Complete RU58841 Usage Guide

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  • burtandernie
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2012
    • 1568

    Swoop what are your thoughts based off everything you know about the long term safety of fin? Things like say inhibiting neurosteroids in the brain, and some of the negative things about it in recent studies. I am still a little nervous about the idea of using it.


    • Swooping
      Senior Member
      • May 2014
      • 801

      Originally posted by burtandernie
      Swoop what are your thoughts based off everything you know about the long term safety of fin? Things like say inhibiting neurosteroids in the brain, and some of the negative things about it in recent studies. I am still a little nervous about the idea of using it.
      Don't really have much thoughts about that. I guess some get side effects, but upon discontinuation they almost always resolve. In extremely rare cases then perhaps it can be long lasting.. Hard to say.


      • burtandernie
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2012
        • 1568

        Okay so overall you think its still pretty overwhelmingly safe to use long term then.


        • 79BirdofPrey
          • Jul 2010
          • 68

          Hello men,

          I'd like to explore using RU58841. I have a decent amount of hair left, but I have thinned greatly. I also like to wear my hair long. Please see the attached pictures.

          How do I properly apply the product in a case like this, so that it reaches the scalp evenly and doesn't just sit on the hair? Thank you!
          Attached Files


          • Jasari
            Senior Member
            • May 2011
            • 252

            Not sure if this has been posted, but I did a quick google of RU58841 and I found this site: - Is this a pre-mixted ready to use solution?

            I am absolutely hopeless at science/chemistry, so there isn't much chance that I would mix my own batches, but if there was something available to buy [And ready to use]- I would really love to get off fin.


            • RU58841
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2015
              • 134

              Originally posted by Jasari
              Not sure if this has been posted, but I did a quick google of RU58841 and I found this site: - Is this a pre-mixted ready to use solution?

              I am absolutely hopeless at science/chemistry, so there isn't much chance that I would mix my own batches, but if there was something available to buy [And ready to use]- I would really love to get off fin.

              See my post about this here:


              • Jasari
                Senior Member
                • May 2011
                • 252

                Originally posted by RU58841
                Interesting. The price seems to have dropped significantly. I remember when it was something like $500 for a weeks worth.


                • darkknight12
                  Junior Member
                  • Jul 2016
                  • 1

                  Hi Guys,
                  Apologies for the slight change in subject but I'm praying one of you genius' can provide some insight at your earliest convenience!

                  So I had my first hair transplant 4 days ago (1500grafts), at the farjo clinic and it went very well. For the past 9 months I have been on Ramatroban and touch wood, it has stopped pretty much all of my shedding.
                  The big question is, when should I continue to use it?
                  I have been using on the specific areas that don't have grafts around however the transplant was around the front of my head/ hairline and there are number of areas which haven't needed to be grafted on but I can't put the Ramatroban on due to the surrounding grafts. In the mean time I am using propecia for these next couple of weeks to try and prevent any further loss. (I don't usually use the propecia due to awful past side effects)

                  Apologies for the long message and any advice would be hugely appreciated.


                  • dm90
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2016
                    • 104

                    In the medical community fin is considered such a benign drug. Almost anyone looking to get a script for it can because of this reason. I always find it strange that the consensus is "doctors don't know anything about hairloss" in truth they know more than anyone, unfortunately its just not really taken seriously by most. Medical training is unlike anything in developing critical thinking based on hard science. So many refrain from taking fin because of potential unproven side effects when its such a effective hairloss treatment. Yes Fin is GREAT at treating hairloss. And persistent sexual side effects aren't something that's completely new. Look at SSRI's. Those are KNOWN to cause persistent sexual sides in some individuals.


                    • dm90
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2016
                      • 104

                      Part your hair and use a minoxidil applicator. If you feel the liquid make contact with your scalp youre good. Do a few lines from top to back and rub it in.


                      • Pasbrillantebrunette
                        • Mar 2016
                        • 30

                        Hi Guys,

                        Sorry for my bad english, i am a french young girl ( a brunette) and i would like to try RU. I'am already on minox one a day (for a girl i find it too hard to put it on morning, especially if you have long hair). I'd like to know if any girl on this forum is on RU and if so, what can you tell me about side effects ? Are they different for women ?
                        I must admit I don't understand everything on this forum because my english is not good, for instance I don(t know how to get RU, dosage, etc. But I am ready to do efforts and get it if it's also efficient on girls (and at long term !).

                        Thank you for your help and good luck everybody.



                        • Hairless84
                          Junior Member
                          • Jul 2016
                          • 8


                          im in same position as you. i have read maybe 100 threads about this last couple of days and i will make my order tomorrow. I still have some question unanswered but i hope they will until the product arrives. I live in sweden and dont know how long time it will take.

                          You can order from there, a lot of people recommend Kane


                          • Pasbrillantebrunette
                            • Mar 2016
                            • 30

                            Hey Hairless84,

                            Just read that CB is cheaper better than RU and with no side effects... Maybe we should have started with that, no ?


                            • Hairless84
                              Junior Member
                              • Jul 2016
                              • 8

                              Originally posted by Pasbrillantebrunette
                              Hey Hairless84,

                              Just read that CB is cheaper better than RU and with no side effects... Maybe we should have started with that, no ?
                              Better how? and what is CB? Im a male 32 years old so i prefer not taking anything that can mess with my hormones...what is the sides of RU?


                              • JDW
                                Senior Member
                                • Mar 2012
                                • 108

                                Ok to the experts out there, couple of quick questions. I've purchased the pre-mixed version from anageninc and plan on applying it once a day. How much should I be applying a day? I've read the guide at the start but this is obviously not pre-mixed so will be different. Anyone got any experiences with the pre-mixed? tips etc? Cheers in advance

