Researchers Develop First Successful Hair Cloning Technique
It’s old news. Not much to it yet , but interesting. Spencer Kobren interviewed Dr. Cooley on his radio show.
Regenerative medicine innovator ACell Inc. might just be responsible for advancing surgical hair restoration to heights once thought to be science fiction.IAHRS accepted member Jerry Cooley M.D., and New York hair transplant surgeon* Gary Hitzig M.D. say that they have become the first medical doctors to successfully
On January 6, 2010 The Bald Truth reported on what appears to be an exciting scientific breakthrough in the fight against hair loss, and the response to our interview with IAHRS hair transplant surgeon and researcher, Dr. Jerry Cooley, has been overwhelming. We’ve received correspondence from around the world from -
I was excited about it too, but Spencer hashed it all out for us. I bet a lot of people called these doctors thinking it was a cure until he did that interview. It just goes to show you that you can not believe what you read!
It is hopeful news though if they can really grow skin with hair follicles, but it's not cloning.Comment