Anyone take Propecia Long Term & Quit w/out Problems

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  • Karlton
    • Feb 2014
    • 54

    Originally posted by Andrew Vernon
    Hi Everyone . I took Propecia in 2006 and noticed that it certainly helped . Propecia is expensive and I was told by a Doctor that taking Proscar would be far cheaper option. I was told do divide the tablet into four equal segments . Throughout the years I have decreased the dosage . I divide a Proscar tablet into four equal segments . Take each proscar segment on a Monday , Tuesday and Wednesday .... I then proceed the same
    scedule the week after . This certainly worked for me .
    And how does this pertain to this topic, or the situation that Blakes33 is going through?


    • Andrew Vernon
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2014
      • 6


      For me initially taking Propecia made me ' Cloud headed ' and my inhibition to have sexual urge was slightly diminishing . However after switching to Proscar and lowering the dosages . I found that I have regained all my faculties again .


      • blakes33
        • Dec 2011
        • 50

        Originally posted by Karlton
        Hello Blakes33,
        Do I understand correctly that you quit fin in 2011 and have been having problems ever since? I have been on for about 13 years myself, with the exception of one short break at the 10 year mark. I have had no issues beyond the occasional testicular pain/low libido. What sort of problems are you having, and what specifically has brought you back to the forum today? How has your hair held up? Forgive me if I've missed something.


        Thanks for your response. Sorry it took awhile to get back.

        Yes, that is correct - I quit in Nov 2011 for just a "break" and to prove that all the fuss about the drug that it could cause permanent damage was not true. I had seen the George Washington University study and it made me a little nervous, although I had taken the drug for so long without any real side-effects (until the very end of usage), I thought it was surely bogus or biased. So I just thought, I've quit before for several weeks to give my body a break and been just fine - I'll do it again and then feel better that this information and fuss about Post-finasteride syndrome isn't true or real.

        Symptoms are sort of difficult to explain, because this is not a problem in which you develop a few symptoms, it is truly a whole-body or hormonal system shutdown. I don’t want to list everything here, as it is personal (look in your PM Inbox for details). Overall, metabolism has slowed to almost a shut-down with all symptoms of a hypogonadal condition, even though my testosterone, estrogen, free T, etc.. levels all "show" to be in perfect normal range! So, my body responds as if my hormones are not there at all.

        The two studies being done right now, one at Baylor College of Medicine headed by world-renowned Dr. Mohit Khera and the other at Harvard University are both looking at the two most prevalent theories to describe what happens in PFS - that there is brain-damage (neurosteroid levels altered) and that the androgen receptors have become sensitized so that testosterone and DHT cannot be absorbed by the body anymore. They are beginning to think it is NOT only happening to men that have some sort of genetic pre-disposition - how do I know this? *Because Dr. Khera did genetic testing on me, testing my number of CAG repeats and mine were completely normal showing I was a "good responder" to propecia (which of course I was for a long time).

        The two studies by the way, are investigating and looking into almost EXACTLY what this comprehensive article (The 5ARI Withdrawal Syndrome) reports on. -->

        One more side-note: I ran across this article yesterday and it made me really feel for the loss of this family. This good-looking bright young man took propecia and his damage from the drug led him to a place of desperation and hopelessness. His family has asked that in lieu of flowers/cards, donations be sent to the Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation. He was a Doctor (PhD) and Professor of Criminal Justice, where he taught at University of North Texas. His story here -->


        • Karlton
          • Feb 2014
          • 54

          It definitely seems like there is growing evidence that some people's endocrine systems are permanently messed up by finasteride. It is disconcerting to say the least. I personally have benefitted, and continue to benefit from this drug, which makes the decision whether to continue treatment extremely difficult, in light of the recent PFS evidence.
          I have never had any issues, and I have my organs and hormones checked regularly. I planned on taking the drug forever, as crazy as that may sound to some people. I have shaved my head before, and I hate the way I look without hair. Finasteride has given me comfort over the years by keeping my recession at bay.
          Personally, I feel like the best thing I can do is to stay on the medication until more is known about the withdrawal and weaning off process. If this problem becomes more prevalent in the coming years, there are going to be hundreds of thousands of men affected, and the drug companies are going to have a serious sh*t -storm to deal with. If there are studies being conducted, then more information will begin to surface in the coming years, and we will eventually all know more about how to safely quit the medication if we choose, and what course of treatments may be necessary in conjunction with weaning off.
          I have thought about quitting, but I am just not ready to be bald first of all, and if it is likely that quitting will cause complications, I would like to see more of these scientific studies reach some kind of consensus
          on the best course of action before I simply stop the treatment on my own.


          • stan
            • Jun 2014
            • 49

            i think you shd ween off..... . you know reduce it to .25 daily, then twice a week, then constant doses below .2 mg and then intermittent and stop, over a period of 6 8 months maybe.


            • Karlton
              • Feb 2014
              • 54

              Originally posted by stan
              i think you shd ween off..... . you know reduce it to .25 daily, then twice a week, then constant doses below .2 mg and then intermittent and stop, over a period of 6 8 months maybe.
              I doubt I will ever quit, unless something better comes along. I was responding to Blakes33 , as he seems to be experiencing PFS.

              I do take the new evidence seriously, but I have no plans of quitting Fin. There's not enough evidence to suggest that everyone reacts badly over time. There are guys out there that have been taking 5mg for 20+ years with no sides.

              I agree that if one does decide to quit, it should be done very slowly


              • stan
                • Jun 2014
                • 49

                Originally posted by Karlton
                I doubt I will ever quit, unless something better comes along. I was responding to Blakes33 , as he seems to be experiencing PFS.

                I do take the new evidence seriously, but I have no plans of quitting Fin. There's not enough evidence to suggest that everyone reacts badly over time. There are guys out there that have been taking 5mg for 20+ years with no sides.

                I agree that if one does decide to quit, it should be done very slowly
                sorry that was for blake


                • Swooping
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2014
                  • 801

                  Thats why after long researching i opted for RU58841 instead of finasteride or dutasteride. I think the pharmalogical profile of RU58841 is WAY more efficient and better. Inhibiting 5ar2 systematically is pretty retarded as the only thing you need to do is stop binding to the androgen receptor locally. RU is eliminated and metabolized extremely fast to a very weak metabolite and the all studies have shown no systematic absorption in almost all cases.

                  Finasteride is taking a huge beating at the moment;

                  With aging, abnormal benign growth of the prostate results in benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) with concomitant lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Because the prostate is an androgen target tissue, and transforms testosterone into 5α-dihydrotestosterone (5α-DHT), a potent androgen, via 5α-reducta …

                  We report two cases of stroke associated with the use of finasteride at 1 mg/day, which is approved in Japan for the treatment of male-pattern hair loss. The first case involved a 35-year-old male taking 1 mg of finasteride daily for 6 months to prevent male-pattern hair loss. He was taken to a hosp …

                  Finasteride is an inhibitor of 5-α-reductase used against male androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Reported side effects of finasteride comprise sexual dysfunction including erectile dysfunction, male infertility, and loss of libido. Recently these effects were described as persistent in some subjects. Mol …

                  But conclusion is you are going to risk side effects whether that is fin, dut or ru. If you don't you are going to lose hair simple as that. That is until cb-03-01 comes out as that is devoid of side effects, theoretically at least.


                  • feinburgrl
                    Junior Member
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 13

                    I've been taking peopecia over 10 years and don't want to think what would happen if I stop


                    • stan
                      • Jun 2014
                      • 49

                      btw did anyone of you conceive a child??


                      • AfterHair
                        Doctor Representative
                        • May 2014
                        • 45

                        i quit after 2 years and then got catch up loss.. about a year later i restarted.. probably would have been ahead if i had never quit.
                        AfterHair is a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi

                        AfterHair's regimen includes:
                        HT #1 2710 grafts by Dr Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA in 2012
                        Rogaine foam 2xdaily, since 2012
                        Finasteride 1.25mg daily, since 2012


                        • Calvin
                          Junior Member
                          • May 2016
                          • 11

                          Stop taking this drug immediately!


                          • Calvin
                            Junior Member
                            • May 2016
                            • 11

                            I'm new to the site, I just started today. I've been on it for about eight years and just quit three days ago. I'm so scared because my side effects are already so bad. I never made the connection until just a few days ago. The side effects come on slowly but it all started with depression, anxiety, mental fogginess, and insomnia. Now I have horrific panic attacks that I'm one step away from going to the hospital. The thing that scares me is I hear it only gets worse and I don't know how much more I can take. This drug undoubtedly ruined my life. I'm so scared I could care less about my dick at this point. I'm afraid I'm going to die!


                            • burtandernie
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2012
                              • 1568

                              I think we need to keep in mind no one would be on it if something better existed. Instead of saying propecia does these bad things how about a real viable alternative treatment that works as well? Millions of people and doctors say propecia isnt good, but not one of them has any viable alternative. Talk is cheap and pointless. At the end of the day your going to keep losing hair without it.


                              • Calvin
                                Junior Member
                                • May 2016
                                • 11

                                Originally posted by burtandernie
                                I think we need to keep in mind no one would be on it if something better existed. Instead of saying propecia does these bad things how about a real viable alternative treatment that works as well? Millions of people and doctors say propecia isnt good, but not one of them has any viable alternative. Talk is cheap and pointless. At the end of the day your going to keep losing hair without it.
                                I understand the fear of going bald I do, but u don't understand what I'm trying to tell you. These side effects anxiety, depression, insomnia, joint pain, bowel issues, impotence slowley creep up on you WHILE you are still on the drug and believe me they are far worse than going bald. I almost checked myself into the emergency room several times in the past few months and I cant even imagine what's to come a few weeks from now if I experience this so called crash I'm terrified. I'm afraid I either wont live through it or I will never be the same again upstairs in my head. This drug does something to your mind and before you know it you wake up and you realize I'm not even the same person. I now suffer with debilitating terror attacks and I haven't even crashed yet. I'm scared! Trust me **** YOUR HAIR! It's not worth it bro!

