10+ years of Propecia Use?? How many on this board - Your Experience?

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  • iJustExist
    Junior Member
    • Oct 2014
    • 12

    Originally posted by blakes33
    It seems that maybe there are NOT many men who have been on the medication for 10+ years so let's say if you've at least been on it for MANY years (the more the better).

    Questions for Long-Term Users (as it applies to many years on the drug):

    1.) Has the medication worked or did it lose effectiveness after x number of years? Have you kept ALL your hair after MANY years of use or have you lost some?
    It lost its effectiveness. I started taking it either 1999 or 2000, something like that. Propecia at first, then Proscar, and in 2010 or whenever that was, I switched to cheaper generic. I could never tell how effective it was because I also got transplants. I had two big treatments with Dr. Wong in 2001 and 2006. Part of the reason I went back in 2006 was because I was still losing. I had been taking 1/4 proscar every other day. Eventually that was increased to every day. And now I'm at a half tablet daily. There was a period when I was taking a half tablet of generic, and then out of fear I went back to a quarter daily (fear because it was suggested by a crook surgeon, Dr. Hitzig, and once I'd discovered I'd been had, I didn't know what to believe - he also performed surgery on me - well not HIM - his people). Then Dr. Wong suggested I could go back to a quarter every other day when I subsequently saw him for repairs. This is where I noticed shedding. Kinda bad, too. I sent him pictures and they wrote me back saying get back on name brand and take a half pill daily. They said don't expect to see improvements until 8 months. I'm not there yet. I know its not going to work, though.

    2.) Have you had any side-effects? If so, have they been with you since the beginning or have they onset in later years of use (after long-term)
    I never noticed side effects. But that doesn't mean I don't have any. Lower libido? Sure. But I'm 33 now, and I've been on the pill since I was like 19 or something. I am very suspicious now that finasteride is preventing me from getting lean around the waist regardless of how good I am with diet and exercise. My fear is that I'll never be able to get this weight off even after stopping the medication.

    3.) In light of the new mounting evidence/information about men ending up with permanent sexual dysfunction - are you concerned about remaining on propecia indefinitely?
    I am concerned about staying on finasteride - but not because of that. I'm considering discontinuing and taking the plunge into wearing hair since, in my case, transplants and drugs are so ineffective. And if I find out the drug has been making me fat... well that will be the last nail in the coffin, considering that wearing is an option.

    4.) How long do you plan on staying on the drug?....another 10 years, 15 years..? This is very important since I have always thought it not prudent to be on a hormone-altering drug (even without side-effects) for the REST OF MY LIFE!! At what point might you stop the medicine?
    Because of everything I've stated above, I'm expecting to discontinue or wean off within a year from now. I'm so miserable with this bald hairline and diffuse hair - I'm ready to buzz it off and glue a wig on.

    6.) How aggressive was your hair-loss when you started propecia?
    Scalp was very intent on being a norwood 5 - every man in my family is. The hairline corners were going bye-bye before I turned 20. And by that age the top was very diffuse. I remember seeing a picture of myself at that age a while back and was shocked at how bald I looked. So, yeah, the hair transplants and, I guess, the medication definitely improved my appearance.

    7.) Have you stopped propecia at any point and if so, for how long? Did you lose hair during this period?
    I've been without it for a week. I didn't notice anything happen.
    I'd like to hear more experiences from people who stopped taking it. I particularly want to know if anyone was able to get fitter, leaner around the waist. Thanks.
    Last edited by iJustExist; 02-14-2015, 07:45 PM. Reason: Text formatting problem.


    • Jazz1
      • Aug 2012
      • 1598

      I will reply later but I personally believe diet alongside Propecia is a MUST, PCOS high content of wheat can cause a spike in high regular insulin resulting in higher androgens.


      • santary
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2016
        • 2

        7.) Have you stopped propecia at any point and if so, for how long? Did you lose hair during this period?
        I recently went overseas for 3 months and decided to stop it to see how much difference it made. I noticed most of these side effects subsided considerably apart from the weight gain.

        I did shed substantially more and started to freak out around the 3rd month. So I decided started to start taking it again. I'm now trying to combat a lot of these side effects with a much better diet and exercise.

        Did your hair regrow after this break??? If so, to the extent it was when you took the break? And how long did this process take?


        • WanderingOracle
          • Apr 2015
          • 61

          I've been taking Propecia now for just short of three years. It basically stopped my hair loss, though my hairline did recede a bit more from when I started. My hair has actually become thinker, outside of the mild loss on my hairline. I've even had crown re-growth. I started at about an NW 2.4, and have progressed up to about a 2.6. But my hair is probably 15-20% thicker now than in 2014. I am not sure if I now have more hairs, or my existing hairs are simply thicker. I suspect my existing hairs are just thicker now. In either case, it's noticeable.

          I haven't been on it long enough to know if I'll be one of the people who keep losing a little hair all along the way. Or if I'll be one of the people who see it lose effectiveness around year 10.

          I will agree with the poster above, about the fat redistribution. I actually have less total body fat than I did before, but my naval measurement has increased. I have more fat in my lower abdomen, and larger love handles than before I started, despite being 20lbs lighter. That was the only side effect I experienced. And it's an odd one, as the only thing I ever see people talk about, is how their dick is going to fall off. That didn't happen to me, but the weird fat redistribution did.

          However, to the idea that there will be a "cure" in a few years... don't count on it. We've been just a few years away from a "cure" since at least the 1970s. Hope for better, but plan on what we have now. Fin, Minox, Nizoral, and RU.


          • MickMick
            Junior Member
            • May 2017
            • 3

            BODY and FASCIAL HAIR LOSS after 10 years of PROSCAR

            "I also had less body hair while I was on it"

            THANK YOU FOR THIS INFORMATION! This is the first time I have found someone with this information, so far my doctor and dermatologist did not make any link to Proscar as the contributor to my rapid body hair loss.

            I have been using Proscar for 11 years and last 4-5 years and whilst I mainatined most of my hair on my head I have noticed body hair reduction from "hairy" where I used to trim my body hair to HARDLY any body hair! My concern initially started after some 6 years of using aprox. 1mg of Proscar (one 5mg split into 4) per day.
            My legs and pubic hair initially started getting thinner, then patchy on both legs. Over the years this followed onto my arms and chest.

            Last couple years my eyebrows and fascial hair have reduced about 50% and in last 2 months i noticed my eyebrows are about to dissapear and appearance of big hair-free patch appeared on my left cheek (i maintain a beard), now its the other side as well.
            I had to shave my beard.

            My errections and morning wood have been maintained rock hard for first 7 years, last 3 years not so, but I believe that was maintained by regular morning masturbation. At age 40 with Proscar I am noticing that I am waking up without them.

            I am planning to give Proscar a rest for 3 months and monitor

            1. Fascial hair / eyebrows
            2. Sculp hair loss
            2. Pubic hair thickness
            3. Testicular swelling / shrinkage
            4. Erection
            5. Sperm thickness / amount
            6. Sexual performance (time it takes to cum, this has been prolonged several years within Proscar use)

            I would be interested to know if anyone has re-grown their body / fascial hair after terminating their use of Propecia / Proscar and
            if the sperm amount / thickness has improved.

