) attempted to sell a product containing Thymosin Beta 4, but after a few months ago, they were no longer selling it anymore. I believe this way because Regenerx stepped in and threatened to sue them for copyright infringement. I mean, at least if Regenerx doesn't plan to develop anything for hair loss with Thymosin Beta 4, then at least sell off the rights to some one who willing to.
                              Right there is a prime example of a company putting the desire to make money over the well-being and good of human beings.


                              • Jundam
                                Senior Member
                                • Mar 2011
                                • 110

                                I'm not an idiot. I just tried to explain how the scientific community works and why there are laws safeguarding humans from scientific experimentation. You're just blind to simple reasoning in this discussion because you're suffering from the lack of scientific progress within the field.
                                Stop mentioning the various things you've read might cure AGA as if you comprehend the meaning of them on even the basest level. And stop acting as if the only reason a cure doesn't exist is because nobody wants to try it out. The FDA may be corrupt but the scientific community isn't and as can be seen by Histogen and Replicel; Getting approval in Asia and Europe is an option for everybody. Their mere existence proves that anybody is allowed to commence clinical trials in search for a superior treatment to hair loss. There's no reason for the FDA to even be in this discussion. It's American bullshit and doesn't concern the rest of the free world.

                                And for reference I'm not on some other team fighting against you. I started losing my hair as a teenager and while Rogaine and Propecia worked to regrow and maintain I know there's a time limit on it and I really do hope there's a solution ready before I hit that limit. I'm just trying to stay sane while waiting.
                                Perhaps these forums were a bad choice.

