think propecia is over for me?

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  • t-bone
    LoL...yes im trying!!


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  • Dr. Glenn Charles
    I certainly think 10 years is more than enough time to give medication a chance. Sorry about the 10 years bad sex life. Hopefully you are making up for it now.

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  • t-bone
    I used propecia for 10 yrs and had 10yrs bad sex life!!!!!! use beta sitosterol(doctor formulated) that is the only one that works for me 2 350mg am and same before bed..

    result is no hairloss and actually enhances sex..also with propecia my balls shrank was awful!!!

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  • Dr. Glenn Charles
    You have a few options. Stop taking medication all together, stop for a while until everything functions normally again and then try taking meds again, lowering the dosage, or continue and see if your body adjusts side effects subside.

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  • thejdizzle
    started a topic think propecia is over for me?

    think propecia is over for me?

    hey guys, been on propecia every other day for 10 days now, everything seemed to be going great, then i noticed i couldn't get another "hard on" hours later if you know what i mean...

    anyone else had problems with second erections which went away? really pissed off.