The rockstar/hobo diet

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  • Trouse5858
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2014
    • 169

    Originally posted by Velvetmonkey
    What you are saying makes no sense at all. Lot's of people have noticed the same thing about hobos. But I have never heard anybody claim that any other group like lawyers or car mechanics or teachers have great hair. And there is no reason for people to actively look for thick hair on hobos. It's an observation made by many independent observers. You think this is all a coincident?

    Isn't it more logical to think that a subset of people whose lifestyle and diet drastically differs from the average population could actually be affected by that?

    I have noticed that alot of great american athletes are black for example. Is that also a coincident?
    When you say "lots of people" you have to understand that you're still talking about about an absolutely tiny fraction of society. 99.9 percent of people if asked what the hair quality of a homeless person is would be utterly befuddled and unsure how to answer the question. It isn't some accepted social anomaly that the homeless have nice thick heads of hair. It's a shared observation by a few people - on a hairloss forum mind you - who are inherently more prone to thinking about other people's hair quality and therefore potentially seeing trends where they don't actually exist. There isn't anywhere close to an established correlation between "being homeless" and "hair health."

    Furthermore, I feel like the literature on hairloss has proven that "lifestyle" and diet play minimal roles in the actual triggers of MPB. There are bald people amongst literally every single socio-economic demographic that you can possibly conceive within a certain age group. Varying percentages of the homeless, world-class athletes, finance giants, students, salesmen, bank robbers etc etc all experience hair loss and there are a limitless number of variables to consider and thus trying to selectively isolate something like how many calories or protein intake or Vitamin D they consume as being a causal factor is counter-intuitive when in fact almost all literature conducted in the field spanning several decades points to a genetic predisposition.

    Your last point argues against everything else you wrote....the overwhelming prevalence of black athletes in the United States proves that genetic variables are far and away more decisive factors in determining a groups' shared physiologies and physical features.


    • NOhairNOlife
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2014
      • 118

      ^this +1000 I wish I could express myself this will. Although I have noticed that a majority of hobos have fulls heads of hair I agree with trouse, it's just coincidence. It's all genetics.
      And we notice them more because they are easier to spot than a mechanic or a lawyer. You're sitting at a traffic light and a homeless man comes to your window and asks for change. So oh you look at his hair. Or you're walking down the street and see a panhandler so again you notice his hair. But when you're driving down the street you don't know who is a mechanic or a doctor or a lawyer.


      • Velvetmonkey
        • Dec 2012
        • 34

        Ofcourse baldness is genetic. I have never denied that. But it's a fact that lifestyle has an effect on how genese are expressed.

        There are lots of indications that fasting prolongs life for example. If it can make you live longer I don't see how it is so impossible that it also protects against hair loss.

        I tryed to post a reply with links to lots of other forums were people have noticed the exact same thing but it was blocked. I guess for linking.

        I also don't understand why I would notice honos hairlines more just because they are hobos. Makes no sense. There are lots of groups on society that I could be studying, police men, cashiers, librarians etc. I study all norwoods equally.

        If lots of people that are taking HGH claim it grows hair, and we have a group of people (hobos) on a diet that increases their levels of HGH by thousands of percent on a regular basis, why is it so crazy to think there is a connection?


        • Trouse5858
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2014
          • 169


          I had never heard of any stories linking HGH to hair growth. I tried to do some digging, but as one would expect, the information is pretty scarce. I did however read that in a study of over 200 patients administered doses of growth hormone by their doctors, 38 percent reported an improvement in hair quality while even more people reported it helped their hair color. That's pretty staggering, anecdotal or otherwise. Just because it hasn't been proven in a clinical trial doesn't mean the science isn't there. Wondering if you had any further information or possible links about this. Aside from this obvious benefit, my admittedly amateur understanding of HGH is that it's a anti-aging miracle drug that helps boost energy and sex drive, reduce wrinkles (not that I have any yet) and obviously promote recovery and help increase lean muscle mass.

          Baldtruthtalk HGH group buy anyone lol???


          • Velvetmonkey
            • Dec 2012
            • 34

            Originally posted by Trouse5858

            I had never heard of any stories linking HGH to hair growth. I tried to do some digging, but as one would expect, the information is pretty scarce. I did however read that in a study of over 200 patients administered doses of growth hormone by their doctors, 38 percent reported an improvement in hair quality while even more people reported it helped their hair color. That's pretty staggering, anecdotal or otherwise. Just because it hasn't been proven in a clinical trial doesn't mean the science isn't there. Wondering if you had any further information or possible links about this. Aside from this obvious benefit, my admittedly amateur understanding of HGH is that it's a anti-aging miracle drug that helps boost energy and sex drive, reduce wrinkles (not that I have any yet) and obviously promote recovery and help increase lean muscle mass.

            Baldtruthtalk HGH group buy anyone lol???
            I need adminapproval to post links here for some reason. But you can find the same stuff I have by googling "hgh hair regrowth".

            Like you say, just because there is not much science behind it yet doesn't mean there wont be in the future. After all, there is not really much money to be made from telling people to fast now and then if you are a pharmaceutical company.

            Even so there is more and more research showing amazing benefits of intermitten fasting in general. And to me it just makes sense from an evolutionary perspective.


            • sdsurfin
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2013
              • 713

              Ive noticed this too. I don't think its a coincidence. It must be the huge mounts of alcohol ingested. who knows what effect that has, but there are definitely a disproportionate amount of homeless men with full heads of hair in NYC. Polish guys go bald in huge percentages, and in the polish hood here, the homeless guys all have tons of hair.


              • Farkhairloss
                Junior Member
                • May 2015
                • 21

                ^^ Coincidence. I know of and have seen plenty of alcoholics who are bald as!


                • Velvetmonkey
                  • Dec 2012
                  • 34

                  Originally posted by Farkhairloss
                  ^^ Coincidence. I know of and have seen plenty of alcoholics who are bald as!
                  Were they just alcoholics or did they also have an eating pattern that included alot of meal skipping?

                  Just because you are an alcoholic doesn't mean you are not eating regularly.

                  I believe the key is in the eating pattern.

                  When they have studied Okinawans (the most long lived population on earth) they found that their calorie intake was about 80 percent of an average person. Asian people in general tend to eat less than westerners and they have very little baldness there.


                  • BrianH123
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2014
                    • 15

                    I started viewing threads a couple years ago and started commenting whenever it says I did. It makes me laugh / cringe seeing that we really have so little to look forward to that we look to homeless and rockstar lifestyles as possible solutions. Hopefully there is some secret gem hidden in this coming conference , but from the looks of it we are still far off from a real cure. Every few months we get a lineup of all the things in the pipeline and it's the same discussion but we don't really get anywhere because none of us truely know. I don't really have a point to this comment, I'm just tilted as **** about being the only male in my family to lose hair ... At my age (started around 23, 28 now)


                    • Swooping
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2014
                      • 801

                      Funny correlation. I have heard many people say that homeless people have a good head of hair. Like sdsurfin mentioned alcohol is pretty hair protective in theory. I have seen studies in where free testosterone decreases as much as 15% or something if alcohol is administered . It can also induce estrogen which is seen as a very hair follicle protective compound. I also believe that caloric restriction can help with reducing "stress" on the hair follicles. However you would need to look out for telogen effluvium.

                      AGA is still a polygenic inheritance as confirmed by studies. Also there is a pretty big correlation between aggressive AGA sufferers (NW3+ before the age of 30) and low SHBG levels in men (insulin resistance and such). Environmental factors do and can help to some extent. The living proof is for example these two set of identical twins who both inherited AGA genes. You can still see a pretty marked difference between both sets in the severity of AGA while they are identical twins. A little less damage over time can compound too a bigger difference over a longer time frame.


                      • burtandernie
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2012
                        • 1568

                        A set of twins like that though we dont know if they have the same androgen receptor density/layout or any info on all their hormone levels. There are lots of things that could be at play that are not environment related but genetic things out of their control that could account for those hair loss differences.
                        Not to mention identical twins do not have exactly the same genetic sequences. They can have different numbers of copies of a set of genes which makes them not identical. They even mention some differences are labeled "environment" simply because no one previously knew there are genetic differences even in identical twins.
                        Twins may appear to be cut from the same cloth, but their genes reveal a different pattern


                        • Swooping
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2014
                          • 801

                          Originally posted by burtandernie
                          A set of twins like that though we dont know if they have the same androgen receptor density/layout or any info on all their hormone levels. There are lots of things that could be at play that are not environment related but genetic things out of their control that could account for those hair loss differences.
                          Not to mention identical twins do not have exactly the same genetic sequences. They can have different numbers of copies of a set of genes which makes them not identical. They even mention some differences are labeled "environment" simply because no one previously knew there are genetic differences even in identical twins.
                          Damn good stuff, burtandernie. I thought identical twins always share the same DNA sequence. So as hair follicles (and AR expression) develop very early in life that would mean that environmental factors would be accountable to the difference in hair loss in these pictures of the identical twins. Disregard those pictures then indeed, they don't prove that much then I guess.. Very interesting!


                          • Hubris
                            Senior Member
                            • Jul 2015
                            • 120

                            I dislike threads such as these, because they give credence to the idea that MPB is anything but a genetic condition, and that we in some way bear responsibility for our hideous hairlines.


                            • Thinning@30
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 316

                              I dislike threads such as these, because they give credence to the idea that MPB is anything but a genetic condition, and that we in some way bear responsibility for our hideous hairlines.
                              Agreed. Incidentally, not too long ago we had to endure a thread from a guy who somehow determined that "clean" living would reverse baldness. It's obnoxious.


                              • InBeforeTheCure
                                • Oct 2015
                                • 46

                                I was watching "Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee" with Jerry Seinfeld and Ricky Gervais the other day, and upon noticing a homeless man, the conversation was something like:

                                Seinfeld: "Look at this guy. Nobody can explain why the homeless have such fabulous hair."
                                Gervais: "I know. Scientists have been working around the clock for the last 25 years. They've spent billions of dollars but they haven't come up with anything. Like, who commissioned this scientific study?"

                                Homelessness is the solution to baldness. Clearly.

