Last month supply of Proscar? Keep Using?

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  • cphan
    • Jun 2009
    • 30

    Last month supply of Proscar? Keep Using?

    Been using Proscar for the last 4 month. This month, July would be my 5th month and my last supply before I need to get new ones if I decide to keep using. It's kind of expensive with my income but if it works it can be worth it. Now problem is I'm not sure if it's working or what I can expect out of it.

    Like with most people I did some research and read up on feedback on Proscar. There's seem to be a mix opinion on what Proscar/Finasteride.

    Some people say it only stop and slow down hair loss. If you looking for regrowth you need to get rogaine. I'm not sure if I need rogaine at this point for regrowth since I'm at the early stage of hair loss I believe.

    Some people say they get hair regrowth from Proscar/Finasteride too afterawhile.

    At 5 months I'm not seeing much change or difference. I'm still losing hair daily from brushing and showering. So I can't really tell if Proscar is stoping or slowing down the hair loss in the frontal part of my forehead.
    And I haven't seen any hair regrowth at the frontal scalp on my foreheard where hair has been thinning in the last year or 2 year.

    Does anyone have any suggestion at what point in time I should decide to keep going with Proscar or not? I hate to be paying for something that doesn't work for me.
  • heynow1234
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 221

    keep going for a year, look at the propecia website, it says dont expect regrowth or thickening until the 6-12 month.


    • Dr. Glenn Charles
      IAHRS Recommended Hair Transplant Surgeon
      • Nov 2008
      • 2423

      At this point you should probably continue for at least 1 full year. Otherwise you may not have given it a fair chance to work. You should realize that most of the data explaining the results of Propecia describe the positive effects in the top/middle and the crown/back areas. It is possible to be taking Propecia and have it working in the middle and back zones while you continue to thin and recede in the frontal area. Only time will tell. You should also look into laser and PRP treatments to help your situation.
      Dr. Glenn Charles
      Member, International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons
      View my IAHRS Profile


      • cphan
        • Jun 2009
        • 30

        You should realize that most of the data explaining the results of Propecia describe the positive effects in the top/middle and the crown/back areas. It is possible to be taking Propecia and have it working in the middle and back zones while you continue to thin and recede in the frontal area.
        Aww crap so basically I'm kind of screw with Propecia/Proscar probably not working for me. My back hair and my side hairs are very full still. My top middle is sort of okay. Its the frontal top middle of my forehead is where the thinning and hairloss is really evidence that people are starting to notice that I'm losing hair.

        Its there a timeline where a person should have begun treatment with Propecia/Proscar to have it be effective? I may have started treatment too late. I only notice or picked up on my hair loss back in the early fall but looking at past pictures of myself, I'm starting to see that my hair loss may have started as far back as 5 years ago but only became really noticeable in September. Wish I had pick up on it a few years ago to begin treatment sooner.

        You should also look into laser and PRP treatments to help your situation.
        Sorry but what are laser and PRP treatments?


        • Mr. 4000
          Senior Member
          • Jul 2009
          • 288

          Merck makes a lot of money by telling people they have to use it for 12 months.

          Docs probably make money on the deal if they get people to use it, on some level even with the FDA crack down on perks.

          Its no silver bullet, it work for some, and screws up some people as well, speeds up hair loss in some, slows down hairloss in some.

          The clinical studies are done by Merck and they have a lot to lose and gain when producing them. I'm sure that a lot of what they market is back by "controlled studies"

          I know a ton of drug reps and its a game. It helps some, it hurts some, but the game is money.

          I say try it and use your own judgement.

          One guy says it works the next says they lost hair faster, the next had gyno.

          Its all good

