All this talk about Propecia is getting me Depressed

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  • 2020
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2012
    • 1527

    Originally posted by NotBelievingIt
    Please link for us all of these long term studies. You must be armed with the URLs since you keep talking about there having been multiple.

    longest one is 10 years.


    • Winston
      • Mar 2009
      • 943

      Here's a very straightforward study of 5 times the dose of Propecia. Let’s look a hardcore facts:

      From a 4 year Proscar study.

      Note that this is a true clinical study, not a poll taken within a group of men who had already suffered with either real or psychosomatic sexual side effects from the drug. I think it should aslo be mentioned that most if not all members of sites like Propeciahelp have reported their side effects within the first year of taking the drug.

      4-Year Placebo-Controlled Study (PLESS)

      In PLESS, 1524 patients treated with Proscar and 1516 patients treated with placebo were evaluated for safety over a period of 4 years. The most frequently reported adverse reactions were related to sexual function. 3.7% (57 patients) treated with Proscar and 2.1% (32 patients) treated with placebo discontinued therapy as a result of adverse reactions related to sexual function, which are the most frequently reported adverse reactions.


      • 25 going on 65
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2010
        • 1476

        Originally posted by 2020
        then how do you explain the results of SO MANY LONG TERM STUDIES on finasteride??

        This is not a NEW DRUG!!! It's been around forever and we already knows its risks.
        But that was before Dr. Irwig sent the Arizona Sexual Experience questionnaire to 71 members of NOW EVERYTHING WE KNEW IS WRONG.


        • NotBelievingIt
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2011
          • 595

          Originally posted by 2020

          10 year study
          Originally posted by
          118 men, between 20 and 61 years, with AGA receiving finasteride (1 mg/day), were enrolled in this uncontrolled study
          Insignificant number of people and uncontrolled. Meaning the respondants may have been doing more then simply finasteride that affected results one way or the other, it is not stated and is not possible since it was not controlled.

          Side effects were referred by 6% of the patients
          Thats kind of high, but also does not say which group reported the sides, so its practically meaningless. Was it the older or younger? If it was the older does it mean anything? Men naturally lose libido and all that jazz as they age unless they keep their testosterone levels going and keep E levels at bay.


          • KeepTheHair
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2010
            • 1215

            biking, alcohol, smoking other drugs and lifestyle choices... and even genetics. How would someone be sure that it is finasteride causing symptoms?

            Judging by those studies and that hair transplant surgeons don't report permanent sides... it's very hard to believe it's a very common occurrence.

            Then again... if it's 1/100 000 people and u have millions and millions from all around the world on the drug that's a lot of people... who knows what to think.


            • KeepTheHair
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2010
              • 1215

              1/10 people have ED.

              Background Information What Is Erectile Dysfunction (commonly known as “impotency”)? Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to achieve and/or sustain an erection for satisfactory sexual performance. Erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual disorder in men. Degrees of erectile dysfunction: Mild……….successful erection 7-8 out of 10 attempts Moderate….successful erection 4-6 out of 10 attempts […]

              An Australian survey of more than 8,300 men aged 16-59 shows that erectile dysfunction was 40% more likely to occur among men who smoked more than 20 daily cigarettes, compared with nonsmokers. Also, erectile dysfunction was 24% more likely to occur among men who smoked up to 20 cigarettes per day, compared with nonsmokers.

              ...researchers say their study shows "strong evidence" of a link between smoking and erectile dysfunction...

              10% becomes 14%

              and 10% becomes 12.4%

              Now, consider a huge % of people smoke. Your going to have millions of people with erectile dysfunction with smoking as a direct cause.


              • StressedToTheBald
                • Jan 2012
                • 452

                but all these theories fall down when confronted with fact that the study included previouly perfectly healthy guys in their prime age, between 21 and 46..


                • 2020
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2012
                  • 1527

                  Originally posted by StressedToTheBald
                  but all these theories fall down when confronted with fact that the study included previouly perfectly healthy guys in their prime age, between 21 and 46..
                  what theories.... these are actual SCIENTIFIC STUDIES. Propecia is safe and millions of people will continue to use it without any problems for a long time.
                  Stop wasting your time proving otherwise.


                  • KeepTheHair
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 1215

                    Originally posted by StressedToTheBald
                    but all these theories fall down when confronted with fact that the study included previouly perfectly healthy guys in their prime age, between 21 and 46..
                    U don't make any sense dude...

                    Just be quiet.


                    • seattle30
                      Junior Member
                      • Apr 2011
                      • 25

                      Do the people on this forum who think that finasteride is extremely safe believe that people suffering from sexual health problems even after cessation of SSRI's believe that these individuals are suffering from something psychosomatic or some other problem as well. Do you think that this is not something iatrogenic?

                      Also, if you read through the entire Irwig study he does say within it that the study has multiple limitations. The study was just kind of the initial step at his attempt at trying to study the patient popluation for those who have pfs. Dr Irwig is an assistant professor of medicine at George Washington University and the Institutional Review Board at George Washington approved the study. Those of us with pfs are very greatful that he has taken the time to do this. Within the study it says that "the true incidence of these events(persistent sexual dysfunction) is unknown." It also disucsses some potential biological mechanisms which may be causing this. And like Dr Traish has said, the serious side effects that have been caused by finasteride in a subset of individuals is a subject of research


                      • sausage
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2012
                        • 1064

                        Originally posted by 2020
                        god damnit... all these propecia threads are starting to make me think that my pills are fake because I have no side effects whatsover.
                        Have you tried having kids since you started taking Propecia?


                        • StressedToTheBald
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 452

                          Originally posted by sausage
                          Have you tried having kids since you started taking Propecia?
                          Exactly ! Excellent point.
                          And there is science behind it as well..

                          Finasteride-induced secondary infertility associated with sperm DNA damage.
                          Tu HY, Zini A.

                          Division of Urology, Department of Surgery, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

                          OBJECTIVE: To report a case of low-dose finasteride-induced secondary infertility with associated elevated sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) and otherwise normal semen parameters.

                          DESIGN: Case report.

                          SETTING: University hospital.

                          PATIENT(S): A 48-year-old man on low-dose finasteride and his 37-year-old wife with normal menses and normal gynecologic exam.

                          INTERVENTION(S): Determination of sperm DFI and discontinuation of low-dose finasteride.

                          MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Sperm DFI.

                          RESULT(S): The sperm DFI done a year earlier was 30%. This value was unchanged when repeated 2 months later. The patient was advised to stop finasteride. Three months after discontinuing the finasteride, the DFI decreased to 21% and subsequent DFI after another 3 months improved to 16.5%. To date, there is still no documented full-term pregnancy or live birth.

                          CONCLUSION(S): The significant reduction in DFI within 3 months of finasteride cessation and continued improvement suggests a causal link between finasteride and sperm DNA damage. We hypothesize that low-dose finasteride may exert a negative influence on sperm DNA integrity, resulting in increased pregnancy losses. We suggest that in infertile men using finasteride, sperm DFI should be measured in addition to semen parameters, and a trial of discontinuation of finasteride may be warranted.


                          • 2020
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2012
                            • 1527

                            uhm what point is that? I'm 21 and I don't plan to have kids anytime soon anyways...

                            Btw, this logic that Propecia is somehow responsible for EVERYTHING that happens while you take it is dumb...
                            If you take Advil once a week for 15 years and you develop ED, do you blame Advil for that??


                            • khan
                              Senior Member
                              • Aug 2011
                              • 151

                              Originally posted by 2020
                              uhm what point is that? I'm 21 and I don't plan to have kids anytime soon anyways...

                              Btw, this logic that Propecia is somehow responsible for EVERYTHING that happens while you take it is dumb...
                              If you take Advil once a week for 15 years and you develop ED, do you blame Advil for that??
                              I think he is trying to say if you take Finasteride your sperm loose the ability to fertilize permanantely and you can never have kids.

                              Why is it every side effect of Finasteride is always claimed to be permanant. The medicine has only been on the market sine 1997, so how can anyone know if anything it may cause is permanant?


                              • blakes33
                                • Dec 2011
                                • 50

                                Very good thread and very pertinent to me and my situation right now.

                                The truth though, is that the verdict is still out. I think we will have better answers to this debate within the next couple of years I can see points from both sides of the argument. However, here is my prediction:

                                I called Merck and I wrote an e-mail and a follow-up phone call to the FDA. Just my opinin that one of two things are going to happen: One - Merck will update side-effects with a massive increase in it's WARNING section of side-effects including permanent sexual dysfunction (probably the reason they have shut down their site). Second option - the FDA will pull the drug from the market (I did not have any indication this would happen but I WAS told from the FDA that "yes, we know about the new studies and reports from the use of propecia and it is under review").

                                I believe that where there is massive amounts of smoke, there is usually a fire. How big is the fire?? That nobody knows yet. We can debate all day whether or not propecia causes permanent side-effects and these terrible things that are being reported. But what is concerning to me and What we CANNOT debate is that there are endocrinologists, urologists, and top university professors who BELIEVE that it does.

