Male Pattern Baldness Cured

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  • auglen
    • May 2011
    • 41

    I completely get your reasoning.
    I'm not too sure about the exact links here, a lot of those might not be completely valid.
    It's inevitable that it sparks a lot of controversy given how sex is so important to most people. If you went on to say how reducing fast food intake helped you to minimize hair loss people might not agree, but they definitely would not be all over you. Say it has to do with sex and they go crazy.

    Look, I have no idea if it will indeed work. We know castration works (100% at stopping, reversal perhaps slight), we know ejaculation affects the hormones, but have no reliable long term studies (too hard to conduct). There's only the short term effect on testosterone study that proves crap. (not only because of it being a short term study, but it can be interpreted to support either side).
    So it's not as if it's a sure thing, far from it. But there are valid reasons to think of looking into it.
    As some of you know I'm completely abstaining from any sexual activity whatsoever and I will keep you updated. As far as it goes I'm still not sure whether what I'm seeing is regrowth or miniaturization, perhaps in 3-4-5 months it shall be more obvious as those hairs go on growing.

    Want to try - try it, don't want to - don't, but god dammit don't call anybody that does stupid or call everyone on a non FDA approved treatment stupid.

    If I was trying out saw palmetto everybody would be OK about it, when you're trying something controversial you have to be careful about every single word because the haters will jump on you if you make a slightest mistake in your reasoning.
    I think you all should in fact encourage anything that sounds wacky too you, if we will keep on doing the same stuff we will find no cure, we have to have people trying new things and if you don't want to then why not have somebody else do that for you?

    If somebody want to put feces on his head go ahead, I'm not going to do that, but if you want to I want to know how it went along, I've got nothing to loose from listening to you.
    And ejaculation is very very far from the wacky category and far more reasonable then a lot of popular alternative treatments out there. Some people obviously just don't want that to be true, and hey I'm not surprised. I bet smokers didn't want the cancer thing to be true either, why would they? (and again being careful - please do not interpret it as in insult to your anybodies, I know many of you don't think it's going to work based on your logical reasoning and that's great. I'm only talking about haters here.)


    • Follicle Death Row
      Senior Member
      • May 2011
      • 1066

      Oh dear. I really hope the believers in this are in fact trolls. Yes castrated men never lose hair but DHT in the scalp is only the match that lights the fire so to speak. It is far more complex.


      • RichardDawkins
        • Jan 2011
        • 895

        Follicle Death i really hope so too because what they say here is way beyond anything and could be placed in the category of people who still believe

        "If you are bald your hair is dead and gone" not knowing its still there but minituarized.

        DHT is just the thing which keeps your stem cells to interact with each other.

        Can this fact be manipulated, yes it can in multiplie ways.

        Man i am so thankful that we have some options today and not so many of those obvious trolls here.

        Hair loss has nothing to do with you spanking your monkey or getting castrated good lord.

        The DHT prohibits the stem cells to work with each other and therefore the hair cant grow because of the lack of nutrious so to speak.

        If you restart this process then your hair will grow again its simple as that


          • Jun 2010
          • 35

          Trolls are pretty easy to spot, they have limited post counts and agree with bullshit ideas. Like some asshole with 4 post on a hair blog that took an intro biology class had a revelation that a licensed medical professional just whiffed on.

          Yeah, I know my post are low as well, but i'm not selling snake oil, I piss in it. The focus right now is the regenerative studies. If that works, as one poster said, i'll drink DHT smoothies.


          • David99
            Junior Member
            • Apr 2011
            • 5

            What I don't understand is how this is new, we all know there are some correlations between DHT and hair loss, for example weightlifters are more likely to lose hair. That doesn't mean all weightlifters will go bald, or if you're lazy and never have sex you'll definitely keep your hair! Surely everyone knows it's a bit more complicated than that?

            One thing is bothering me in particular, several times "castrated men never lose hair" has been stated as a fact, who the hell has measured that? Where did they get a significant number of castrated men from nowadays? Sounds like a very suspect fact to me.

            @ITNEVERRAINS my post count is low too, but I only ever have time to go on forums once every few months and prefer reading than speaking, does that make my opinions worth less? Don't really think so.


            • Follicle Death Row
              Senior Member
              • May 2011
              • 1066

              Originally posted by David99
              What I don't understand is how this is new, we all know there are some correlations between DHT and hair loss, for example weightlifters are more likely to lose hair. That doesn't mean all weightlifters will go bald, or if you're lazy and never have sex you'll definitely keep your hair! Surely everyone knows it's a bit more complicated than that?

              One thing is bothering me in particular, several times "castrated men never lose hair" has been stated as a fact, who the hell has measured that? Where did they get a significant number of castrated men from nowadays? Sounds like a very suspect fact to me.

              @ITNEVERRAINS my post count is low too, but I only ever have time to go on forums once every few months and prefer reading than speaking, does that make my opinions worth less? Don't really think so.
              It's true is so far as they will not lose hair due androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. In the 1950s a young man in a mental asylum was castrated in order to calm him. Meanwhile on the outside his twin brother lost hair over the years. In an experiment they then injected a castrated man with testosterone to see if it had an effect. Sure enough he began losing hair.

              There is a human model for those that are deficient in 5 alpha reductase, the enzyme that converts T to DHT. Many men in the Dominican Republic are born with this genetic condition. They don't go bald. Look it up.

              DHT binds to the androgen receptors in the hair follicle and this relays a signal on the problematic signalling pathway (in the wnt pathway). This causes the body to attack the hair follicles and thus miniturisation begins. It's actually very complex. As I've said before Histogen could probably induce robust growth tomorrow but what would be the side effects?


              • auglen
                • May 2011
                • 41

                I really don't know why you're calling us trolls. Nobody is screaming "you're bald because you're wanking". I have written a long post already and some more in my own topic so I won't reitterate here.
                Some of the haters have clearly not even read my post or the op's. Keep in mind that op's claims are a little different from mine, I only think what I've written myself. But I believe his intentions are very similiar. Of course he shouldn't have named the topic that way and is a little too certain, but still far from being a troll.
                It's great if you want to argue but lets resort to arguments not insults.
                I have simply stated why I believe it might have some effect (some effect, no not a cure). If you think there is a flaw in the logic that I presented please point it out. And there are probably many, so constructive criticism could help me rephrase it or perhapss totally dismiss the hypothesis.
                But please, don't be calling people trolls, it serves no puropse. It only invites flame wars. Lets keep the debate civil.


                • Infinity
                  Junior Member
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 9

                  DHT levels re: ejaculation

                  To answer your question "how much is too Much" (ejaculating). There is a chart in a book I have on Chinese medicine called Tao. The suggested rates are as follows:
                  Up to age 25, daily is permitted. There after, only 4=5 times per week. By age 40, 3 times er week, in your 50's twice per week and after age 60 no more often than once per week. So, the frequency on which you can ejaculate without suffering health consequences is directly related to your age. I didn't write this book I only read it, so please don't yell at me!

                  Now, can any of you tell me how I, a woman, can lower MY DHT levels? I'm going bald too! (And I almost never er..., ejaculate).


                  • RichardDawkins
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 895

                    Maybe you should masturbate then.


                    • auglen
                      • May 2011
                      • 41

                      Originally posted by Infinity
                      To answer your question "how much is too Much" (ejaculating). There is a chart in a book I have on Chinese medicine called Tao. The suggested rates are as follows:
                      Up to age 25, daily is permitted. There after, only 4=5 times per week. By age 40, 3 times er week, in your 50's twice per week and after age 60 no more often than once per week. So, the frequency on which you can ejaculate without suffering health consequences is directly related to your age. I didn't write this book I only read it, so please don't yell at me!

                      Now, can any of you tell me how I, a woman, can lower MY DHT levels? I'm going bald too! (And I almost never er..., ejaculate).
                      If we're on china already then I might add that there is an interesting Chinese celibacy/anti-masturbation forum (I know Chinese) where people claim various benefits to celibacy and stopping hair loss is one that they often claim. There's even a section on their forum solely devoted to that.

                      Too bad most of the people there are full of ideological beliefs and virtually none have any knowledge about male pattern baldness. So even though the number of people reporting gains might not be that small, but their quality is crap, so they are not to be believed. I'd rather have 3 smart individuals confirm it did something for them than a bigger bunch of Chinese idiots who have seen their hair regrow along with their face getting prettier (no not acne, some claimed they were getting uglier because of masturbating).
                      I have seen only maybe 1 or 2 people that here described it in a believable way, but still with some holes.

                      Hair loss being related to masturbation is a pretty common belief in China, common in the sense that it does not spark the controversy it does here, it's something a lot of people have heard of there. Which again is only reflective of Chinese societies attitude towards sex rather than the hypothesis being true. After all the masturbation causes blindness story has been around too.

                      What is more interesting is if their attitude towards masturbation does indeed make people do it less. If men in Asia really did masturbate much less it would be extremely interesting. The problem is the more negative the attitude is the harder it is to get the data.

                      Oh, and the option that there might be an optimal amount of masturbation/sexual activity is definitely not off the table. I'd say it's mostly about how it affects our hormones. And so far we don't really know much about it, so if masturbation can affect hair loss it does not automatically translate to no masturbation bringing the best results. The only study we have is the short term effect on T levels.
                      If it is about the optimal amount rather than abstaining as much as possible then it will be even harder to prove the relationship.


                      • BaldingBackwards
                        • Jun 2011
                        • 27

                        The main Idea slighty modified.

                        Im glad to see so many people responding to my topic. I have much more to report my original doubt came from a scientist from a research team who was very informed on the matter. Her doubt to me all though she said I made interesting points was that the circulating levels of DHT in men from bald and not don't vary. They are pretty much the same and have not found good evidence that cirulating levels matter. This first brought doubt but then revelation. They do not beileve DHT is circulating in and out of your hair follicle. No they already believe that DHT builds up in your hair follicle which is why you see minitureization happen which is your hair getting smaller and smaller as the follicle gets more and more clogged by DHT untill it stops getting your nutrient rich blood at all. So this is why they dont find cirulating levels because it doesnt ciruclate for long it gets clogged with blood ciruclation speeds through you entire body from 1-3 minutes you would have to test your DHT very quick after an ejaculation to test the amount. I have checked nobody has ever done that before but that didn't stop me. Did 6 tests. One before, One within a minute after, one two minutes later, one five minutes, and another ten minutes later. Just to follow up I did one more seven hours later. I never doubted the theory and the reason asians already know this is obvious if you compare there MPB rates with ours. I will post the results on here no later then Monday. And Greece did a 92 person study on this already the soldiers all in the early twentys had higher levels of DHT if they ejaculated more often. Also there has been another study out recently involving early signs of prostate cancer ironically early balding is that sign. Another good indicator is facial hair. I stated originally that DHT causes hair on other parts of your body, I was close but not quite. It is actually soley responsible for facial hair and usually your body puts out a high amount around 16 to begin the growth of facial hair. Unfortunately alot of kids also start in this country masturbating around that time. DHT spiking up is normal when your in the womb to promote your genitals growing they tell you to become a man ironically that large amount of DHT seems to affect women in my opion seeings how alot of women lose there hair and then grow it back after birth. I can't tell you all of this is concrete but I will tell you that if my tests come back the way I think then I would have to conclude my theory to be almost completeloy accurate. Thanks for reading everyonen I will let you know


                        • BaldingBackwards
                          • Jun 2011
                          • 27

                          Just to clarify

                          This is Research Never Fails


                          • auglen
                            • May 2011
                            • 41

                            How are you conducting the test yourself?
                            Do you have links to the Greek study?
                            What you wrote is a little messy.
                            Circulating levels do not matter and do not vary, but Greek soldiers that ejaculated more had higher circulating levels?

                            Very interesting, keep us posted.


                            • BaldingBackwards
                              • Jun 2011
                              • 27

                              No circulating levels would be up they tested multiple times per day. The link is at my work computer I will post it tomorrow. The thing that I am saying they have never tested is DHT blood levels right after ejaculation. I am testing that my self. I had my doctor order 15 DHT test this is very unsual as you would imagine she was at first skeptical. Anyway she went with it and I went to the lab gave blood the first time without ejaculating in two weeks on 6/10/2011.After I gave blood I asked to use the Restroom(safely and sanitarily ejaculated, washed my hands, and as I was counting gave blood for the second time 60 seconds after ejaculating at 11:12AM. The next blood draws were at 11:17, 11:25 and then again later at 7:30. I an no scientist but I also am no dummy and research at the lower level even in college student like me happens every day atleast my theory is testable.


                              • BaldingBackwards
                                • Jun 2011
                                • 27

                                Circulating levels only matter when your checking numerous times per day becase I imagine it takes some time for DHT to stop circulating after its bound to hair follicles and other parts of your body. So if they tested once a day and most people tested when maybe they hadnt ejaculated sense the day before or atleast hours later your wouldn't see the spike that would happen after ejaculation and the more often you do that and the less blood flow you get to your head to wash it out the faster or quicker you will go bald. This ant science but its testible so we will see.

