I think I've hacked it

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  • Justinian
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2014
    • 148

    Originally posted by jamesst11
    nope, that's why I prefaced that statement with, "i would say"... believe what you want to man, but 80-90% is WAY OFF.
    Are you basing that off of what you see on here? Forums like this are definitely biased towards the 10% it doesn't work on.


    • fred970
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2009
      • 924

      And, this thread is already sinking and going nowhere.


      • NeedHairASAP
        Senior Member
        • Jul 2011
        • 1410

        Originally posted by fred970
        And, this thread is already sinking and going nowhere.
        Review your posts. Wasn't that your goal?


        • UNBEAT
          • Dec 2015
          • 35

          thanks fgf11 for what you are doing.. i wanted to know if your cure can help with seborreah severe hair loss .i have lost most of my hair because of it. thank you


          • fred970
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2009
            • 924

            Originally posted by NeedHairASAP
            Review your posts. Wasn't that your goal?
            My goal? Yeah right. This thread is dead. Value = 0.


            • bananana
              • Feb 2012
              • 525

              Originally posted by fred970
              My goal? Yeah right. This thread is dead. Value = 0.
              ok, thank you for your deep insights fred.
              you can walk away from this thread then.



              • fred970
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2009
                • 924

                Originally posted by bananana
                ok, thank you for your deep insights fred.
                you can walk away from this thread then.

                Everyone has walked away from this thread, unsurprisingly.


                • bboyforever
                  Junior Member
                  • Oct 2015
                  • 8

                  The guy comes on with a detailed and seemingly plausible theory. Some people objected to his theory, other's demanded proof. He defended himself to a point and said he'd try his theory out and report back in some months. There's not really a lot left to say. No one can really try at what he's doing because he's using way more advanced equipment and knowledge than anyone else here, and the only people knowledgeable enough to critique his theory in any meaningful way have already done so.

                  You're not bursting other people's delusions fred, you're just trying to bolster your own. Take control of yourself man.


                  • Westonci
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2010
                    • 254

                    Originally posted by FGF11
                    Do you really think they care? I mean the researchers.

                    Do you even know how scientific grants work. You write a whole grant, based on your previous publications, and then you show some preliminary data, and then you compete with a bunch of other people to get a grant that can possibly support you, may be, for the next 5 years or so.

                    Do you know, scientists have to use bunch of previous money to produce that preliminary data, in the first place.

                    Do you think I haven't tried to contact Dr. Cotsarelis? I think the guy is smart, but they are hugely restricted on what they can do and what they can’t do.

                    Do you know we live in a world of paradoxes?

                    Do you have any idea you have to wait at least four months until your protocol get accepted so you could do a tiny experiment on mice? Then we kill and eat at millions of millions of animals, much smarter than mice every year to eat and then die of hear attack.

                    Do you know if today, you convince the whole world that silencing AR is way more effective than Finasteride and Minoxidil and Way more SAFE, and it works, you have to wait at least five to six years for it to hit the market, if EVER, because it will be expensive and not practical.

                    Do you know I’m doubtful if anyone completely understood what I’ve written here.

                    Do you think I’m less knowledgable than them, the researchers. Just because I wrote my findings here. Do you think if I could have started my START-UP, I wouldn’t have done so.

                    No, it’s ****ing hard.

                    Time will convince people that I’ve been right or not. Or my next set of experiments. I was hoping I could find some knowledgeable people here, so I could keep in contact with them, and start doing something together.

                    Do you think when I said, I’m to going make it work, it's easy. Do you really know hard is it to really do so?

                    I’m trying to culture E.Coli cells to make me enough amount of siRNA’s so I could test my hypothesis. Do you know how much reading I have done, and how planning I have done. Do you know how much work does that take. How much testing? Do you know how much of my own money I’m putting on this.

                    Do you know about ego? and how it has killed so many advancements in the past.

                    Have you heard about United Therapeutics? the story behind its founder. GO READ IT.

                    Do you know the first people who found adult stem cells, have told the news SO MANY TIMES, that if some one came to them and propose to them iPSC cells, they would have never give the guy any money to do his experiments in the first place. iPSC cells have changed the world.

                    SCIENTISTS ARE FULL OF EGO.

                    Do you think if I could test my finding with experiments, I couldn't have done so.

                    Gosh jeez, some people here, don’t know the difference between a molecule and a cell phone.

                    Do you think I care about other people? do you think they care about what I’ve written here? It’s a ****ing messed up world, do something. Don’t sit on your butt, man.

                    Sooner or later, someone will try what I’ve done here, the pharma and it will be known if it works or not. But I can’t wait for that time to come. Because science is slow, and biotech is greedy.

                    I believe in what I’ve done, based on what I’ve seen, it may end up NOT working, but at least in my spare time I have actually tried to impact my life, and MAY BE those around me.

                    I don’t have anything to sell, god, these people.

                    Mark Zuckerberg, gives all his money to charity and just read the comments. Man, the world is SO messed up.

                    No reason, scientists don’t care to contact people directly, and ignore them like they are a plague. Watch the documentary life according to sam, watch the movie Lorenzo Oil, do you know how much criticism these people got. These are all true stories.

                    I'm just trying to my best people, and to me it makes sense more and more every day.

                    Please dont give up or listen to fred970.

                    I really appreciate the hard work you put into this, and I know you are on to something. We need knowledgeable people like you to lead the way.

                    Tesla, Einstein, Turing etc. We live the way we do today because the legacy these guys have made.

                    If you can crack this, you will go down in history and will be among the giants of history that changed everything.

                    God speed fgf11


                    • FGF11
                      • Nov 2015
                      • 61

                      Update #1:

                      My theory was not completely correct, however, the approach remains the same.

                      I’ve come to the conclusion, based on two other experiments I did, that AR cytoplasmic retention (and not its nuclear localization) is the cause of irreversible hair follicle miniaturization.
                      In epidermal and dermal cells, beta-catenin binds to androgen receptor in a DHT dependent manner. This also occurs, in small amounts, in DHT independent manner. This blocks beta-catenin and therefore, do not let it bind co-transcription factors.

                      There is a pool of cytoplasmic beta-catenin that competes with cytoplasmic androgen receptor. When, overtime, levels of AR (HF miniaturization) goes beyond the levels of cytoplasmic beta-catenin, it stop beta-catenin from acting. Therefore, cells stay in a catagen-like state, in another word, miniaturized. AR per se does not cause damage, in a sense that it’s irreversible, as AR is super active in other HFs such as beards or pubes.

                      The balance (number of beta-catenin and Androgen Receptors), however, is critical for HF miniaturization to be reversible, the moment the balance is won by AR, HF miniaturization is no longer reversible. This happens when baldness advances, to a degree that AR expression is beyond the levels of cytoplasmic beta-catenin.

                      Therefore, HFs stay in a doomed cycle, as they can not get out of miniaturization, since it requires beta-catenin to regenerate, and no matter how you activate it, beta-catenin is locked down either in nucleus by androgen-bound AR (as it can't bind TCF/LEF1 when bound to AR) or in the cytoplasm (even in a DHT independent manner due to its phosphorylation by detrimental cytokine signals).

                      Now, binding of AR to AR antagonist (pure or non-pure) most probably will not change its affinity for beta-catenin, it may, however, stop its nuclear localization. Therefore, no AR antagonist, as of now, is able to reverse HF miniaturization.

                      #Update 2:

                      I have now bought tobacco plants, and I am trying to engineer them into producing large-amounts of potent siRNA’s. I am still facing lots of problems, however, if there are some biologists here (or if you know people who have the knowledge and might be interested), who know how to do simple wet lab experiments with either bacteria or plants, and do like to participate in something that can change the world and believes in the same philosophy that I believe in (open science, and the fact that scientists put their pants on just like you and me), contact me. I am the most unashamedly ambitious person who wants to get rid of this thing once and for all.

                      Please, unless you are contributing something valuable to this thread, don't post.


                      • FGF11
                        • Nov 2015
                        • 61

                        This, I would say, is no longer a theory, and I have high confidence, it is true.


                        • FGF11
                          • Nov 2015
                          • 61

                          I'm also thinking about taking this discussion off this forum (maybe reddit), as, clearly, in retrospect, this place was not a good place to start this. May be someone can design a website for this. I appreciate your support and encouraging words. Life is short, and I'm trying to justify my existence here. It's okay to ask questions though.


                          • Link Mahboi
                            • Dec 2014
                            • 30

                            Originally posted by FGF11
                            I'm also thinking about taking this discussion off this forum (maybe reddit), as, clearly, in retrospect, this place was not a good place to start this. May be someone can design a website for this. I appreciate your support and encouraging words. Life is short, and I'm trying to justify my existence here. It's okay to ask questions though.
                            FGF11, do you believe it's possible to reverse follicle DNA damage?


                            • Seuxin
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2014
                              • 223

                              Some peptides can reverse dna damage.
                              Maybe cooper peptides from Dr Loren Pickard !
                              ( It's not advertissment...i just told..."maybe" )


                              • Keeper
                                • Aug 2015
                                • 42

                                yes please create a web page FGF11 ! would love to follow you

