These shampoos are supposed to be much better for your hair and do now contain sls or those other bad chemicals.
Can anyone give me one that I can buy in Canada? (Please don't say Herbal Essences)
Also I stumbled across Live Clean which is supposed to be organic but then I found this post:
Basically saying that formaldehyde is a known carcinogen in Live Clean.
Does anyone have insight into Live Clean or formaldehyde and carcinogens? Anyone tried it? As of right now this is the only shampoo I know off that I can buy at a shoppers that doesn't have SLS or PEG.
Can anyone give me one that I can buy in Canada? (Please don't say Herbal Essences)
Also I stumbled across Live Clean which is supposed to be organic but then I found this post:
Basically saying that formaldehyde is a known carcinogen in Live Clean.
Does anyone have insight into Live Clean or formaldehyde and carcinogens? Anyone tried it? As of right now this is the only shampoo I know off that I can buy at a shoppers that doesn't have SLS or PEG.