Researchers Accidently Reverse Baldness, Alopecia in Mice

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  • gmonasco
    • Apr 2010
    • 883

    Researchers Accidently Reverse Baldness, Alopecia in Mice

    Good news for bald mice: A five-day treatment can restore a silky black coat of fur. But it will be a while before the hair-raising drug -- accidently discovered by University of California, Los Angeles scientists studying gut function -- is ready to be tested in humans.

    While studying gut function in mice, researchers stumbled onto a treatment for baldness. But a human-ready version might take a while.
  • fontanajul
    • Jan 2011
    • 30

    Spencer should totally get the doctor responsible for this study on baldtruth radio!!! Here's the link to his info =)



    • Winston
      • Mar 2009
      • 943

      This is an amazing discovery that can have so many applications. Who knows, it might even unlock the mystery of alopecia areata. This is big news!


      • UK_
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2011
        • 2744

        Hey thats great news.

        But the mice were "stressed mice" so clearly they cleared the stress and the hair went back to its normal growth phase - I cant get my head around the importance of this study/research. Clearly if one is stressed and the stress is tackled hair returns to normal (we know that) they have merely stumbled upon ANOTHER mechanism to turn off stress.


        • gmonasco
          • Apr 2010
          • 883

          I'm about to give up hoping for a cure for (human) hair loss in favor of hoping for a technology that will turn me into a mouse.


          • Winston
            • Mar 2009
            • 943

            Originally posted by gmonasco
            I'm about to give up hoping for a cure for (human) hair loss in favor of hoping for a technology that will turn me into a mouse.
            LOL! Now that was funny!


            • UK_
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2011
              • 2744

              Alert: Angry Post.

              The title is totally misleading - it's just another dressed up storyline aiming to gain a bit of hype amongst the millions suffering from "MPB" I understand stress is a huge factor in many cases of hairloss - anyway - this is not a cure for hairloss - all they have done is turned stressed out mice into mice without any stress and hair grew back, well done - back to Histogen and Acell.

              P.S. I hate the way they always chuck in the imaginary carrot: "it'll be here in another 5 years time yadda yadda yadda" - please - cut it out, you can grow new lung tissue, heart valves, bladders and kidneys in the lab & nearly reverse engineer the entire human brain but you can't grow a single hair follicle? tsk!!!!


              • UK_
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2011
                • 2744

                Seriously I recommend the following title as an adequate replacement:

                Stress-blocking drug restores hair in "stressed" bald mice.

                LOL@ "cure" - no matter how many times you use the word "might" in the same sentence - I always laugh my ass off when I see that word in any headline - seriously - what have "they" cured? TB is still around, all of the old diseases have simply gone into a state of remission due to our living standards, but still plague the lives of c60% of the planet - they wont cure anything - they dont want to -



                • mlao
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 387

                  I just think this is another piece of fluff that they use to fill up time on the news and space in a newspaper. A real waste of time.
                  Their energy would be better spent interviewing Gail Naughton and Dr. Craig Zering from Histogen so more investors would see the potential in what they are doing.
                  Last edited by mlao; 02-17-2011, 04:15 PM. Reason: spelling


                  • amadeus
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 295

                    "Dr. George Cotsarelis, chairman of the dermatology department at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, said any treatment developed from the research would probably be useful only for hair loss related to stress, likes that caused by one-time events, rather than as a treatment for genetic baldness."

                    Mouse researchers conducting stress hormone experiments have stumbled onto a surprising new discovery — a potential treatment for hair loss.


                    • Thinning@30
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 316

                      Hmmm...TRX2 is supposed to regrow hair on animals as well as people. Someone should test it to see if regrows hair on those bald mice.


                      • Thinning@30
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 316

                        In all seriousness, I am so sick and tired of the idiotic "Cure for Baldness Discovered!!" headlines that always pop everytime someone makes a new discovery about hair loss. The reality is that it will take years of testing to see if something like this would be an effective hair loss treatment in humans.

                        From what I've read, pattern baldness is limited to humans and handful of other primates, so it is very hard to conduct animal studies on baldness treatments. That said, I thought one of the unique aspects of this study was that the mice were bred to have pattern baldness, which might make the results more applicable to people.


                        • UK_
                          Senior Member
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 2744

                          Originally posted by Thinning@30
                          In all seriousness, I am so sick and tired of the idiotic "Cure for Baldness Discovered!!" headlines that always pop everytime someone makes a new discovery about hair loss. The reality is that it will take years of testing to see if something like this would be an effective hair loss treatment in humans.

                          From what I've read, pattern baldness is limited to humans and handful of other primates, so it is very hard to conduct animal studies on baldness treatments. That said, I thought one of the unique aspects of this study was that the mice were bred to have pattern baldness, which might make the results more applicable to people.

                          Believe me... I feel your anger lol - but I guess on the plus side... if there ARE any stressed mice out there then they need worry no more!...


                          • mlao
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2009
                            • 387

                            Originally posted by Thinning@30
                            In all seriousness, I am so sick and tired of the idiotic "Cure for Baldness Discovered!!" headlines that always pop everytime someone makes a new discovery about hair loss. The reality is that it will take years of testing to see if something like this would be an effective hair loss treatment in humans.

                            From what I've read, pattern baldness is limited to humans and handful of other primates, so it is very hard to conduct animal studies on baldness treatments. That said, I thought one of the unique aspects of this study was that the mice were bred to have pattern baldness, which might make the results more applicable to people.
                            I agree with you after reading the mouse article in the NY Times I sent them an email about Histogen.


                            • dgman21
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 203

                              Where do you grt TRX2? And have any of you guys actually had any descent results?

