Histogen Update - Spencer Kobren Speaks With Dr. Craig L. Ziering

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  • mlao
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2009
    • 387

    There is only one picture floating around of an actual top down view of someones head. If you search Histogen HSC in google images you will find it.
    Trust me it is not that impressive. I believe the study from which it was taken from was for concept and safety.


    • Dasani
      • Jun 2011
      • 57

      Originally posted by mlao
      There is only one picture floating around of an actual top down view of someones head. If you search Histogen HSC in google images you will find it.
      Trust me it is not that impressive. I believe the study from which it was taken from was for concept and safety.
      I've seen that picture and you're right it's nothing impressive. But that's because it's pretty low resolution and was taken from several feet away. And the area that was tested was only 1.47cm^2. Obviously you're not going to see detail from that far away. 0.1mm injection produced continued growth for an entire year, with impressive results in only 3 months. I can't help but be very optimistic.

      Not only that but this treatment is far more simple than a traditional hair transplant, requiring a minute fraction of the man hours and presumably not requiring as skilled a technician to administer the injections. I don't know how expensive this material is to manufacture and in what quantities they can produce it, but I'm hopeful for a future where restoring a full head of hair for anyone is a matter of spending maybe 1-2 hours in a doctors office a couple times throughout your life.


      • Purple Glow
        Junior Member
        • Feb 2011
        • 20

        50 hairs per cm2 + a concealer like Nanogen or Hair Cubed is a full head of hair. So if they make no further gains, Histogen is already a baldness cure.


        • Jundam
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2011
          • 110

          Originally posted by Purple Glow
          50 hairs per cm2 + a concealer like Nanogen or Hair Cubed is a full head of hair. So if they make no further gains, Histogen is already a baldness cure.
          It is not a cure if it needs a concealer.


          • Dasani
            • Jun 2011
            • 57

            Yeah I won't consider anything requiring a concealer worthy of the term 'cure.' Besides I have much higher hopes for histogen


            • RichardDawkins
              • Jan 2011
              • 895

              Concealer LOL thats not a cure.

              A cure is stopping hair loss, getting some of the follicles back and then fill the rest with something like HST. This is a cure and the end of story


              • GBB
                Junior Member
                • Mar 2011
                • 29

                The billion dollar question is---have they begun their 'spring' trials? No one seems to know. Where have they all vanished?


                • ALLISWELL
                  • Feb 2011
                  • 52

                  They sold their shares to aderans lyk intercytex, :P


                  • CAlex
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 113

                    I dont understand how so many people get their facts mixed up.

                    50 hairs per cm/2 will not give you a full looking head of hair since it is only about a 1/4 of natural density. The entire lie about you have to lose 50% of your natural density before you begin to appear thinning is from the ht docs so they can sell people on ht's.

                    histogens initial trial(if their data is not tweaked or misrepresented) is very promising. if in their phase 2 which may or may not have begun yet can reproduce the 57 new hairs per cm/2 over larger areas then we are in business.

                    Hopefully they are able to get a greater number of hairs to grow because they will be trying more injections and different levels of the hsc ****tail.

                    As for pictures. They have released them a long time ago so go look and stop complaining.

                    the issue is the area that was treated was very small, about the size of a penny, give or take. It is close up macroscopic picture so their appears to be large areas of empty spaces between the hairs which makes it look much less positive then it really is.

                    if you were to take a macroscopic picture of the same size area of the picture I posted you would see large areas of bald scalp between each hair too.


                    • UK_
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 2744

                      They produced circa 85 hairs per cm2.


                      • Dasani
                        • Jun 2011
                        • 57

                        Originally posted by UK_
                        They produced circa 85 hairs per cm2.
                        That's great, the link I provided above was a quote referencing 57 hairs per cm^2. Do You have a source for this? I think you might be mistakenly reading the increase of 87 hairs in the treated area, which works out to 87 hairs 1.47cm^2.

                        If you do the math that's = to ~59 hairs per cm^2


                        • Purple Glow
                          Junior Member
                          • Feb 2011
                          • 20

                          Originally posted by RichardDawkins
                          Concealer LOL thats not a cure.

                          A cure is stopping hair loss, getting some of the follicles back and then fill the rest with something like HST. This is a cure and the end of story
                          Look, there is no cure on the market now. You are going bald. Histogen plus concealer = full head of hair. That's a cure to me. I would pay big bucks for that result if I was bald.


                          • RichardDawkins
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 895

                            i stick with what dr cole said about Ari and Histogen, so dont hold your hopes up


                            • DepressedByHairLoss
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2011
                              • 876

                              That post from Dr. Cole seemed awfully suspicious to me. He claims that Aderans and Histogen have other agendas but so does he, I believe. It is not in a hair transplant doctor's best interest to admit that there are going to better technologies out there very soon to hopefully make these archaic hair transplants obsolete. If he admitted that Histogen was actually working, then it would discourage people from running out to get hair transplants, what he specializes in in the first place. I think he and other hair transplant doctors are knocking these new and potentially effective treatments so that people will think that nothing new is in the pipeline with regards to hair loss, and then ultimately get a hair transplant with them. And personally, I'm sick and tired of hearing about 'plucking', 'grafting', and 'transplantation'. We are in desperate need of more options, particularly ones that don't leave permanent scars and marks all over your head.


                              • Dasani
                                • Jun 2011
                                • 57

                                I don't even want to entertain the idea of using a concealer. I'm just beginning to thin, no one besides myself has really even noticed. Histogen's product stops the progression of MPB like that wizard in lord of the rings (think 'You shall not pass!'). And then on top of that it grows back a ton of hair.

                                The trick is going to be compounding for all of the treatments that are currently in the pipeline. If histogens HSC compounds to the point where you get all your hair back that's great. I can't imagine why the aderans (or replicel) technique wouldn't compound either. Aderans is saying it's seeing results of 12 new hairs per cm2 in it's early trials. Those are 12 permanent, DHT resistant hairs (presumably). That's great, if they can boost those results to just say 20 hairs, and it's compoundable, then it becomes a 'cure.' Think of it like orthodontics as a kid, you have braces for ~ two years, then your teeth are fixed for life. With this you receive a set of injections once every two months, then two years after initial treatment you have a full head of hair for life (with results improving as treatment progresses and no need to do anything like wear a retainer for the rest of your life)

                                This whole 1/2 your original density to look good thing doesn't sound like my ideal endpoint. Call me greedy but I want the 200/hairs per cm2 full density and I'm hoping a hair doctor will let me persue that if these treatment options make that possible

