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  • therock777
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2008
    • 1


    I wanted to know if I cut the 5mg tablet into four's approx 1.25 mg of proscar will that work as effective as cutting it in half??? I just want to know if a half tablet is better as I have been doing it in fours but the dose is never exact but very close!!

    please explain!
  • SpencerKobren
    • Oct 2008
    • 398

    No Problem!

    Hey therock,

    As always, I have to state clearly that I am not a physician and that my opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator.

    In my opinion quartering Proscar tablets is perfectly acceptable and will not adversely effect your treatment in any way. It really shouldn't matter if you are taking 1mg one day and 1.25mg on an other. It all evens out in the end.

    You're fine.
    Hope this helps.
    Spencer Kobren
    Founder, American Hair Loss Association
    Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

    I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


    • Gregory Pistone, MD
      Junior Member
      • Oct 2008
      • 18

      Originally posted by therock777
      I wanted to know if I cut the 5mg tablet into four's approx 1.25 mg of proscar will that work as effective as cutting it in half??? I just want to know if a half tablet is better as I have been doing it in fours but the dose is never exact but very close!!

      please explain!
      Hello therock,

      I would have to agree. Scientifically, once Proscar reaches a "steady state" in your bloodstream, a small variation in dosage each day will make very little difference.


      • bigmac
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2008
        • 253

        I cut mine into fifths and they are varying sizes.
        All the data i`ve read on this suggests its fine cutting them into fifths or quarters with slightly different dosage amounts.


        • lostfan
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 3

          Hello, new member here.

          In the interest of sheer laziness and convenience when traveling, etc. is it specifically unadvisable to, for example, cut Proscar tabs into halves and take every other day? I -thought- I had read once that that was just as good. If not, of course, I'll cut into quarters.

          Side note; I've tried the treatment before and did, in fact, suffer massive, noticeable and unmistakable sexual side effects. I know it's very rare, but it got me with a vengeance! I went on and off a few times and each time, without fail, after about 2-3 weeks or so, I was right back to my normal, virile self.

          Logical to assume that if finasteride had such a profound effect on me before, it will again? Never even took it long enough to see if it helped with the hair-loss-- I panicked!

          I use *******, etc daily and have pretty good results but I can see I'm gonna' have to get a little more aggressive to lock in what i have. All my loss is in the front, zero loss in the back, for whatever reason.

          Thanks for any info on the pill-cutting.


          • SpencerKobren
            • Oct 2008
            • 398

            Originally posted by lostfan
            Hello, new member here.

            In the interest of sheer laziness and convenience when traveling, etc. is it specifically unadvisable to, for example, cut Proscar tabs into halves and take every other day? I -thought- I had read once that that was just as good. If not, of course, I'll cut into quarters.

            Side note; I've tried the treatment before and did, in fact, suffer massive, noticeable and unmistakable sexual side effects. I know it's very rare, but it got me with a vengeance! I went on and off a few times and each time, without fail, after about 2-3 weeks or so, I was right back to my normal, virile self.

            Logical to assume that if finasteride had such a profound effect on me before, it will again? Never even took it long enough to see if it helped with the hair-loss-- I panicked!

            I use *******, etc daily and have pretty good results but I can see I'm gonna' have to get a little more aggressive to lock in what i have. All my loss is in the front, zero loss in the back, for whatever reason.

            Thanks for any info on the pill-cutting.
            It’s always best to start with the lowest possible dosage when beginning treatment. If you’ve experienced adverse side effects in the past, most doctors will suggest that you begin with a half of Propecia per day, or even 1 pill every other day. Many men who suffered with adverse side effects on the 1mg dose or higher tolerated the lower dosage very well, while still gaining benefits from the drug.
            If you see that you can tolerate .5 mg per day, then you can up your dosage and see what happens.

            Hope this helps.
            Spencer Kobren
            Founder, American Hair Loss Association
            Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

            I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


            • heynow1234
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2009
              • 221

              if just starting propecia, do you recommed to cut the pills in half or should i take the full pill.


              • SpencerKobren
                • Oct 2008
                • 398

                Originally posted by heynow1234
                if just starting propecia, do you recommed to cut the pills in half or should i take the full pill.
                Always start with the recommended daily dosage, unless other wise instructed my your doctor. The likelihood of you having any issues with the 1mg dose is minuscule.
                Spencer Kobren
                Founder, American Hair Loss Association
                Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

                I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


                • lostfan
                  Junior Member
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 3

                  Originally posted by SpencerKobren
                  ..if you’ve experienced adverse side effects in the past, most doctors will suggest that you begin with a half of Propecia per day, or even 1 pill every other day. Many men who suffered with adverse side effects on the 1mg dose or higher tolerated the lower dosage very well, while still gaining benefits from the drug.
                  If you see that you can tolerate .5 mg per day, then you can up your dosage and see what happens.

                  Hope this helps.
                  It certainly does-- excellent suggestion and one I hadn't seen before. Thanks so much. So in terms of the every-other-day approach, if I chose to take, say, 1/3 (assuming I can get that close) of a 5mg proscar ever-other-day would that be just as effective (assuming it will be) as taking a little under 1mg every day? Is the every-other-day approach fine, all other things being equal (i.e. 2mg ever-other-day vs. 1mg every day.)?

                  Thanks again.


                  • SpencerKobren
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 398

                    Originally posted by lostfan
                    It certainly does-- excellent suggestion and one I hadn't seen before. Thanks so much. So in terms of the every-other-day approach, if I chose to take, say, 1/3 (assuming I can get that close) of a 5mg proscar ever-other-day would that be just as effective (assuming it will be) as taking a little under 1mg every day? Is the every-other-day approach fine, all other things being equal (i.e. 2mg ever-other-day vs. 1mg every day.)?

                    Thanks again.
                    Most doctors suggest that you begin with daily treatment for the first month. This will ensure that your DHT levels are significantly lowered. Since it takes about 14 days for DHT levels to return to where they were before the start of treatment, it is thought that you can maintain your DHT levels with intermittent treatment. Either every other day or every third day.

                    It's going to be difficult to cut Proscar into 1/8ths. You might want to begin treatment with Propecia.
                    Spencer Kobren
                    Founder, American Hair Loss Association
                    Host, The Bald Truth Radio Show

                    I am not a physician. My opinions and knowledge concerning hair loss and its treatment are based on extensive research and reporting on the subject as a consumer advocate and hair loss educator. My views and comments on the subject should not be taken as medical advice. Always seek the advice of a medical professional when considering medical and surgical treatment.


                    • lostfan
                      Junior Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 3

                      Originally posted by SpencerKobren
                      Most doctors suggest that you begin with daily treatment for the first month. This will ensure that your DHT levels are significantly lowered. Since it takes about 14 days for DHT levels to return to where they were before the start of treatment, it is thought that you can maintain your DHT levels with intermittent treatment. Either every other day or every third day.

                      It's going to be difficult to cut Proscar into 1/8ths. You might want to begin treatment with Propecia.
                      Indeed! I can easily do that and now that you mention the first-month vs. duration of the treatment difference (which certainly makes sense) I'll certainly do that, greatly increased cost notwithstanding-- but only for a month or so, so who cares, obviously.

                      I'm assuming after that I'll try and gauge how much-- if any-- of the previously -experienced side-affects I have an then do either a half a a proscar every other day, or a quarter every other day, etc.

                      Great to know that down the line even every third day is OK, as I'm hoping maybe even a half a 5mg every 3rd day would be enough for me to "lock in" what I have but -not- experience the rather unfortunate and pronounced side-affects that I've had in the past.
                      I really want to be taking as little as possible in light of that experience but still prevent any more loss, hopefully there is an easily-achievable balance.

