A Grieving Mother's Warning About Propecia

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  • the_charger
    • Apr 2011
    • 83

    There must be more to it because why do people taking the 5 mg Procar version get so many more side effects than the 1mg propecia version? I know its older guys on Proscar, but its still placebo controlled.. It pretty clearly shows that 5mg has more side effects than 1mg, and then when you go from 1 mg to 350 mg, it might be much worse. But on the other hand, I remember hearing when finasteride was first tested, some guys were on around 50mgs for months and didnt have any problems either.

    Still even if this study were actually sound, we cant say the exact same thing happens to humans. If it was really true, guys like Spencer who have been on it for 15 years would have probably no sexual function at all! It looks like all the rats that took finasteride had damaged penises. why dont all humans have the same thing? If our penises were all messed up like those rats, every guy that took propecia for even a little while would have major problems!


    • VictimOfDHT
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2011
      • 748

      I think the milk we buy at food stores does more harm to our bodies than propecia will ever do. And so do all the processed and canned foods, which are behind the skyrocketing cases of cancer yet nobody says anything about that. Heck, I'd be worried eating a hamburger at Mcdonald's than I'd be about taking propecia. Sheeple are selective about what to be afraid of and what not. It's all part of the brainwashing.


      • PropeciaVictim
        • Apr 2011
        • 97

        No, you can't say with 100% certainty that this study shows finasteride will impact humans in the same way, but it provides some evidence that cannot be clearly written off. If you want to make an educated decision, it is a factor you should consider. Propecia hasn't been around long enough to test its effect on the full human life cycle.

        Victim of DHT - You must be kidding. Milk is a natural source of nutrition for any mammalian infant. Big macs, while high in fat content and low in nutritious value, do not directly impact the endocrine, nervous, reproductive systems.


        • VictimOfDHT
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2011
          • 748

          Propeciavictim, no. You gotta be kidding. If you knew anything about "processed" milk you wouldn't be saying this. I'm NOT talking about natural "raw" milk. I'm talking about the shit we buy at stores. I dont need to say much. NO need to. The proof is out there. Why do you think so many people have cancer these days ? The shit we're eating and drinking is all CHEMICALS. Meats, veggies,...
          So being fat, or I should say obese like the 40% of the people in N. America is somehow less dangerous than some side effects that a few people here and there claim from taking propecia !! At least propecia is something you choose to do. Not so with the poison we're forced to eat BECAUSE we have no other choice.


          • PropeciaVictim
            • Apr 2011
            • 97

            Originally posted by VictimOfDHT
            At least propecia is something you choose to do. Not so with the poison we're forced to eat BECAUSE we have no other choice.
            Not quite sure the last time somebody forced me to eat a Big Mac or drink milk. Also can't remember the last time somebody committed suicide due to side effects cause by pasteurized milk or McDonald's. I really shouldn't have bothered to respond to this.


            • skipstah70
              • Dec 2008
              • 92

              Originally posted by Zao
              This is a very sad story indeed, but how can the media or anyone blame this kid’s death 100% on Propecia? How do we know how depressed he was before he took it? How do we know that he didn’t start taking the drug after being depressed about his hair loss and then began reading propeciahelp which can send anyone over the edge. There could have been a multitude of issues that led to this suicide. He had to have been very fragile to begin with, which does not minimize this tragic story, but probably played a big role in the kid’s death. When you’re 20 years old and depressed your mind can really run away with what you read on the internet. He might have thought that his side effects would never go away based on the stories on propeciahelp. It’s so sad because the odds are he would have recovered eventually. Does anyone know if he wrote about suicide on propeciahelp? Did the site owner contact the authorities if he did? This story breaks my heart.
              Hey Zao, he mighta.. blah blah blah. He mighta.. blah blah blah. He mighta blah blah blah.

              You know what else? He just might have really killed himself because of the ****ing reason stated in the story. Wake up and take a cue from all those in this forum who complain about sexual side effects from the drug, and stop trying to discredit/diminish anyone who has something critical to say about Propecia.


              • skipstah70
                • Dec 2008
                • 92

                Originally posted by Zao
                No one is ignoring these posts, but you have to put everything into perspective. This kid suffered from a rare self induced syndrome and took these medications at the same time. He was already mentally screwed up and probably spent a lot of time reading propeciahelp which might have made things even worse for him. If you really believe that this can happen to you, why not just stop taking Propecia? You’re not having side effects now, so you have nothing to worry about when you stop. If I were so afraid of it I would stop taking it. It’s a simple as that. It’s your choice, no one is putting a gun to your head to take it.
                Interesting, so.. from this perspective it almost sounds like you absolve the company of responsibility with regards to the product it produces. I'm sorry, but the responsibility of the hazzards of a drug are 100% the company's. It's their responsibility to test for, list, and pull of the market if neccessary because of adverse side effects.. especially if some are as serious or permanent as alleged. Even if this happens in a ridiculously small minority of those taking the drug, they are responsible.. not you!! What would you have told people who took thalidamide in the 50s?? "If you thought this drug would cause you any side effects, you should have just stop taking it??" Get real bud.


                • Mens Rea
                  • Apr 2011
                  • 35

                  Originally posted by the_charger
                  I cant understand how propecia could possibly permanently change the size of a guys penis, either erect or flacid.

                  When im nervous or cold of frightened or even feeling depressed, mine sure as hell shrinks.. and it can stay shrunken for a long while, even a day if im feeling in the dumps. I dont think this is hormonal, just the bodies natural response to emotional changes. but honestly I know next to nothing about hormones!

                  but when you get a full erection Mens Rea, isnt it regular size? or does this fluctuate? If you say its pencil thin, wouldn't it just be a result of not being able to get a full erection due to ED? Or is it sometimes full, but sometimes thin? I notice my erect penis is never the same size.
                  . When i'm REALLY horny during sex, its way bigger than any regular one I get on my own..

                  I also regularly see guys saying their testicles have shrunken less than half the size.. in some cases, smaller than peas! I know these physical symptoms are disturbing, but still, i've never seen proof of these things other than what guys describe on that forum. The only physical symptom i've ever seen medically documented is gyno, which is a well known symptom:

                  Im wondering where are all the articles like these that document all the guys with permanently broken penises, shrunken testicles, etc?

                  This sounds really gay, but I would like to see pictures also.. Lots of guys say their penises were permanently broken, bent, hard, shrunken, bleeding, etc.. It's all very scary stuff, but i've never seen a single shred of proof that any of this stuff is happening. I dont understand why that idea would be rejected. If all this stuff you guys are saying is true, it would be extremely convincing.. In fact if I saw a bunch of similarly messed up penis pictures, I would probably quit propecia on the spot!

                  I'm not saying you guys are lying, but you can probably understand why stuff like that is extremely hard for us all to believe. I really dont want to be a jackass saying this, but you guys are the ones coming out to tell the world all these things are happening, and that propecia is really dangerous. In order for us to actually believe you, there needs to be some hard and irrefutable evidence to back it up with. im not sure if I agree with all this stuff, but as Carl Segan said... "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"

                  Yes, it changes even when "fully" erect. Depending on a number of things. The girth has been 50% before. Clearly my penis hasn't literally shrank 50% because it could be bigger the very next day , but clearly something is very wrong.

                  Basically my penis can look completely different from one day to the next - you wouldn't think it belongs to the same person.

                  As for evidence etc. Well, tbh I'm not that bothered what random posters on hairloss sites think. I could spend my life trying to convince guys im telling the truth, but for what? Maybe someday i'll get fed up and take pictures but right now all i care about is getting better tand putting this all behind me.

                  As for people saying their testicles shrink. This isn't even all tha "out there" at all. If you have a hard to believing that you aren't really in the know whatsoever. Go on steroid forums and you'll see very similar things.


                  • Bakez
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 90

                    so maybe infact you are just trolling every hairloss site under the sun under different usernames

                    who is propeciavictim exactly? is he you as well?


                    • Mens Rea
                      • Apr 2011
                      • 35

                      Originally posted by Bakez
                      so maybe infact you are just trolling every hairloss site under the sun under different usernames

                      who is propeciavictim exactly? is he you as well?
                      How mature.

                      I use the same username on both PropeciaHelp and Hair loss talk.com. My profile couldn't be more transparent.

                      I don't what your normal day entails but I certainly have more exciting things to be doing than having multiple accounts of HAIRLOSS websites. Having one is depressing enough, particularly when having to interact with clowns like you.

                      Unlike you, I am normal in real life. I'm willing to bet you aren't. Noone without issues is such a big douche anonymously for no reason.

                      Again, please revist that other thread and stop trolling.


                      • Bakez
                        • Dec 2010
                        • 90

                        Well you have to be a ****ing thick **** if you actually do have these symptoms but can't be bothered to provide any proof of them when nobody on the planet believes you (other than Doctors who act like 8 year olds, sell their own 'hairloss' cream and love taking your money).


                        • Mens Rea
                          • Apr 2011
                          • 35

                          Originally posted by Bakez
                          Well you have to be a ****ing thick **** if you actually do have these symptoms but can't be bothered to provide any proof of them when nobody on the planet believes you (other than Doctors who act like 8 year olds, sell their own 'hairloss' cream and love taking your money).
                          I have posted my bloods on PH and written out my story in detail.

                          What more do you want? You aren't my doctor.

                          I have a GP, Endo and Urologist all on-side, I provide them with "proof". I'm not sure why i need to take pictures of my penis for some random internet posters. I've put the information out there for people to consider

                          Anyway my main issues are things difficult to prove. Sexual issues are difficult to prove. Watery semen? Prostrate Pain? Low libido? MERCK are hiding behind this grey area and have been for years. ED wasn't even recognised as a physical problme until recently. The medical world is embarassing behind the times in this area. That is where all this incredulity emanates from. Sad, really.

                          You're a "thick ****" if you think there are thousands of trolls scattered across the internet with stories about propecia messing up their sexual function etc. No smoke without fire.


                          • Mens Rea
                            • Apr 2011
                            • 35

                            Originally posted by Bakez
                            nobody on the planet believes you (other than Doctors who act like 8 year olds, sell their own 'hairloss' cream and love taking your money).
                            Says who?

                            Simply put, most top doctors haven't seen this yet.

                            Dr Irwig has and he believes it. He is top of the food chain. Not some random HT surgeon. He is a real Scientist. He has spent HUNDREDS of hours of his own time, for FREE, on the cause. That alone speaks volumes.

                            Dr Shippen, Dr Jacobs, Dr Goldstein, Professor Bouloux and many others are actively working on the finasteride puzzle. All top line doctors.

                            I spoke to Professor Bouloux for an hour on the phone about my own case. For Free. Just because he is interested in PFS. He has 40-50 other victims.

                            So how about you stop getting completely owned by me and do your homework?


                            • KeepTheHair
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 1215

                              Mens Rea, I believe you. I hope things get better for you and want to thank you for dedicating your time to sharing what you have so far.

                              Keep us updated in the coming time. How rare do you think these horrible side effects are?


                              • Mens Rea
                                • Apr 2011
                                • 35

                                Originally posted by KeepTheHair
                                Mens Rea, I believe you. I hope things get better for you and want to thank you for dedicating your time to sharing what you have so far.

                                Keep us updated in the coming time. How rare do you think these horrible side effects are?

                                Thanks man. I think/hope they will. I'm revamping things trying to get my body to recover.

                                It feels like my body's defaults have been reset though. When i try something new it usually works briefly and then things tail of back to my new "base". It's bizarre.

                                I will. I'm going to meet this guy tonight to discuss things: http://wallacedinsmore.com/ to see what he can do.

                                It really is personal torment as noone else really will understand. And the fact that PFS is so "out there" means you don't even get treated with the care you truly deserve. It's a lonely place but im not letting it stop me from doing everything in my power to heal (unlike alot of guys on PH who are defeatist).

                                Keep us updated in the coming time. How rare do you think these horrible side effects are?
                                The really bad cases like Randys? Surely 1 in 10,000 odd.
                                Guys somewhere in the middle? I believe about 1 in 1,000
                                Someone like me (no mental sides) - Maybe less, maybe 1 in 500.
                                Any sides? - I reckon atleast about 10% will get some traceable changes in their sexual function but most of these won't be problematic and even more will probably recover after cessation.

                                There is 10-15 guys on *** with similar issues to myself, all from fin. These guys were members when they started fin. Going by that maybe the incidences are higher than you might think, but maybe that's just a coincidence as less guys on here seem to report problems...

