Minoxidil and anxiety/panic attacks

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  • Milomilo
    Junior Member
    • Apr 2018
    • 1

    Minoxidil and anxiety/panic attacks

    27 y.o. Doctor
    No medical/psych history.

    Hair loss began ~21 y.o. Now Norwood 3-4.

    Been on finasteride 3 years with good improvements. Started to notice thinning at crown more pronounced of late so purchased Regain to use on scalp alone.

    Have been using for 1 month now. Started to develop what felt like palpitations throughout the day. Heart felt slightly faster (90-100bpm) and what was particularly noticable was how hard the heart was pumping. Felt it moving in my chest even while working on the sofa or lying in bed.

    Nothing brings it on. Can be at rest.

    Went to conference this weekend and was preparing to raise my hand and answer a question when I slowly began to sweat, shake over my body like I was cold, and my heart pumped harder. I knew it was the start of a panic attack but I noticably tried to calm myself down rather than respond to the body cues I was getting. My mind was going cloudy and it was difficult to think.

    This was a scary experience and has never happened to me before. It is no coincidence in my mind that these palpitations throughout the day have contributed and hence it is all minoxidil related.

    I feel these palpitations lower the threshold for a panic attack as they contribute to the physical symptoms that trigger the panic attack cycle.

    What concerns me is reading forums of other patients who have reported this and seeing how people have dismissed them so quickly because it is not in the product literature. I will be submitting a yellow card report to the MHRA on this.

    I recommend patients who experience similar symptoms to visit their doctor for advice with this in mind.
  • Walrus1
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2018
    • 1

    Wow! This is exactly what I'm experiencing also. I have been using Minoxidil 5% for 2 months and have been getting 24/7 anxiety, brain fog and like my personality changed like I was depressed and have no spark at all. I thought I was losing my mind. I was blaming other things and didnt consider Regaine may be the cause. I'm also getting itchy rash around ear lobes, eyelids, cheek bones, eyebrows but nothing on scalp. I have had lifelong mild social anxiety which I'm used to but as you said it spot on "these palpitations lower the threshold for a panic attack as they contribute to the physical symptoms that trigger the panic attack cycle."
    Im getting really bad anxiety for no reason what so ever. I'm a very chilled relaxed person. So i feel massive relief that this may be the answer. I have only stopped using Regaine for 3 days.
    Does anyone know how long it would take from experience for anxiety/heart palpitations to go away??


    • AndrewGL
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2019
      • 2


      I had the exact same experience with Minoxidil.

      I started taking it January 2019 and very quickly my mental health went down hill.

      I had terrible anxiety, no sleep, panic attacks and suicidal thoughts.

      I had to go on medication.

      Instead of getting better it was getting worse.

      I got so bad that I couldn’t get out of bed to put on Minoxidil for three days. Then one day I woke up completely fine.

      I immediately put two and two together, and decided to stay off it. I’ve been fine ever since.

      This must be a rare side effect on some people. But in my experience Minoxidil can give you anxiety.


      • LarryIosa
        Junior Member
        • Apr 2019
        • 2

        I think that Minoxidil do nothing to start anxiety.


        • Andy321
          Junior Member
          • Apr 2019
          • 1

          Originally posted by LarryIosa
          I think that Minoxidil do nothing to start anxiety.
          It does in some people.


          • Mika
            Junior Member
            • Jun 2019
            • 1

            Similar to Walrus1 I'm a little introvert and not very comfortable doing or saying something in front of the group of people. I was always quite nervous before such things, though could handle it and do what was needed in a normal way.

            First time weird thing happened three weeks ago at the meeting with customer when I needed to present myself, which I did hundreds times in the past. But that time I felt my head got suddenly cool, as if something shocking just happened, my heart rate raced, veins on the head were pulsing and my tongue got numb just at the moment when I needed to speak. It went weird. My head was calm and I was completely surprised what shit was happening with my body, I couldn't control it and was very angry at myself for such reaction for a simple situation. In last two weeks similar things happened twice, in situations, which were slightly socially uncomfortable, but normal - presentation and meeting new people at a party.

            I also noticed that I get very fast overexcited during the argument, as if the hormones are pumped in a wrong way, more than it should be. So I started to think what could be the reason, what has been different in the last six months, as last social "tests" were that time and everything went well. Only medication I take regularly is regaine and I switched to higher concentration of 5% 4 months ago. I googled it and found immediately this thread. I'll stop using regaine straight away, will see, if it is the reason and if it will help. Anyway, I'm also going to check the hormones and endocrine system to exclude more serious things.


            • gambitrl7
              • Mar 2019
              • 42

              I had to give up for the exact same reason.

              Everytime I tried it (four times) I woke up each night with night sweats and palpitations.

              It's true that if taken into the body it can enlarge the heart and I have seen studies that even if used topically it can 'get in' My doctor theoriized that my problem stems from my high blood pressure and minoxidil getting into my system.


              • DonnaDickens
                Junior Member
                • Oct 2020
                • 9

                Originally posted by NathanJackson
                I suffered from panic attacks for a long time. I'm 34 and I thought this horror would never leave me. I spent several years on treatment that didn't work. I was plunged into despair, realizing that I could not cope with either life or work. I wanted to hide in a dark corner — and I hid in my fears. I started having panic attacks quite abruptly. They caught up with me unexpectedly and lasted from a few minutes to half an hour. My doctor advised me to try the cbd oil from Greenhouse cannabis as it helped many people. I decided and it really helped me too. The world began to change, my life began to change.
                Yes, it helped me too, you're good!


                • JackyeChin
                  Junior Member
                  • Apr 2021
                  • 2

                  I know this feelings, indeed it is awful when you can't control your body and mind.


                  • JeffCiney
                    Junior Member
                    • Apr 2021
                    • 1

                    I know this feeling. Indeed it is awful when you can't control your body and mind. Unfortunately, I had prolonged depression in quarantine, and I decided to take antidepressants until it grew into something more serious. So, I ordered Xanax without a prescription and started to take it in March. Indeed, the effect was perfect, and now I feel better. But it was a real problem for me to swallow the pill altogether. So, my friend recommended that I crush the tablet with a knife or grind it into powder before taking it. It's easier to drink it this way, and it doesn't induce a gag reflex or damage to the larynx.


                    • Raf
                      Junior Member
                      • Jun 2021
                      • 1

                      Hey guys

                      I had been taken rogaine minoxidil 5% liquid for a bit more than 2 months and all of a sudden - literally from one sec to the other - anxiety began. I‘ve never had any anxiety before, i‘ve always been super chilled.

                      I stopped taking minoxidil 6 weeks ago and started seeing a phsychologist. She said this may cause the problem.

                      Has anyone experienced the same? Did it recover after a while? And how long did it take until it fully recovered?



                      • sunjen1
                        Junior Member
                        • Mar 2022
                        • 1

                        Hi there
                        Reading your posts I had the same situation. Used minox 5% for 6 weeks. Started feeling palpitations mostly at night for 2 weeks, I was just ignoring them but the 3rd week I got panicky and the anxiety attack kicked in. Got checked for any heart issues and all Ok. I was dealing with awful anxiety for 2 months, I did try cbd drops for a couple of weeks but weren’t too effective. Finally I decided to see a doctor (Psychiatrist). She said the product could be the origin of my palpitations and anxiety. I was diagnosed with General anxiety disorder. Serotonin is being produced and or entering the cells too slowly hence allowing the anxiety and panic attacks to kick in. I’m on meds which are working. I can do my normal life again and soon we will taper off the meds and let mi body do the work alone. Guys From other forums I’ve read these symptoms can last various months so if it doesn’t go away soon don’t doubt to get help. Let us know how are you doing lately guys.


                        • Moltow
                          • Aug 2022
                          • 46

                          I think everyone deals with stress and anxiety from time to time, and it's great to have some safe, natural remedy on hand to quickly combat this condition. I advise you to try Fully Kratom, there are different nutritional supplements, powders, capsules here https://fullykratom.com/collections/bumble-bee. The good thing is that there are no side effects, and the only task is not to overdo it with the dosage.

