RU is working wonders on Hairloss Help

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  • neversaynever
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2011
    • 648

    Originally posted by Maradona
    Hahahaha, not bro, this is not a snake oil with some minox on it.

    KB solution is a patented solution for delivery of ANTI-ADROGENS, it doesn't contain any hair growing ingredients. It is simply to ensure the RU or the powder you will mix in it reach your follicles AR safely without much systematic absorption.

    I'm going to take out the RU from the fridge as needed. I'm not pouring it all in the KB solution, they say you can do it and your RU will be stable for 6 months meaning it won't degrade.

    But I'm just not gonna take any chances.

    Oh and the degradation from the delivery time , i don't think it matters because RU is stable in powder form for a big while outside the fridge. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't take care of it after you get it.

    Nobody really has questioned that. Shouldn't be a problem.
    well, im gonna get my order in. Fingers crossed balding brother!


    • Maradona
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2011
      • 830

      Originally posted by neversaynever
      well, im gonna get my order in. Fingers crossed balding brother!
      Getting it to work it's no easy feat, but worth it at the end.

      Let me quote you this guy from the european forums(spanish):
      Important points in bold are translated.

      /start translation

      Hací*a tiempo que no entraba por estos lares... la verdad es que estoy bastante metido en un foro americano concreto (mucha gente, muchos paí*ses, muchos usuarios, muchas experiencias...).

      Bueno el caso, es que os escribo para aquellos que estéis dudando acerca del RU, leo comentarios del tipo si funcionara ya lo sabrí*a, etc, etc.

      The thing is, I am writing you for those who are doubting RU, I read comments here of the type that "if it could work I would know" etc etc

      Bien. Lo que os voy a explicar, ya lo he explicado en el foro americano, y como gracias a este foro me descubrí* que la lucha no se habí*a perdido todaví*a, me veo en la obligación de explicaros también a vosotros mi experiencia.

      Allá vamos.
      Mirad, yo soy muy aficionado al culturismo, me he dedicado a ello a nivel semiprofesional, y he usado esteroides a mansalva...

      Let's go!
      Look I am a bodybuilder fan, I've dedicated to it to a semiprofesional level and I'm using steroids in HIGH amounts.

      A dí*a de hoy estoy usando 750mg de testosterona a la semana (de forma natural tenemos entre 70-95 mg semanales, 10-14mg por dí*a), así* que os podéis hacer una idea.
      He dejado de tomar dutasteride porque estaba matando mi vida sexual...

      Estoy usando RU a 100-120mg diarios en mezcla tradicional (50-50 alcohol cosmético + PG)... pierdo al dí*a unos 5 cabellos al peinarme... no más... me puedo dar tirones, cepillármelo, engominarmelo, mojármelos, secármelo, pasarme los dedos entre el pelo... no se cae.

      Tí*os, no os rindáis, el RU FUNCIONA. NO tengo interés en que compréis RU a tal o cual (como véis no he dado ni nombre del foro americano, ni dónde he comprado mi RU...), yo no gano nada diciendo ésto, lo podéis creer, no creerlo... pero de verdad, creedme, probad el RU, hacedlo cada dí*a nuevo, conservadlo en nevera...

      Im using RU 100-120mg a day in a traditional vehicle. I lose 5 hairs a day when combing, no more. I pull my hair, brush it, put gel on it, wet it, dry, run my fingers, the HAIR DOES NOT FALL !

      Dudes, don't give up, RU works. I have no interest that you buy RU from someone, as you can see i haven't given my ID name in the US forums, and I'm not telling you where I bought my RU, I don't win anything telling you, you can believe it or not but in truth believe me, try the RU, make your RU daily and preserve it in the fridge.

      No esperéis regenerar, pero os juro por lo más sagrado, que el pelo que tengáis lo vais a mantener (siempre que el RU sea bueno y la causa de vuestra alopecia sea exclusivamente androgénica, y no deficitaria de X o Y)...

      Don't expect regrowth, but I swear for the most sake thing that the hair that you have now you will mantain as long as the RU is good and you have AGA.

      Algunos compis como Yunaiba por ejemplo, saben en que foro estoy, y supongo que habrá leí*do mis posts, y os los pueden colgar aquí* si quieren...

      Un saludo compis.

      /End Translation

      So you see this shit works when people know how to use it, keep it, apply it.
      It's not easy but it's a worth shot balding brother.


      • Maradona
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2011
        • 830


        You can find here many people that had results with RU.


        • yeahyeahyeah
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2011
          • 1818

          As good as RU is - it just isn't practical - store it in the fridge?

          What if I am traveling?


          • cleverusername
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2011
            • 214

            Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
            As good as RU is - it just isn't practical - store it in the fridge?

            What if I am traveling?
            It's practical for the people that suffered sides from fin, or for people that are afraid to even try fin sush as myself. And as for traveling, they sell a solution of the RU already prepared. I believe it said it would be stable up to 6 months.


            • yeahyeahyeah
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 1818

              Originally posted by cleverusername
              It's practical for the people that suffered sides from fin, or for people that are afraid to even try fin sush as myself. And as for traveling, they sell a solution of the RU already prepared. I believe it said it would be stable up to 6 months.
              Well, does it work?


              • cleverusername
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2011
                • 214

                Originally posted by yeahyeahyeah
                Well, does it work?
                There are a lot of success stories on hlh, so I'd say so.


                • Maradona
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 830

                  Originally posted by cleverusername
                  There are a lot of success stories on hlh, so I'd say so.
                  worth a shot. I'm going to give a shot for 6 months. I got nothing to lose but more hair.

                  I can understand spanish with very good level so I read more success stories than hairlosshelp.


                  • cleverusername
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2011
                    • 214

                    Originally posted by Maradona
                    worth a shot. I'm going to give a shot for 6 months. I got nothing to lose but more hair.

                    I can understand spanish with very good level so I read more success stories than hairlosshelp.
                    Lol bro I'm Spanish too. And I agree. We don't have anything I lose but hair and I'm willing to risk the money to buy the RU. Won't know til we try.


                    • lilpauly
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2012
                      • 1084

                      I will probably add Ru once I run out of rum


                      • cleverusername
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2011
                        • 214

                        This might make applying the RU a little easier.


                        • neversaynever
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2011
                          • 648

                          How would i use both minox and RU??

                          How long does it take to absorb with KB solution?

                          Is it better to use it before bed or in the morning?

                          I cut my hair to grade 0, so i guess that makes it easier to apply?


                          • neversaynever
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2011
                            • 648

                            Can RU save vellus hairs? Or just hang onto the ones which are sill terminal?

                            Sorry, i really cant be bothered to go through 100s of forums pages. Need to order NOW...


                            • briandesigns
                              Junior Member
                              • Jul 2012
                              • 15

                              i'm really curious about this RU stuff. I stay away from finasteride because i don't want to risk the side effects. I know clinical trials suggest that its a small % chance, but real cases on the boards says it might be much higher.

                              Given that RU is experimental (and not FDA approved) isn't there a huge risk of short/long term side effects involved that we do not yet know??? in the case of Fin, they added new sides to the label after 20 years, what makes us think that the same thing or worst won't happen with RU given its not even on the shelves yet.


                              • BaldinLikeBaldwin
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2012
                                • 224

                                Originally posted by briandesigns
                                i'm really curious about this RU stuff. I stay away from finasteride because i don't want to risk the side effects. I know clinical trials suggest that its a small % chance, but real cases on the boards says it might be much higher.

                                Given that RU is experimental (and not FDA approved) isn't there a huge risk of short/long term side effects involved that we do not yet know??? in the case of Fin, they added new sides to the label after 20 years, what makes us think that the same thing or worst won't happen with RU given its not even on the shelves yet.
                                I think in the case of Finasteride side effects you're better off trusting the studies. The forums are very valuable but often do not reflect reality, keep in mind that your average hair loss sufferer is unlikely to frequent these forums.

                                When it comes to RU the forums is all we got since as you say it's not a FDA approved medicine. The safety profile seems pretty good even though I've read a few cases of side effects. The major thing though is the number of RU users, as far as I know it's only being used experimentally to treat hair loss, so the total number of users might not even be in the thousands worldwide. Might just be a few hundred people if that.

                                So obviously it's hard to establish the risk of side effects. The substance has been known about for some years as well and the hype is still moderate at best. Personally I think it could be quite effective at maintaining and probably has for some people who've used it for a long time and regularly, but is from what I can tell worse than some current treatments at regrowing hair.

                                If you want to try it out you should read up some more and then ask someone on here for a good source.

