Do you think there will be a cure by 2025?

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  • ar50
    Senior Member
    • May 2013
    • 115

    Originally posted by sdsurfin
    And if england sucks just move elsewhere. In spain and italy girls care way less about balding, and in the USA its not a huge deal either by your 30's. anyway a hot partner in life can also be the worst one. better to find someone you respect as a person. Don't let this shit get you down man. At least in england there are plenty of bald dudes, shouldn't be a weird thing over there. Id hate to be 24 and balding as a chinese or thai man. there it can really mess up your game.
    I live in holland man but i cant sleep so i watched geordie ahahah. i am actually afghan so i dont know if that is the same category? But you know its sometimes i feel insecure. I am blessed that im tall and girls like that. And i know i have a lot of good qualities. Just need to hit the gym more often and then it will be better i think.


    • sdsurfin
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2013
      • 713

      Afghan is probably good, you must have darker skin and probably dope eyes, and people in that region go bald a lot. In thailand its only like 5 percent of men or something that go bald. We all feel insecure sometime,s even gorgeous girls do. My mom was a total babe and it probably made her a worse person, and def more wrapped up in herself. Just carry yourself like a man, Tall is definitely the kicker, I'm very average but handsome, but have always lost chicks to tall guys. It's really the only thing in the looks department that seems to matter much besides just a passable face and body. Luckily women are much less hung up on looks than dudes, and if you're tall you're probably golden. My grandfather used to say "feo, fuerte, y formal" are the ideal traits for a man (he was the ****er who gave me the bald gene) , which mean "ugly, strong, and formal".


      • sdsurfin
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2013
        • 713

        also don't worry about looks and women, esp if you're tall and good looking. You're not far from being in your thirties, and you'll soon see that women just want someone who has made something of his life and has things other than looks to offer. By the time a girl is in her late twenties she has seen enough douchebags to know what matters. It takes more effort without hair sometimes, but the guys i know who are totally bald have probably the best looking wives of all my friends.


        • sdsurfin
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2013
          • 713

          if you live in holland just look at robben. dude is not only bald but not great looking at all, and his wife is smokin. you don't often see ugly women with good looking guys, even bald we have the advantage. age is much less kind to women.


          • ar50
            Senior Member
            • May 2013
            • 115

            Originally posted by sdsurfin
            Afghan is probably good, you must have darker skin and probably dope eyes, and people in that region go bald a lot. In thailand its only like 5 percent of men or something that go bald. We all feel insecure sometime,s even gorgeous girls do. My mom was a total babe and it probably made her a worse person, and def more wrapped up in herself. Just carry yourself like a man, Tall is definitely the kicker, I'm very average but handsome, but have always lost chicks to tall guys. It's really the only thing in the looks department that seems to matter much besides just a passable face and body. Luckily women are much less hung up on looks than dudes, and if you're tall you're probably golden. My grandfather used to say "feo, fuerte, y formal" are the ideal traits for a man (he was the ****er who gave me the bald gene) , which mean "ugly, strong, and formal".
            I agree with you brother. You know what it is: its very weird sometimes i feel confident when i look in the mirror but sometimes i dont. I think you are right about how women look. We men are shallow aint it hahahaha. But your grandfather is right and thats what i go for: manly. I know i am not a c. Ronaldo or a benn affleck. I have to be more manly


            • ar50
              Senior Member
              • May 2013
              • 115

              Originally posted by sdsurfin
              if you live in holland just look at robben. dude is not only bald but not great looking at all, and his wife is smokin. you don't often see ugly women with good looking guys, even bald we have the advantage. age is much less kind to women.
              That is true my friend thank you for your advice. I hope the future will bring us some good things. But till then i will try to embrace it.


              • sdsurfin
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2013
                • 713

                Originally posted by ar50
                I agree with you brother. You know what it is: its very weird sometimes i feel confident when i look in the mirror but sometimes i dont. I think you are right about how women look. We men are shallow aint it hahahaha. But your grandfather is right and thats what i go for: manly. I know i am not a c. Ronaldo or a benn affleck. I have to be more manly
                Ben affleck and ronaldo are both assholes. and affleck is balding and reported to wear a toupee. most dudes lose their hair, its just nature. i think sometimes we all feel bad about what we see in the mirror, but you can't let that decide how you feel about yourself. if you nurture other aspects of your life and don't think about hair you will like the way you look more and more. Again, beautiful people have mor to lose, and they do lose it too. Its very hard for my mom to look in the mirror at 50 and 60 yrs old and see what she is and what she used to be. and she never lost hair. Don't let advertisers or other people decide what is beautiful, imperfection is beautiful too and compassion for others is all that matters. probably tons of guys with hair wish they were tall like you. just try to love what you have, its all any of us can do.


                • unbalding
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2014
                  • 140

                  Originally posted by sdsurfin
                  Afghan is probably good, you must have darker skin and probably dope eyes, and people in that region go bald a lot. In thailand its only like 5 percent of men or something that go bald. We all feel insecure sometime,s even gorgeous girls do. My mom was a total babe and it probably made her a worse person, and def more wrapped up in herself. Just carry yourself like a man, Tall is definitely the kicker, I'm very average but handsome, but have always lost chicks to tall guys. It's really the only thing in the looks department that seems to matter much besides just a passable face and body. Luckily women are much less hung up on looks than dudes, and if you're tall you're probably golden. My grandfather used to say "feo, fuerte, y formal" are the ideal traits for a man (he was the ****er who gave me the bald gene) , which mean "ugly, strong, and formal".
                  I'm on the shorter side, and I steal girls from taller guys all the time. Most girls care mare about facial aesthetics and a good body than they do about height.


                  • joel203
                    Senior Member
                    • Jun 2014
                    • 115

                    sdsurfin, firstly robben having a smoking hot wife is a ridiculous example, he is a proffessional footballer for god sake- go figure.
                    secondly; to call ronaldo an ''asshole'' is ridic. purely based on the fact he has a full head of hair, green is not a nice colour on you; and if you read a bit about him he is a very generous man aiding to many charities despite being in a very fortunate position himself ( due to his hard work). So I think it makes you the ass hole for passing judgement on purely his physical appearance.


                    • Swooping
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2014
                      • 801

                      Originally posted by Kudu
                      Seriously guys, things are looking better everyday. if yall mean a cure in the form of being able to walk into a clinic near your house and get all your hair back at once then yeah we're still pretty far away. Remember that a "cure" for many people can take the form of getting a HT and taking propecia, or even a hair piece. While obviously that is not the majority and really doesn't include most of us here, the treatments will improve and more people will be out of this mess. The treatments are looking more and more promising, but even if they weren't, bitching on a forum and bringing everyone else down won't help anything. Plus, we really don't know the research that is going on right now, a stem cell cure could come this year, and be offered in within a couple of years in countries like Japan. We just don't know.
                      This is so true imo. A functional "cure" often already exists for a extremely big percentage of people. Pop some finasteride with minoxidil also get a HT. There will definitely be more treatments to our arsenal and that improves the "functional" cure even more.


                      • FooFighter
                        • Feb 2015
                        • 93

                        Originally posted by sdsurfin
                        Afghan is probably good, you must have darker skin and probably dope eyes, and people in that region go bald a lot. In thailand its only like 5 percent of men or something that go bald. We all feel insecure sometime,s even gorgeous girls do. My mom was a total babe and it probably made her a worse person, and def more wrapped up in herself. Just carry yourself like a man, Tall is definitely the kicker, I'm very average but handsome, but have always lost chicks to tall guys. It's really the only thing in the looks department that seems to matter much besides just a passable face and body. Luckily women are much less hung up on looks than dudes, and if you're tall you're probably golden. My grandfather used to say "feo, fuerte, y formal" are the ideal traits for a man (he was the ****er who gave me the bald gene) , which mean "ugly, strong, and formal".
                        Height is important to some degree, but if you dont have beautiful face, good form of body, good and paid job, good taste of fashion, attitude, body language your height is useless. If you are tall doesnt mean that you are beautiful and sexy. In fact, how much you are taller your bones are not proportional. Yes, of course, good hair style is also very important, because balding makes you looking older and change your face.


                        • sdsurfin
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2013
                          • 713

                          Originally posted by joel203
                          sdsurfin, firstly robben having a smoking hot wife is a ridiculous example, he is a proffessional footballer for god sake- go figure.
                          secondly; to call ronaldo an ''asshole'' is ridic. purely based on the fact he has a full head of hair, green is not a nice colour on you; and if you read a bit about him he is a very generous man aiding to many charities despite being in a very fortunate position himself ( due to his hard work). So I think it makes you the ass hole for passing judgement on purely his physical appearance.
                          I personally know balder guys than robben who have equally hot and much more interesting and intelligent wives. And I could care less how much hair Ronaldo has, I actually don't find him particularly appealing visually, he looks quite girly and vain. I just don't particularly like his vibe, but yeah i was being off the cuff and I don't know him very well either. I'm American we don't really follow those guys. I'd put kelly slater above him in the looks department any day, and also much more manly. Affleck is definitely an asshole, he has proven it on tv numerous times. I'm not jealous of anyone for having hair, I had great hair for 30 yrs, and I know it's not what makes life good. I just want to hold into my own cause I like it. Simple as that. When the rest of my body falls apart I'm sure it will bother me less.


                          • FooFighter
                            • Feb 2015
                            • 93

                            Originally posted by sdsurfin
                            I personally know balder guys than robben who have equally hot and much more interesting and intelligent wives. And I could care less how much hair Ronaldo has, I actually don't find him particularly appealing visually, he looks quite girly and vain. I just don't particularly like his vibe, but yeah i was being off the cuff and I don't know him very well either. I'm American we don't really follow those guys. I'd put kelly slater above him in the looks department any day, and also much more manly. Affleck is definitely an asshole, he has proven it on tv numerous times. I'm not jealous of anyone for having hair, I had great hair for 30 yrs, and I know it's not what makes life good. I just want to hold into my own cause I like it. Simple as that. When the rest of my body falls apart I'm sure it will bother me less.
                            Everyone will look handsome and star if he/she have milions of dollars in his/her pocket. Ronaldo have personal trainer, he is half day in gym, he eat good food, he have a lot of money to buy good clothes, to make plastic surgery ( like he did with his teeths and ears) and he is not beautiful at all, he is only football star and people see him with different eyes. When you are popular you will always attract attention, because everyone wants to be in company with a star.


                            • sdsurfin
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2013
                              • 713

                              Originally posted by FooFighter
                              Everyone will look handsome and star if he/she have milions of dollars in his/her pocket. Ronaldo have personal trainer, he is half day in gym, he eat good food, he have a lot of money to buy good clothes, to make plastic surgery ( like he did with his teeths and ears) and he is not beautiful at all, he is only football star and people see him with different eyes. When you are popular you will always attract attention, because everyone wants to be in company with a star.
                              The fact that he got plastic surgery on his ears only adds to my hunch that he's a huge D-bag.


                              • Illusion
                                Senior Member
                                • Jul 2014
                                • 500

                                Originally posted by sdsurfin
                                The fact that he got plastic surgery on his ears only adds to my hunch that he's a huge D-bag.
                                How is getting plastic surgery done douchey?

